i do. he's done here. GHTFOH.

dude is a'd think that with his "religious epiphany", he'd have a better relationship with his GM in their right mind would take's disgraceful that he's played in NY and hasnt advanced past the first round. is it a coincidence that EVERY team he's been on got better after he left?
I agree completely.

Although since he is an expiring contract...we might as well hold on to him for 1 last year
If it was my choice...No.

Keep him on IR for the whole year
Originally Posted by TypeRPinoY

Originally Posted by Krisp Kicks

he did accomplish more with less in NY last time around.

I'm sorry....but have you watched knicks basketball at all in the past 10 years??? JVG did more with less?? thats gotta be the best joke in this thread.

Ewing = top 50 greatest player, hall of famer

Houston = one of the best shooters of his time

Camby, Starks, Sprewell, Childs, Ward....

JVG got exactly what we expected from this team. He had quality players down the whole bench...players who knew their ROLE...which is exactly what this team lacks for the most part...but to say he accomplished more with less is completely false....He coached one of the greatest and most talented knicks teams of all time!!!

EHH not so much fella... you are thinking of mid-90's...I'm talking about leading those later year Knicks teams he took to the finals with arelatively weak team. Ewing wasn't even around. Houston spent a ton of time injured. Camby was hurt all the time. Starks was looooong gone. Childs and WardI liked, but are you really trying to say these guys were great NBA point guards? Come on fam, don't question if I have watched Knicks basketball the past10 years and then you come in mentioning guys that have not been on the Knicks for way over 10 years
. All those exclamation points and question marks, but your the one whodoesn't know what he's talking about....
. Next time your lookingfor laughs, or trying to drop "knowledge", think about if you have any clue what you are talking about.
^ word. Dolan likes being frivolous so it might not be so bad with Steph next season...
Childs and Ward I liked, but are you really trying to say these guys were great NBA point guards?
playing your role on a team with options > being a primadonna losing PG with stats....

sometimes i just feel bad for Steph....dude had it all...athleticism, dribble drive threat, great teardrop, got his assists....his mentality was the only thingstopping him. dude kinda had a me against the world thing going's not bad (see:Kobe), but he never really had a coach to hone his talents (ie,Phil Jackson) and to counteract that when it got outta hand. but too bad.
Thats my whole point though blackmagnus, thats why I was saying JVG did a great job of getting players to play their role, and achieve above their talentlevel, thats something the Knicks could use again. I know it's unlikely he will coach the Knicks again, but I hope whoever it is, is someone who can turnguys into team players, who give maximum effort and fill their role with no complaints.
JVG won't do anything, the team still lacks leadership on the floor.

...and Marbury will be here 1 more year whether you like it or not, regardless if its an expiring contract, its an extremely high price tag and nobody wouldtake it.

And besides, the Knicks are better off letting the contracts expire, why would they trade them unless they get other expiring + picks (which you knoe WILL NOThappen).
I'm telling you right now of we trade Marbury this summer, than good bye any chance at a future.

Our problem with Isiah and especially Layden is that they trade large expiring contracts for more large contracts but long term instead of having the bigexpiring contract come off OUR cap room. Look at the Ewing trade. Pat had a lage contract with one year left and we traded him for trash players with long termbig contracts instead of letting Pat's come off ourr cap room

Get real withyourselves. We need Marbury's $22 mil tp come off our salary ca next year to have any chance to go after a guy like Bron. If we trade him weget more long term deals adding up to his $22 mil in cap so we wll be stuck with that in our cap for more years.

Honestly the two plyers that we need to keep no matter what is Marbury and Lee. We honestly need to keep Stephon on our team even more than guys like Nate andChandler.
Originally Posted by Krisp Kicks

Originally Posted by TypeRPinoY

Originally Posted by Krisp Kicks

he did accomplish more with less in NY last time around.

I'm sorry....but have you watched knicks basketball at all in the past 10 years??? JVG did more with less?? thats gotta be the best joke in this thread.

Ewing = top 50 greatest player, hall of famer

Houston = one of the best shooters of his time

Camby, Starks, Sprewell, Childs, Ward....

JVG got exactly what we expected from this team. He had quality players down the whole bench...players who knew their ROLE...which is exactly what this team lacks for the most part...but to say he accomplished more with less is completely false....He coached one of the greatest and most talented knicks teams of all time!!!

