"i couldn't hear what they were chanting"

what are you, deaf? they were chanting fire isiah.


and you guys make good points. isiah is quick to fire coaches who couldn't make it work with his players, but he can't even make it work with his ownplayers. if this was someone else, isiah would have fired them by now. it's time for a change.
29 turnovers. 29 tunovers. 29 turnovers. 29 turnovers.

I have to write that *!+! out cause i still cant believe it...

29 TURNOVERS!!!!!!!!

TO THE $%$#%$# WARRIORS?!!!!! THAT HAS TO BE A MOTHA $%$#%$# JOKE!!!!

Not to diss the Warriors or anything, they are a very good team of which i respect alot. But defense isnt exactly their $%$#%$# fortey. Theyre a Don Nelsonteam! No Don Nelson team ever plays D.

Just to point out the Warriors have let up 100+ points in every game this season. They come into the Garden, and they get 29 $%$#%$# turnovers and we onlyscore 80 points.

Its not like we had 99 or anything we had $%$#%$# 80 to the worst defensive team in the league and 29 turnovers. This motha $%$#%$# team makes the team thatstarted last year look like the Spurs. Tonight i saw a team go out tonight and disgrase the stadium they played on, the jerseys they wore, etc. The same stadumwhere Willis Reed hobbled onto the court and won 2 titles in the 70s, the court where Ewing became a legend, where LJ hit his 4 point play and Houston hit afloater to beat the Heat, where john Stark went out and hustled his!!!@ off every time he touched the Garden floor he $%$#%$# worked his!!!@ off no matter thesituation. This team tonight disgrased the $%$#%$# Knicks. They do not deserve the right to even be near the Garden. If i were John Starks i would go up toevery one of them and punch their soft!%+%!* in the $%$#%$# mouth.

I'm not saying we need to be as good as all those teams, but to go out and just get beat down like that and just watch it happen is a disgrase. Any team inthe NBA could score 100 on Golden State. 80 $%$#%$# points, 29 turnovers, just pathetic.

Our defense was horrible. We pretty much just sat down and watched the Warriord jack up 3 after 3. They did not hit them that much in the 1st half, but theywerent gonna miss forever. but still Isiah felt no need to stress some peremiter defense, and we just watched them shoot all $%$#%$# night.

The offense is horrible. I cant stand this offensive scheme. This $%$#%$# scheme is worthless. We cant win dumping it into Curry every play. what the *#@$ areyou thinking Zeke? I think people are finally beginning to realize this. This motha ****a Isiah put the blind fold over most yalls eyes for 2 years now. But isaid it than and i will say it even more now. WE CANT WIN WITH CURRY AS THE VOCALE POINT OF OUR OFFENSE. I honestly cant remember one run we had that was ledby Eddy Curry in all the years he has been here. sure a couple of times he has contributed to runs, only because he was benefiting from good guard penetration.Really Curry doesnt do *!+!. Any guy his size can do it. He never starts anything on offense, all his points are from nice looks inside and once in a whilehell make a nice post move. He plays no D. He is just godawful. Trade him now. 3 $%$#%$# rebounds, i dont even want to go into that. This dude makes ChanningFrye look like Charles Oakley. Fact is it is very hard to build around a center offensively and win games. The fw times it has been done succesfuly was withguys like Wilt chamberlain and Bill Russell and also because everyone else was 6'6! Even shaq could bnever of done it alone, hes always had a good guardplay to help him out whether it was Penny or Kobe or Wade. I cant remember the last time a center has won it by getting it every time on offense. Maybe you canargue about Olojuwonand and Ewing in the 90s but they still had good guard play. And even if it was just than they are Hakeem Olojuwon and Patrick Ewing!!! 2sure Hall of Famers. Fact is we cant win with a Curry based offense. Its hard enough to win with a center based offense, but we have 0 chance with Curry. Zekeneeds to cut the $%$#%$# act, saying hes our franchise player and we need to build around him, etc. WE CANT!!! NO TEAM CAN BUILD AROUND THIS BUM!! TRADE HIMWHILE HE HAS SOME VALUE FOR DEFENSE! Thank you.

