Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Mc Dyess--Camby/Nene Hilario

Take it even further back:
Charles Smith--Mark Jackson the 1st time


Sprewell-- Van Horn smh not enough stonefaces can go here

at all of those $*$*@*+ moves just $*$*@*+ pathetic

And yeah i do not want Bayless at all. I mean he is just another scoring guard he is not someone we need in a rebuilding process. I feel that although Mayo isa scoring guard as well he brings more to the table and i think he would be a terrific pick at 3+ honestly after Rose and Beasley i would want him aboveanybody.

But PLEASE god just hook us up and give us Rose (or at least beasley)
Why not have someone put us on the right track??

Look at how much he improved Phoenix...

IF we get to the point where we're a good team again, then we can make a switch...

I know this much...whoever inherits this mess, is NOT gona see the ultimate success (if we get there)
don't sleep on Tom Thibedou (I can't even spell his last name right
) for coach

if we don't get mark jackson for some strange reason, he's the guy to get.
i like avery and all and i think he would be a good option if everything falls through

but my list is basically

mark jackson, rick carlisle, avery johnson

in that order

the 1 guy i really want is jackson i think he is going to be a very good up and coming coach that will be able to learn as the team progresses, thus won'thave a lot of pressure and woulnd't want to leave
i like mark and all he was a great player as a rookie wit the knicks BUT theres so many good coaches out there that they need to overlook mark jacksoncompletely.... i mean u got rick carlisle, avery johnson, and mike dantoni...any one of these 3 are good coaches...and if george karl gets fired i dont knowwhat to think about him its really a toss up... he was a great coach for milwaukee and seattle but in denver hes mediocre at best...
Originally Posted by you go boy

i like mark and all he was a great player as a rookie wit the knicks BUT theres so many good coaches out there that they need to overlook mark jackson completely.... i mean u got rick carlisle, avery johnson, and mike dantoni...any one of these 3 are good coaches...and if george karl gets fired i dont know what to think about him its really a toss up... he was a great coach for milwaukee and seattle but in denver hes mediocre at best...

I gotta agree with that.

I mean, Mark is the hometown boy and all. But like Oakley said, Jackson has NO coaching experience. Not even as an assistant.
GK (if he gets fired) wouldbe a bad choice imo. One, LB is his boy. And I'm sure Coach Brown didn't speak too highly of the Knicks org. So I doubt GK would be too interested. And2, even if he WAS interested, Karl has shown he just doesn't have the same fire as before. Barkley touched on that the other night... But I also rememberGK himself saying that ever since he beat cancer he has become a more laid-back guy. Laid-back + NYC don't go together.

Avery to me would be a bad fit as well. He has shown that he can handle a squad with a loaded roster. But how would he do with a rebuilding team like theKnicks?

Dantoni would be a good fit I think. He likes the uptempo game and the Knicks certainly have the pieces to go uptempo.

Carlisle? Meh. Another laid-back type who might get crushed by the NY media/fan criticism.
the knicks need somebody who preaches defense
d'antoni is not the man for that

i agree jackson has no experience but the knicks won't be good for at least 3 years so he can learn and take the lumps in those 3 years and it won'thurt the team

and i'm sure if he gets the job he will hire a very, very, very experienced assistant that will teach him the tricks of the trade
Like I said, don't sleep on Tom Thibedaeu (sp?)

The guy has been an assistant coach under Pat Riley and Jeff Van Gundy with the knicks. For a quite a while, dating back to the days of JVG, I've beenreading that this guy is a good defensive minded coach. Right now, He's currently on the Boston Celtic's coaching staff. Donnie Walsh has him on hislist of coaches.
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

we dont need a fast break coach. we need someone to get these idiots to play D

exactly man i would be upset with D'Antoni i cant watch a team that doesnt play D anymore i just cant, i want a team like we had that won out toughingguys and locking them down on D.

I mean cmon we cant run the fast break we have the worst possible team for that, and those teams dont win the chips. Its always the teams like the Spurs orPistons that play D.

i would not want D'Antoni, he doesnt have the coaching style we have and he is just another experienced vet who needs people playing his way we need anice fresh young guy who will be flexible with a rebuilding team.

I still say Mark if not though i would love that Thibedou guy on Boston. He is a fresh face, he has a winning team right now, and he is a Van Gundy man.
i used to think the same way about him, but you guys have to remember that he was the coach of the suns when steph was there, and they were not a fun n gunteam at that point. once they acquired nash, they became what they are now. d'antoni is versatile, even though i think he's a herb. it'll be hardto root for him on the sidelines.

having a defensive coach won't do anything good until we get some good defenders. larry brown is a 'defensive' coach, but he couldn't get us toplay any defense. we need players. it really doesn't matter who we get, until we get some players. and that is going to be while.
I don't care if our coaching staff includes ; John Thompson, Jeff Van Gundy and Mike Ditka

This group of players WON'T play defense.

It's gona be painful either way....

But, D'Antoni is proven...what would be bad with improvement and then when the time is right...go get another coach to take us up another level....

If yall want're gona have to say goodbye to him in 3 or 4 years....cause it happens with every coach that has to take over a project likethis...they'll never be able to stay to see it through. It's just how it is.

What we need right now is a coach to improve this team and get it on the right track.

Whoever that might be is not gona be the eventual guy to get us to where we all wana be. It's only natural that they'll run their course here.

Think Paul Silas in Cleveland, Van Gundy with Miami, Don Nelson with the Mavs, etc, etc.

Look at PJ out in Seattle, he even knows this isn't his job 3 years down the line when they're worth something. But he's there to lay a foundation.

My question is to lay that foundation...why would it make any sense to pass over proven guys (COY's)...for a guy who's never coached a team.
you bring up good points...but there's always exceptions to the rule
doc rivers was with boston when they sucked and he is definitely reaping the benefits
skiles took a last place bulls team to the playoffs 3 years straight
nate mcmillan is doing a great job in portland going from a 60-loss team to a .500 team
if the front office believes in the coach he's gonna stick around
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

dont bring in Avery. i totally dislike him. dude is annoying as a coach and to watch on the sideline.

i wouldnt be able to stand listening to his post game interview. dude sounds like a prepubescent girl
I'm still not against Mark, though.

And I'm not really for anyone in particular.

It's a tough call...hopefully Walsh makes the right choice.
I understand y'all talking about D'antoni and his defense or lack thereof....

But, he only had TWO people on his team in the last couple years who could play Defense....Marion and Raja.

So sure he didn't emphasize defense too much...

But even if he beat it into the ground...They still wouldn't have the personnel.

Just my opinion...

Somewhat like Geoge Karl. There is NO WAY IN HELL he didn't emphasize defense. But the fact is AI, JR and Melo Can't play good D. Melo is my favoriteplayer in the L....But son has TERRIBLE footwork on the defensive end....
Originally Posted by king jay XI

^ Beasley + Oden + Roy = Championship runs in the next 12 seasons

How could you forget Lamarcus Aldridge.

Oden + Roy + B-Easy + Aldridge + Serviceable PG

And they would play D
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