EHH not so much fella... you are thinking of mid-90's...I'm talking about leading those later year Knicks teams he took to the finals with a relatively weak team. Ewing wasn't even around. Houston spent a ton of time injured. Camby was hurt all the time. Starks was looooong gone. Childs and Ward I liked, but are you really trying to say these guys were great NBA point guards? Come on fam, don't question if I have watched Knicks basketball the past 10 years and then you come in mentioning guys that have not been on the Knicks for way over 10 years
. All those exclamation points and question marks, but your the one who doesn't know what he's talking about....
. Next time your looking for laughs, or trying to drop "knowledge", think about if you have any clue what you are talking about.

bottom take a dude like dudley over 13/15 of the players on our roster right now...and i still think youre wild if you think the team we have nowis more talented then the team that went to the finals in 99...and van gundy took over in 96 when don nelson was fired...starks left after the 97-98 season.
youre right i dont know knicks knowledge>yours...its ok tho...i still cry everytime we make a dumb move too...and i never said most of these guys were elite players at all...i said the exactopposite...they KNEW they werent elite players...but contributed what they knew they could to the team and we won for the end were all fans and uropinion is as valid as mine...we all know we need something the ill welcome anything at this point...hand the team over to whoopi goldberg!
^^ i gotta agree with TyoeRPinoY, i mean what you talking about? Ewing was around in 99, he was playing hurt but he still stuck it out and came through for usin big situations time after time, he pretty much won that Heat series for us despite H20s game winner. And i dont think Camby or Houston spent 1 second ofthat season injured. Camby was inconsisten and scrutinzed because he was traded for Oak and JVG wasnt really feeling him during the season, but he made a namefor himself and had a HUGE playoffs. And Houston was fine that whole year.

Yu really gain alot of respect for JVG in that season and guys like Spree and Ewing after reading the book Just Ballin'. I finished it like a month ago,and i dont even like to read but i was in that book non stop. We all remember that te am, but gtting the inside %+%# on everything really has you respect thoseguys.
Originally Posted by THE GR8

^^ i gotta agree with TyoeRPinoY, i mean what you talking about? Ewing was around in 99, he was playing hurt but he still stuck it out and came through for us in big situations time after time, he pretty much won that Heat series for us despite H20s game winner. And i dont think Camby or Houston spent 1 second of that season injured. Camby was inconsisten and scrutinzed because he was traded for Oak and JVG wasnt really feeling him during the season, but he made a name for himself and had a HUGE playoffs. And Houston was fine that whole year.

Yu really gain alot of respect for JVG in that season and guys like Spree and Ewing after reading the book [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Just Ballin'[/color]. I finished it like a month ago, and i dont even like to read but i was in that book non stop. We all remember that te am, but gtting the inside %+%# on everything really has you respect those guys.

I read that book in like 2000, I couldnt put the book down, it was really good and got to know EVERYONE on a whole different level.

At JVG driving a 1996 red Honda Civic.
Originally Posted by THE GR8

^^ i gotta agree with TyoeRPinoY, i mean what you talking about? Ewing was around in 99, he was playing hurt but he still stuck it out and came through for us in big situations time after time, he pretty much won that Heat series for us despite H20s game winner. And i dont think Camby or Houston spent 1 second of that season injured. Camby was inconsisten and scrutinzed because he was traded for Oak and JVG wasnt really feeling him during the season, but he made a name for himself and had a HUGE playoffs. And Houston was fine that whole year.

Yu really gain alot of respect for JVG in that season and guys like Spree and Ewing after reading the book Just Ballin'. I finished it like a month ago, and i dont even like to read but i was in that book non stop. We all remember that te am, but gtting the inside %+%# on everything really has you respect those guys.

Youre right. Houston DID have surgery before the 98-99 season but he played all 50 games that fact...he didnt start having problems until the03-04 season well after JVG left..and ewing not around?? pat played most of that season including the first round series against the Heat WITH an injuredachilles....but hell? what do i know? according to krisp kicks i have no clue what i'm talking about

AND how could i forget this guy in terms of the apparent lack of talent that krisp kicks said the knicks had...he only had the greatest play in knicks postseason history

Originally Posted by Krisp Kicks

Originally Posted by TypeRPinoY

Originally Posted by Krisp Kicks

he did accomplish more with less in NY last time around.

