On the real though...That Blazer lineup with a halfway decent PG (they got Sergio Rodriguez comin over soon supposedly) would be disgusting...

Im pretty sure Beas projects to the 4 but he could see time at the 3 I

As far as Knick coaches...Carlisle is my personal choice...I agree with the comments about not really having good Defensive personnel (minus Balkman and Lee toa lesser extent (I unlike many, feel he IS a good low post defender) ). But Rick would do good I think.

My order of preference...
1. Carlisle
2. Jax
3. Avery
3. D'Antoni (admittedly cause I dont like dude cause he ALWAYS complains on the sideline)

Seriously though, I wont be mad at any of the 4 if they get hired...
just say no to d'antoni. i like avery johnson too, but not for the knicks.

knicks need a tough coach (and assistant coaching staff) who exerts discipline and emphasizes physicality without going overboard or losing control. need totake it back to take no crap knicks style of the 90's. i'd love to see mark jackson, kenny the jet, oakley and people like them on the bench supportingthe head coach. it would definitely boost morale and provide motivation

paul silas would be nice as a head coach though not sure how much of a chance they would have

i have no clue with regard to new player pickups coming out of the draft though. i'm lost on that part
Beasley is like, the definition of a 3/4 Combo....

Beasley is EQUAL parts 3 and 4. Its actually pretty sickening and unfair....\

Can't wait to see him in the L....Regardless of who he plays for....
You aint lyin dre...

On a side note...jus seen Mills and Walsh walkin down the hallway together...Obviously I never would, but I really wanna jus go up to them and be whodo YOU think is gonna coach the team next year lol...

**Edit** - Hit the century mark baby!! only took me a few
Originally Posted by allen3xis

My question is to lay that foundation...why would it make any sense to pass over proven guys (COY's)...for a guy who's never coached a team.

Because we aint gonna win anyway so why bring in and therefore pay for a COY and a COY salary.

Like i say we dont need a vet coach we need a younger coach like Jax someone who is flexible and will cnnect withthese guys and maybe get them to play someD. I honestly believe Jackson could be a greta coach for the Knicks he has that NYC swag. I would get the guy with no experience because he will pick things upwhen we are losing, honestly Walsh knows we are not going to win for a while, i dont see why a youncg coach like Jax till cant be our coach when we are winningin 3-4 years.
^^doesnt mean we should go throwing away $.

I mean but really that is only a minor issue. I really do not se the need in getting a veteran coach at this point. we are rebuilding and we will berebuilding. we need to get a young coach and start him up like Jackson and if not an assistsaant. no need paying big money for vets right now.

And really if it matters, i cantell that Jackson wants this job the most. His heart is most in this job. He loves NYC and he wants to coach the Knicks despiteall this +#@% going on he is still a NYer. Guys like D'Antoni will go where the $ tells them but Jacksons heart is more towards the Knicks. I think that ifhe is passionate enough that will make up for his lack of experience. It has to matter for something, there is definitley a better chance at success when youare passionate about what you do. I think he can be a great Knicks coach if we can get the right guys.
hey sup guys, i'm back in this thread to ask another opinion from you guys..

i was thinkin today that if for some reason we don't get a top 3 pick n get either Rose, B-easy, or Mayo, we should trade down n get more picks n pick upDJ Augustin and someone else like a Hibbert or Douglas-Roberts, what do you guys think? basically what im saying is that if we can't get those 3 Franchisetype players, we should get 2 good to very good players instead
I'd be ok with that..

Problem's gona be real hard to find someone who wants to come up to that 5th, or 6th spot.
Not a bad idea. But I get the feeling we'd be anxious to get our pick off even if it isn't a top 3 and end up picking someone that we probablydon't need.
Originally Posted by J Steezzz

hey sup guys, i'm back in this thread to ask another opinion from you guys..

i was thinkin today that if for some reason we don't get a top 3 pick n get either Rose, B-easy, or Mayo, we should trade down n get more picks n pick up DJ Augustin and someone else like a Hibbert or Douglas-Roberts, what do you guys think? basically what im saying is that if we can't get those 3 Franchise type players, we should get 2 good to very good players instead

I love this idea and I like Augustin a lot as well. I am not opposed to trading down and getting two good players if we can't get that franchiseplayer.
^ exactly.... since our 2 main needs are PG n PF/C ... if we can unload that 4/5/6 and get like the 12th/ 18th for it .. n get Augustin , who i think behindrose is the best pg in the draft , n then get a big man... id be just as happy
Like allen said, we would have to find a team that was really infatuated with Bayless or Lopez.

But if your suggesting we get 2 picks in the first round, there are a few other problems with that.

First of all, it would have to be a team with 2 picks in the first round. I'm not sure which teams have 2 1st round picks, or if they are in areas of thedraft where we could still get Augustin and a late 1st round pick. DJ looks like a mid-lottery lottery pick . Maybe a pick around #9-12 and a future 1strounder would be more likely.

The second deterrent is Walsh has been talking about not taking on more contracts. Unless we can trade/cut other roster players, it would seem that would goagainst Walsh's plan of getting under the salary cap by 2010.
Yeah I like your thinking if you can get the 2nd best pg in the draft a long with a big man you fill two major teams and immediately your team is much moretalented. However I think there is a great deal of pressure on Walsh and the entire organization to draft and impact player.

Whenever the coach is announced and I am at the press conference I will try to ask what the organization is looking to add in the draft? Should be aninteresting answer.
One thing though..

In the NBA 1 first round pick, will never be worth 2 decent first round picks (at least in the same year)
Never heard of this Jason Thompson dude but his numbers this past season are impressive--20/12. But what would be the point of Randolph Morris then?
^ yes Flatbush i will be watching that press conference and when you ask that question, i'm eager to hear the response....the team that makes the mostsense to trade with us would be New jersey... who has a lottery pick (most likely 9-13) and the 21st pick from Dallas in the Kidd trade
...hey they're all bums
Yeah my dude Allen aint lying!

True Blue I love your sig btw

JSteez....good observations with Jersey thats interesting. I doubt they will reveal too much about their plans but talking to a few beat writers I should get agood idea.
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