It is unfair to place all the blame on curry. You can find more life in a cemetery than in those who were rocking orange and blue on the court. Needless tosay, the lack of life on offense was 80% due to Isiah's "genius" plan of "Offense get the ball to Curry while everyone else standsaround." But even when Curry was out it was dead men walking. While Steph had a good statistical game, he needs to take games over. He would make a nicedrive or a shot than he would be lifeless. The guards need to start the runs and there was no sign of life in anyone today. Just an awful game.

This game was just pathetic simply put. Fire Isiah, get Kobe, get Artest, etc. I dont give a *!+!. Changes NEED to be made because this team is a disgraseright now. We need guys who can play hard and feel proud to wear the sacred orange and blue. Cause these dudes just disgrase it. Especially Curry. Zeke needsto go. Thank you and good night.


EDIT: "I thought our effort was good... we were just bad."

Was he at the game? His team sure wasnt. He probably want though, saying he didnt hear what they were saying. I would take anyone over this dude right now. Isupported and yall supported him through all this %!%$. Everyone calling him out, saying his extension was a joke, the @%%$$#+ lawsuit. Thats loyalty rightthere. And this is how this +++# repays us. I really want to support him right now, i was trying so hard during the game. Believe me all season i have beenavoiding dissing this team. it got me so pissed to hear everyone think of this team as trash during the offseason especially when i knwew they can be so goodand i still know now. But really i dont know how i can anymore. It kills me to diss the Knicks like this especially after only 10 games but this %@$! needs tobe said. I can even live with the 29 TOs and 80 points vs the worst defensive team in the NBA. I would still find a way to back up this team and Isiah as longas they were working hard. But to see this team disgrace the Garden floor and to see this team put 0 effort just make me want to hurt him. Like i said 1000000times, if thse dudes put in work for the Knicks and work hard every night for us i will defend them all day long no matter the circumstance even 80 points and29 TOs. But like i said to disgrace those people who did work their$+*!+$ off for us on the same floor: The Reeds, Fraziers, Ewings, Starks', etc. That icannot stand and that does not deserve to be backed up.
Originally Posted by eaglebball1499

And Eaglebball, I usually hate everything you have to say but i wholeheartedly agree with with everything you said.
Damn true blue, why the hate? Besides of course that you're a Knick guy and I'm a Heat guy.
At least that shows that I don't let the rivalry blind me. :8

Seriously though, it really is a damn shame that ya'll are such a laughing stock now. I didn't get to watch the game tonight, but just looking at the box score made me
; not only did Marbury start less than a week after going AWOL, calling out his coach's personal life, and supposedly having a new role on the bench, but he chucked up more shots than anyone else in a Knick uni. Imagine being a guy like Q-Rich or D-Lee, putting in work and not causing a stir, seeing your douche coach start a guy that nobody even wants on the team anymore and then have that guy jack up more shots than anyone else while you continue to be down by 20. I can't even image how frustrating it must be to be in that locker room right now.

First thing... Marbury took the most shots, yes. But the breakdown was Steph with 14, Craw with 13, and Z Bo with 12. Your analysis after peeping theboxscore is like the NY media these days: jumping on anything to bash the Knicks.

Second, this whole benching Steph, starting Steph business...

I honestly have NEVER, EVER seen a single thing in Mardy Collins to warrant him starting a pro game over Steph. That dude is the ultimate definition ofweaksauce. I've never seen him warm it up from the field, never saw him out-hustle anyone, never saw him try to pump up the crowd, never viciously dunkedon anyone, never played lock-down D for an extended period of time, and never displayed ANY type of flair (nice assists) for a pg.

His statline tonight? 0-2, 1 assist, 2 boards, FOUR turnovers, 0 points in 17 minutes.