I'm sorry....but have you watched knicks basketball at all in the past 10 years??? JVG did more with less?? thats gotta be the best joke in this thread.

Ewing = top 50 greatest player, hall of famer

Houston = one of the best shooters of his time

Camby, Starks, Sprewell, Childs, Ward....

JVG got exactly what we expected from this team. He had quality players down the whole bench...players who knew their ROLE...which is exactly what this team lacks for the most part...but to say he accomplished more with less is completely false....He coached one of the greatest and most talented knicks teams of all time!!!

EHH not so much fella... you are thinking of mid-90's...I'm talking about leading those later year Knicks teams he took to the finals with a relatively weak team. Ewing wasn't even around. Houston spent a ton of time injured. Camby was hurt all the time. Starks was looooong gone. Childs and Ward I liked, but are you really trying to say these guys were great NBA point guards? Come on fam, don't question if I have watched Knicks basketball the past 10 years and then you come in mentioning guys that have not been on the Knicks for way over 10 years
. All those exclamation points and question marks, but your the one who doesn't know what he's talking about....
. Next time your looking for laughs, or trying to drop "knowledge", think about if you have any clue what you are talking about.

sorry im still not done

lets look back at SOME of the players JVG had over his career with the knicks...teams that are apparently less talented than what we have now.

Ewing = All star

Houston = All star

Starks = All star

Oakley - All star

Johnson = All star

Sprewell = All star

Camby = All star

so during his 5 years as coach of the knicks, JVG coached 7 former, current and future "no talent" having all-stars

NOW, lets look at this team that supposedly has more than any of those teams did...let's count the all stars? i'll wait...


anyone else? ummmmmmm didn't think so
Originally Posted by TypeRPinoY

Originally Posted by Krisp Kicks

Originally Posted by TypeRPinoY

Originally Posted by Krisp Kicks

he did accomplish more with less in NY last time around.

I'm sorry....but have you watched knicks basketball at all in the past 10 years??? JVG did more with less?? thats gotta be the best joke in this thread.

Ewing = top 50 greatest player, hall of famer

Houston = one of the best shooters of his time

Camby, Starks, Sprewell, Childs, Ward....

JVG got exactly what we expected from this team. He had quality players down the whole bench...players who knew their ROLE...which is exactly what this team lacks for the most part...but to say he accomplished more with less is completely false....He coached one of the greatest and most talented knicks teams of all time!!!

EHH not so much fella... you are thinking of mid-90's...I'm talking about leading those later year Knicks teams he took to the finals with a relatively weak team. Ewing wasn't even around. Houston spent a ton of time injured. Camby was hurt all the time. Starks was looooong gone. Childs and Ward I liked, but are you really trying to say these guys were great NBA point guards? Come on fam, don't question if I have watched Knicks basketball the past 10 years and then you come in mentioning guys that have not been on the Knicks for way over 10 years
. All those exclamation points and question marks, but your the one who doesn't know what he's talking about....
. Next time your looking for laughs, or trying to drop "knowledge", think about if you have any clue what you are talking about.

sorry im still not done

lets look back at SOME of the players JVG had over his career with the knicks...teams that are apparently less talented than what we have now.

Ewing = All star

Houston = All star

Starks = All star

Oakley - All star

Johnson = All star

Sprewell = All star

Camby = All star

so during his 5 years as coach of the knicks, JVG coached 7 former, current and future "no talent" having all-stars

NOW, lets look at this team that supposedly has more than any of those teams did...let's count the all stars? i'll wait...


anyone else? ummmmmmm didn't think so
damn TypreRPinoY

But yeah that 99 Knicks team as pretty healthy other than Pat who was playing with his hurt acchilles most of the season until it became season ending in theIndiana series and missed the finals and LJ was playing hurt as well in the finals. Spree lit it up in the finals but we were really too hurt to win

BTW what channel is this game on?
The one thing I would say...

JVG got Pat, Oak and LJ past their prime.

We never had the franchise guy when he was there....sure, Pat WAS the franchise...but was he that high caliber player at that point? Not really..

I think that's what held us back from really being elite.

