at everyone thinking we have a chance at OJ
Flatbush! Damn homie , haven't seen u in here in a minute.... butyea i think Love is a def. reach at 3, but if you want someone bad enough, u take him no matter what anyone else thinks
Dex! Fix those computer problems?

I think we'll end up with the Italian kid, too. Hopefuly he pans out.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for OJ or a move to a higher pick.
hey does anyone know anything on Russell Westbrook out of UCLA?? is he worth a top 10 pick? they have him goin to the bucks at 8 .....didnt watch UCLA too muchthis season.. anybody have any info/ scouting reports?
theres still hope fellas

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]But there's a hitch. A Sunssource swore to me Tuesday night that when they showed D'Antoni tape of Gallinari during the year, he wasn't a fan. "Mike saidhe's just not sure the kid has what it takes to make it in the NBA," the source said. "He said he'd be very nervous picking him in themid-first round. I doubt he's become converted since he joined the Knicks."[/font]
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Another source made an even more compelling argument: "Whether Mike loves him or hates him, Donnie Walsh is making this pick. He's theguy who has to take the heat and he's not going to pass that decision on to anyone else. What matters most is whether Donnie likes him."[/font]

sigh of relief.

Donnie's credible so.........................

but Mayo would be a legit star in a few years in NY. and i'm just looking @ it from a marketing standpoint. but all that aside, dude would do well. ifhe's still around, we NEED to take him
Westbrook would give us defense...

but he absolutely can't run the point with D'Antoni.
Yeah, little suspension.
"Knicks fans are delusional"

"No you ________"

...Didn't fly

....With Mayo I'm kinda torn on him and Bayless. I really feel Bayless has as good of an upside. If not better. Plus just watching the two...Bayless has alittle more fire.

But OJ as of right now has a better game.
I gota see what he looks like this year....cause I think we're seeing a career being brought to halt rather quickly a la Penny.
#3 will definitely be available for him to wear by then.

If we can't get Mayo or Bayless, I'm not even really sure who I want. I'll just hope for a good player who can contribute in the next year or two.I don't see any star's in this class outside of Rose, Beasley, Mayo, and borderline Bayless.

So whatever. I'm absolutely disheartened.
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