This dude Cake.
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

^^ are you serious?

Knicks fans are probably one of the more knowledgable fans in this league. For you to say we're delusional you lose a lot of credibility. Come to a Knicks game and see how Delusional we are.

EDIT: JVG is still salty over what happened with that 1999 NBA draft. Drafting Weis instead of Artest.

Preach son, dont get the fans of a team mixed up with the media/management of a team. Us Knicks fans usually know whats good but our managemnt justcontinues to dissapoint us. The only time that i can think of where us Knicks fans were truly wrong is when most Knicks fans (including myself) were hyping usup at the beginning of this year (and i still think it could have worked if it werent for a number of dumb things by Isiah starting with benching Marbury, buti will still say to this day that this team wasnt as bad as they seemed this year its just that after all that +*$@ that happened after we were decent in thebeginning of the year the whole team's confidence, motivation, and faith in Isiah diasappeared... Oh yeah and also the belief that some had that Currycould be a franchise center (and that does not include myself. But overall us Knicks fans are pretty knowledgable, its just the rest of the city(management/media) that is so damn *+*@$@% ******ed.

at JVG hes still a Knick

welcome back allen... i feel your pain dude, you shoulda seen meat the night of the lottery i was up till 1 in the morning on the phone with people cussing off the bulls and +*$@. I swear i couldnt count the # of times"the *+*@$@% Bulls" came outt of my mouth that night.
I rather have DeAndre Jordan than Anthony Randolph. Jordan's going to be the truth and would fit in well in D'antoni's system.
I always liked JVG...but after hearing him say "we" passed on Artest...I like him a little more...and I know you guys remember the other day duringthe Cleveland game, him talking about if his team wouldve got beat down the floor like Cleveland just did he would have went ballistic on them (or something tothat extent)...thats what I wish we had...::sigh::...

...MAN I wish this guy was our coach again...
If we get #6 and OJ is available, we better take him. It would be almost the equivalent of passing up Artest for Weis. I mean son is the truth, he can straightup play, and he can pretty much do it all. I think he can be a great PG as well. I mean i think he would do well with D'Antoni, but if not who gives a#@!%? Im not passing up on a franchise player because he dont fit in with a coach that we shouldnt have gotten in the 1st place. i hate how everybody says wellhe wont fit into D'Antoni or whatever. Who $!@!@%$ cares, he'll deal with it for 2-3 years and than we get a coach that can deal with him. Thats whyD'Antoni was stupid we dont have the players to mesh up with him and we are paying him that much $ on a rebuilding team./ That kind of $ should be given tohigh profile coaches on good teams that need the coach to contend for a championship. D'Antoni wont last.

But if we dont get Mayo, i want DJ augustine. i think he can be great. He is lightning quick and his basketball IQ is off the charts, he can shoot also. And ifyou do the whole D'Antoni thing he is perfect for him. He says his idol is Steve Nash. If OJ is gone i honestly would not even mind taking him at 6 to besafe (but id rather trade down to maybe clear cap space and get another pick). I see him as a poor mans Chris Paul.
I'm hoping that this guy gets picked before 6th
sick.gif looks likehe's lock to be a knick SMH...then again if OJ Mayo is available, then we're SAFE

[h3]By MARC BERMAN[/h3]

Good fit for Knicks?

May 27, 2008 -- Vittori Gallinari, father of the Italian Stallion, Danilo, and former teammate of Mike D'Antoni, told The Post from Italy yesterdayhe's rooting for the Knicks to select his son in the June 26 draft.

Vittori played nine seasons with D'Antoni on Milan. He feels the 19-year-old, 6-foot-10 small forward prodigy would have the most success playing underhis former mate. The Knicks select sixth, and if O.J. Mayo is off the board, Gallinari is a candidate who will be considered.

"When Mike was playing, he felt like a coach on the court," Vittori said in a phone interview yesterday. "He was a playmaker but I alwaysknew when he stopped playing, he would get a job as a coach. I'd be really happy if my son could be coached by Mike. I know he can speak Italian to him,which is important. I don't know if it will happen, but I'd be happy."

Though invited, the younger Gallinari can't attend this week's pre-draft camp in Orlando in which the lottery hopefuls are given physicals andstrength/fitness tests. Last night, Gallinari's Armani Milan club faced elimination in the Italian League playoffs.

According to Vittori, Danilo will travel to the U.S. on June 6 for private workouts with teams, but will be selective. Gallinari will workout for the Knicks and only a handful of others.

"We're not going to move around too much," said Vittori. "We'll select just a few teams, the Knicks for sure. New Yorkis a good city of many Italian people, which makes it more interesting for us."

Vittorio said he saw reassigned Isiah Thomas at a couple of Gallinari's games two weeks ago and also Nets GM Kiki Vandeweghe lastmonth.

Gallinari has been compared to Toni Kukoc.

"He's like a point forward, he can defend the five, he can play everywhere on the court," Vittorio said. "Mikeknows the level of player in Europe and if a player is getting 35 minutes a game in Italian championships, he knows he can play."
As the pre-draft camp begins tonight at Disney's Milk House, the Knicks are in flux with their scouting department. Walsh still islooking to revamp the front office. It's unclear who's showing up to Orlando. (Thomas has not been invited). Senior VP Glen Grunwald, running thedraft, will be on hand, but is likely to be replaced by a new GM this summer. The scouts on board are from the Thomas regime. Donnie Walsh won't arrivetill Thursday and could use the event more as a job fair.

While lottery picks, Derrick Rose, Michael Beasley, Brook Lopez, Anthony Randolph, Jerryd Bayless, D.J. Augustin and Mayo will be put through tests, thegame participants are late first- and second-round picks. The Knicks do not have a second-round pick in this year's draft.

[email protected]
^^i think hes sayibng that if we draft gallnari he will go MIA and be a bust like Weis and we will regret not taking someone worthy
Originally Posted by THE GR8

^^i think hes sayibng that if we draft gallnari he will go MIA and be a bust like Weis and we will regret not taking someone worthy
i think he was trying to make fun of knicks past draft choices by posting up a gif of fredric weis who he mistook for this italian guy and realized how*edit* his attempt failed so he deleted his post.

non-knicks fans in the official NYK post FTMFL x 100000000000
^by all means please just saying if a non-knick fan is gonna come in here with an attempt to drop knowledge or flame our team at least come corrector bring some new or accurate news....dont come in thinking you're gonna be funny and post about something we were talking about 50 pages ago or with gifsof the wrong players cuz you're not gonna get one by us
I post where I damn well please... But I will say that while I hope y'all don't draft juice, I do hope that y'all get someone who will developeinto a decent player. While its fun exploiting how you guys are horrible I do miss the competitive series we used to have
Originally Posted by TypeRPinoY

^by all means please just saying if a non-knick fan is gonna come in here with an attempt to drop knowledge or flame our team at least come correct or bring some new or accurate news....dont come in thinking you're gonna be funny and post about something we were talking about 50 pages ago or with gifs of the wrong players cuz you're not gonna get one by us


I was joking.


But yeah, I feel ya...
Looking at things objectively...and taking my liking for college hoops and the players involved outa the equation...

The foreign kid could by all means be very good.

I think with the sudden surge of foreigners that were drafted a few years ago and with a lot being busts everyone is not gona be sold on any of em, really.

But their still have been plenty of successful imports.

I can't comment cause I haven't seen anything of him.

If he ends up being the pick...just have to wait and see.
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