And his career high of 23 points is
. He's also unathletic (asevidenced by the number he has for most blocks in a game: ONE!).

Seriously, why do some of you like this dude?

No, for real. Someone tell me.
I really have no answer to that one, I never was fond of ol boy. He turns the ball over way too many times, and doesn't provide offense OR get the ball toothers when its necessary.
^^Not to hate but he was averagin a near tripple double in April last year and was showing very promising signs

He is a 6'6 PG with a raw but smart offensive game and he IS athletic and a very good defenser and he always has been.

Although i agree that Zeke should have never started him, you have to try and develop a guy like Mady Collins, he can become a VERY solid PG if hes developedproperly.

But i also agree with you at this dude trying to bash on Steph. He shoulda been more aggressive tonight. Whe he drove was the only kind of offense we had allnight and he had a decent fg% (6-14) but he got fouled alot when he drove and he always does. Steph is relentless when he drives and we NEED to see more ofthan and less Curry %#@#.
No, for real. Someone tell me.

Because he played a ton of garbage minutes and accumulated some stats at the end of last season.

Starting Collins over Steph is laughable. Mardy doesn't know the offense (the Knicks don't have one anyway), is too slow at that position, isn't agood passer, and for his size, doesn't rebound well.
SHUGES wrote:

I honestly have NEVER, EVER seen a single thing in Mardy Collins to warrant him starting a pro game over Steph. That dude is the ultimate definition of weaksauce. I've never seen him warm it up from the field, never saw him out-hustle anyone, never saw him try to pump up the crowd, never viciously dunked on anyone, never played lock-down D for an extended period of time, and never displayed ANY type of flair (nice assists) for a pg.


I concur. I dont even think he has any business in the NBA but some people see some kind of upside in him. All I see him do is make that same entry bouncepass to the post every time he gets the ball. Doesn't matter if the post player is triple teamed and has no shot of catching the pass....he going to do hispart and make that pass. He seems at home on the bench.
This motha $%$#%$# team makes the team that started last year look like the Spurs.
If i were John Starks i would go up to every one of them and punch their soft!%+%!* in the $%$#%$# mouth.
This dude makes Channing Frye look like Charles Oakley.

Top quality rant THE GR8. 2 thumbs up.
Eagleball, suprisingly I found myself agreeing with some of the points you've made in this thread about the Knicks. Although a part of me thinks you aretaking some pleasure in the Knicks turmoil.

Anyway, you shouldn't analyze a game by the box score, I'll be the 1st to admit Steph has done and said some ridiculously stupid things, but if youwatched tonights game he definately wasn't the problem. He played hard, smart and unselfish until the very end even down 20+ in the 4th, if anything heshould have been more aggressive...
*hangs head in shame*

Dolan needs to go. Thomas needs to go to.

we need someone with a proven track record of success @ the GM. (paging Jerry West or Jerry colangelo)
justhotkicks wrote: Starting Collins over Steph is laughable. Mardy doesn't know the offense (the Knicks don't have one anyway)

I wouldnt say that their always is Isiah's gnius plan of Offense dump it into fat@%$@ every time

For real yalls are making alot of good points on mardy. Things that i have realized as well. It is true that he has NO buisness in starting, even over Nate.But he is still a 6'6 PG, pretty smart, and a good defender. You cant give up on a 6'6 PG just yet. and although people do overate him b/c of thegarbage mins. It was still NBA mins and to average a near tripple double in NBA mins as a rookie is still pretty impressive.
Eagleball, suprisingly I found myself agreeing with some of the points you've made in this thread about the Knicks. Although a part of me thinks you are taking some pleasure in the Knicks turmoil.

Anyway, you shouldn't analyze a game by the box score, I'll be the 1st to admit Steph has done and said some ridiculously stupid things, but if you watched tonights game he definately wasn't the problem. He played hard, smart and unselfish until the very end even down 20+ in the 4th, if anything he should have been more aggressive...