But to say we didn't have much talent is foolish.
Originally Posted by NYK orange and blue

Originally Posted by TypeRPinoY

Originally Posted by Krisp Kicks

Originally Posted by TypeRPinoY

Originally Posted by Krisp Kicks

he did accomplish more with less in NY last time around.

I'm sorry....but have you watched knicks basketball at all in the past 10 years??? JVG did more with less?? thats gotta be the best joke in this thread.

Ewing = top 50 greatest player, hall of famer

Houston = one of the best shooters of his time

Camby, Starks, Sprewell, Childs, Ward....

JVG got exactly what we expected from this team. He had quality players down the whole bench...players who knew their ROLE...which is exactly what this team lacks for the most part...but to say he accomplished more with less is completely false....He coached one of the greatest and most talented knicks teams of all time!!!

EHH not so much fella... you are thinking of mid-90's...I'm talking about leading those later year Knicks teams he took to the finals with a relatively weak team. Ewing wasn't even around. Houston spent a ton of time injured. Camby was hurt all the time. Starks was looooong gone. Childs and Ward I liked, but are you really trying to say these guys were great NBA point guards? Come on fam, don't question if I have watched Knicks basketball the past 10 years and then you come in mentioning guys that have not been on the Knicks for way over 10 years
. All those exclamation points and question marks, but your the one who doesn't know what he's talking about....
. Next time your looking for laughs, or trying to drop "knowledge", think about if you have any clue what you are talking about.

sorry im still not done

lets look back at SOME of the players JVG had over his career with the knicks...teams that are apparently less talented than what we have now.

Ewing = All star

Houston = All star

Starks = All star

Oakley - All star

Johnson = All star

Sprewell = All star

Camby = All star

so during his 5 years as coach of the knicks, JVG coached 7 former, current and future "no talent" having all-stars

NOW, lets look at this team that supposedly has more than any of those teams did...let's count the all stars? i'll wait...


anyone else? ummmmmmm didn't think so

my bad...

i missed a couple

Glen Rice = All star


Buck Williams = All star

Anthony Mason = All star
i think thats everyone that makes 11 all stars compared to 1
you are so right my dude....those teams were so bad
Originally Posted by allen3xis

The one thing I would say...

JVG got Pat, Oak and LJ past their prime.

We never had the franchise guy when he was there....sure, Pat WAS the franchise...but was he that high caliber player at that point? Not really..

I think that's what held us back from really being elite.

But to say we didn't have much talent is foolish.

If we had Ewing in early 90's mode with THAT Allan Houston, and THAT Sprewell, and THAT LJ that ring would have been ours.
Originally Posted by allen3xis

The one thing I would say...

JVG got Pat, Oak and LJ past their prime.

We never had the franchise guy when he was there....sure, Pat WAS the franchise...but was he that high caliber player at that point? Not really..

I think that's what held us back from really being elite.

But to say we didn't have much talent is foolish.

ewing was still a 20 and 10 guy until the 1999 season tho...if thats past anyones prime i will sure as hell take it unless his name is zach randolph woulda.

Pat still had his numbers....but it was clear that he wasn't going to dominate anyone....his prime was HOF him being past his prime isdifferent from others

Those last guys mentioned...I mean, they were all way past their prime...

Juwan Howard is a former All Star now but that doesn't mean he's good or talented anymore.

We were definitely talented...I'm not sayin we weren't....but it's not like JVG underachieved.
^^yeah i gotta agree. Glenn Rice was straight trash as a Knick and we got him in the Ewing trade, and Jackson was still iight but he was mad old as well. And imay be wrong but didnt Mason peace in the LJ trade a while before JVG got there? And Buck Williams was like 60 when he played with us that cant count, i meanyou might as well say Mugsy as well but i ont even thonk he played a minute with us (but i do recall i loved seeing Muggsy in our bench those years we had him,he was never dressed up, but Muggsy was ma boi so i liked just having him on the bench even if he was on IR).

And also late in the season and during the playoffs in 1999 Latrell Sprewell was that franchise player, and Houston was playing nice as well, and they weredoing their thing. Also Camby was coming alive and Pat was doing as much as he could even with pain , not to mention LJ it was a very good team to say theleast especally when Latrell did his thing he was dropping 30+ at will in the playoffs. Dude was a straight killa.


and also any update on what channel this game is on?
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