This is embarrasing, but enough with the "Fire Isiah" Chants. He isn't the one out there throwing awful passes and taking guys 3 on 1. Idon't want to hear about "he's lost the team". What have any of these guys ever won/accomplished, to be quitting on the coach?(not sayingthey necessarily have) they're professionals and are paid to do a job.

Go out there execute the game plan, play smart and compete, that's what NY Knicks basketball was and should be about...
Isiah is the one who brought these players who play no defense over here.

He should stick to drafting players and thats it.
This is a joke.

We got Zach Randolph literally walking up court after a turnover.
^^I doubt dolan is going anyway for a while.
I need to get on my pc and put that fire isiah avy on
@ Mbenga's dunk attempt.

Why isn't Nate out there? He brought great energy and brought the team back in the first half.
Right now I am so disgusted. How does this team come home after what happened last week and not play with ANY passion at all?!
And Eaglebball, I usually hate everything you have to say but i wholeheartedly agree with with everything you said.
Damn true blue, why the hate? Besides of course that you're a Knick guy and I'm a Heat guy.
At least that shows that I don't let the rivalry blind me. :8

Seriously though, it really is a damn shame that ya'll are such a laughing stock now. I didn't get to watch the game tonight, but just looking at thebox score made me
; not only did Marbury start less than a week after going AWOL, calling out his coach's personal life, and supposedly having a newrole on the bench, but he chucked up more shots than anyone else in a Knick uni. Imagine being a guy like Q-Rich or D-Lee, putting in work and not causing astir, seeing your douche coach start a guy that nobody even wants on the team anymore and then have that guy jack up more shots than anyone else while youcontinue to be down by 20. I can't even image how frustrating it must be to be in that locker room right now.
AT LEAST ZEKE could be honest in that interview; "We deserved the boos, I deserved it".

"I thought our effort was good... we were just bad."
except for that line
I was like%$!+ do u mean our effort...what game wereYOU watching?

its all good fam
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