Well maybe just a little pleasure...
Just messin'. For the most part. Seriously though, I've always been more of theroot for my team than against other teams type of guy. Now do I want the Heat to beat the hell out of the Knicks so bad every time they play that they try toexhume the mummified remains of Allan Houston, Patrick Ewing, Larry Johnson, and John starks? Hell yes.
But at the end of the day it's just sports man. Nothing personal against Knick fans orNYC. I've actually been to NYC twice on vacation and have loved both trips; amazing city and experience. Anyhow, I digress.
And hell, I'm in no position to gloat right now either with the way my Heat have startedthe season.

I know I shouldn't be analyzing the game by the box score, and I'm really not trying to. Like I said, I didn't watch the game so I just checked thefinal lines. I understand the distribution was pretty close among Steph, Crawford, and Z-Bo, but one shot more is one shot more, and the fact of the matter isthat he (Marbury) did take the most shots out there. Now obviously I can't say if they were good or bad shots, but I can't help but ponder that someguys in that locker room must be feeling pretty frustrated with the fact that for all the distractions and destruction Marbury has been in the center of thisseason, coach is still letting him walk all over him, wink at the camera as if to say "eff you," etc.

The Knicks need to clean house already so we can get back to having some meaningful grudge matches.

Someone took the time out to make a Mardi Collins highlight reel.


Oh man...Ive seen it all now.

They tried to slo-mo the most regular lookin play to add drama.


Did you make that tommykairaa?
Mardy Collins = Eric Snow
He's a PG who can play some D, but it only works if the rest of the team plays D. We haven't had any inside blocking threat since we traded MarcusCamby which is a big problem. Also trading Kurt Thomas to apease Marbury was bad too. Those are the kind of players we need. Knicks should've made a run atTheo Ratliff when they had the chance. This season is a disgrace. I wanted to go to some games this year but I refuse to support this squad
TO THE $%$#%$# WARRIORS?!!!!! THAT HAS TO BE A MOTHA $%$#%$# JOKE!!!!

Not to diss the Warriors or anything, they are a very good team of which i respect alot. But defense isnt exactly their $%$#%$# fortey. Theyre a Don Nelson team! No Don Nelson team ever plays D.
Thats where you are wrong. They might not give up the least amount points but they play the kind of defense that causes turnovers. Baron lead theleague in steals last season. They play scrappy defense that forces turnovers. Warriors were near the top in steals last season and blocks this season i think.We havent got many steals this season but thats beacuse with Jackson in the line-up make a lot a difference, he makes us a better defensive team. So don'tbe surprised if we made the Knicks force a lot of TO's.
Good gamethough.
This game was just pathetic simply put. Fire Isiah, get Kobe
good call. i'll drink to that.

it's time to get UNDER the cap, stock draft picks, and make wise front office decisions. however, i'm not an idiot, and i understand that getting underthe cap makes too much sense for the morons who run our team. we'll be mediocre forever.

hopefully this team can somehow turn this thing around. two weeks ago we were all hyped for this team, and now it's all gone. hopefully we can get thatback. we were two injuries away from making the playoffs last year. how did we get so bad, so quickly? this is the same team minus charmin frye with anaddition of zach. why is this team playing an expansion team right now? something isn't right. i still have hope. it's not much, but dammit, i stillthink that something can happen. this isn't a bad team.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze


Someone took the time out to make a Mardi Collins highlight reel.


Oh man...Ive seen it all now.

They tried to slo-mo the most regular lookin play to add drama.


I saw a bunch of teardrops, some jumpers, and a clip of him smiling in practice. Wtf.

Out of all those clips, I saw like 2 NICE passes. And no dunks ON anyone (for a 6'6 guard).

He DID have a couple of nice strips though.

But that "highlight" reel looks more like it's for a dude at the local park.

Quite honestly, Jamal Tinsley probably has a similar reel.
do we have a first round pick this year? or did we somehow manage to deal that away too...
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