I know alot of us are mad and it was good to hear the fans chanting last night. However, we want the wrong person to be fired. The person that HAS to go inorder for their to be any change and stability in the Knicks organization is Dolan. The Knicks may be a playoff team with him running the show but they willnever be a true championship contender as long as he is there. All Dolan cares about is filling up the seats....he does not care about what the fans want andthat is winning. We need to start chanting FIRE DOLAN!! Maybe the commissioner will pay attention to that.
BullsRepeat3Peat wrote:They never knocked Tony Parker on his butt.
exactly why this dude Oak is ma boi, and i would love to have him somewhere in the Knicks organization. And each bums like Cheeseburger Eddy(yhink it will spread?) to be tough and play some fucing defense.

BullsRepeat3Peat wrote:man what's up with the organization holding grudges against former legends? I heard Oak and Ewing were upset about not being called for an assistant coaching job

As they should be, this organization is a disgrace to the Knicks.

FlatbushFiyah23 wrote:I dont care what these Warrior fans say about getting guys are not good defensively. I don't care how many steals you get giving up over 100 is not good defense.

Right on there son. I dont give a ++*+ what these GS fans are saying. Fact is you guys are the worst defensive team in the league statwise and you have let up100+ points every game so far this season. For us to get 80 out there tonight is disgraceful. As i said much times before and yalls are finally starting torealize our offensive scheme is pathetic. We will never win getting it into curry, no one does anyything. What we need is an Xs and Os coach like Brown but onethat will adjust to the players needs and let the players do their own style unlike Larry Brown. i would like a good young coach to bring some fire. Kinda likewhat Avery Johnson did when he took over the Mavs or what Lawrence Frank did with the Nets (i remember they went on a 15 game WS when he took over) I'mthinking a Ewing or Mark Jackson as our coach (i wouldnt even mind Herb Williams) any coach that wouldnt kill us cap wise and wont be ******ed and bring somefire. Any GM other than Isiah will do right now. I would love Mark Jackson as our coach though. I'm convinced that he is bound to be a great head coachsome day and he would bring some fire from our guys. He is also and always has been a very basketball smart guy and will run good offenses that would be basedaround guards and some post play (just not 100%). Also as for the 29 turnovers. 15 turnovers is bad but to double that...
Thats bad for any team, but like isaid i respect yalls alot, but offensively. Sure you play a little scrappy and come away with some steals, but in no ways are you guysgood at defense. Like maboi FlatbushFiyah said if allowing 100 points is considered good defense nowadays the NBA has gone even further downhill than i thought. Back n the day if youwere averaging 100 points per game let up you were sure to be fired. Sure Baron steals but how muh can he average 2 a game? To get 29 turnovers is a disgrace,but its even woorse for it to happen on our homecourt to a poor DEFENSIVE team.

FlatbushFiyah23 wrote: know alot of us are mad and it was good to hear the fans chanting last night. However, we want the wrong person to be fired. The person that HAS to go in order for their to be any change and stability in the Knicks organization is Dolan. The Knicks may be a playoff team with him running the show but they will never be a true championship contender as long as he is there. All Dolan cares about is filling up the seats....he does not care about what the fans want and that is winning. We need to start chanting FIRE DOLAN!! Maybe the commissioner will pay attention to that.

FlatbushFiyah, i agree with you once again, and i definitly think more blame goes to Dolan than Isiah. But we also have to consider that we cant do anythingabout Dolan. Unless his *#@!+@! rich**+@ daddy can remove his son we are stuck with him. His only way out is death, and unless that happens it is pointless totry and get him off the Knicks. Fact is though it was him thaty brought Isiah, and Isiah is doing everyhting wrong witht this team not Dolan. Sure he broughtin talent and this team can be good, but he is doing everything wrong. Switching the lineups was a moronic move and is what started this mess. His stupid**+@offense and lack of defense is what is continuing it. And although that was also in place last year and i could live with that because the players respectedhim and played hard for him, so i backed up and supported Isiah... but he has lost that as well, and right now he is worthless to this team and usuallycoaching is overated at times. They get too much ++*+ for losses and too much credit for wins, but this losing streak is 95% Isiah's losing streak. HE HASTO GO ASAP.
^I agree my dude. Great points. However a strong message has to be sent in order for Isiah or Dolan to go.

I just want to know what we as fans can do to protest? My problem with fans protesting is that we are never really organized enough. If we all stopped tuninginto MSG or stopped attending the games maybe Dolan or even Stern would get the message. I truly believe if the fans sent a strong message Stern would step inand take control of the team. As I said before nobody will care (especially Dolan) as long as the seats are being filled.

I don't know how we as fans could organize this yet but we have to hit Dolan where it hurts (his pockets). I hate not supporting my team and the playersbecause its not really their fault. But how else can we get our frustration across to upper management?!
omg this team is a laughing stock

even jodi applegate was getting in some jabs this morning

do the good day!
Steven A and Walton got in some jabs just now too I'm sure. I missed most of what they said during Fastbreak though.
Wow Turkey of The Year?

Thats questionable. I dont think he should get it over dudes like Vick or Pacman or Marion Jones or Donaghy. Thats just more media overeaction to the Knicks.At least he still has his job. Although hopfully not for much longer.
At least we actually have our draft pick this year.

It's a protected pick, right? I think if we make the playoffs it goes to Utah.
Dave Lee needs to be in the starting lineup. Q-Rich is more comfortable being a 6th man. Plus he's need to heal up.

We had that epic game with Detroit last season, so lets see how this game turns out.

I think dudes are going to put up a hell of a fight tonight, for some reason.
Yo for real....I have seen Junior HS JV teams with better offensive and defensive execution than the Knicks. They can't be that just somethingphyscoligically goin on with this team.

They just need to flip that switch and play up to their talent.

This team should be good but we play too much 1-man basketball.
Yo this team just doesnt click, theres no chemistry. I dont care how much talent if you have if players cant function well together theres no hope, and rightthe knicks look terrible. It's almost like in the park when u put together your 5 and you end up losing and everybody says how'd we lose that game itsbecause of no chemistry and thats what the knicks have become.
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