i would never abandon the project, and if i did, i wouldn't dare show my face to my co-workers the very next day.

so steph got disrespected, he left, and now he is coming back? maybe he is too sensitive, because if that were me, i would never come back- i would seek workelsewhere, not at the same place where they disrespect me.

i understand why he left- that doesn't make it right. so what, your feelings are hurt, get over it. you are not the team, you are part of the team. younever leave your team hanging.
maybe he talked to eddy first and eddy gave marbury a heads up. thats common in the workplace. we really dont kno what went down. only what is being told.

marbury is sensitive, if that "blackmail" comment is true, then yes he sounds real sensitive.

like i said before, they all should sthu and play ball.
Bwood and Eddie House,

I understand what you guys are saying....and I respect the point about if you are going to level then you wouldn't come back. I respect that. Just to makeit clear I am not defending Marburys actions. I am just saying some of us need to put ourselves in his shoes and realize we may consider that option if we feltthat way. I am sure there is more behind this than him being benched.
"Isiah has to start me," Marbury reportedly said, according to the Daily News. "I've got so much [stuff] on Isiah and he knows it. He thinks he can [get] me. But I'll [get] him first. You have no idea what I know."

one NBA player familiar with the situation said punches were thrown during Monday's flight to Phoenix,

Marbury threatens to expose Issiah. lmfao, I wonder what else we don't know about this guy.
I really don't believe hat quote. Using the Daily News as your source?

But yeah...

"According to an e-mail to The Post from Stephon Marbury this morning, the Knicks' AWOL point guard is on his way to Los Angeles to join the Knicks for tonight's game against the Clippers.
The Knicks have fined Marbury almost $200,000 for bolting from the team Tuesday, though Marbury claimed he had permission to return to New York.
The Knicks would not confirm Marbury was headed to rejoin the team."
Originally Posted by SHUGES


Ya'll STILL supporting Zeke.

Man, when the @+@$ are ya'll gonna realize that HE has to go and not any more of the players?

This dude has blamed EVERYONE but himself. He all of a sudden wants to hold dudes accountable for not playing D??? Yet, when LB tried to do the same thing, ya'll cats said LB was "hating" on Steph.

Well how about Zeke hold HIMSELF accountable??

Fired Lenny, all-time winningest coach. Fired LB after 1 season. ONE SEASON??? Yo... *pshhh*

Don Nelson (not Zeke, but Knick management in general) another HOF coach ran out of town after 1 season. And yet, this bumbler who has NEVER won anything in the L as a coach is STILL the HNIC??? Dude has been around this franchise almost as long as Riles coached or JVG coached (who were BOTH far superior coaches and got far better results with arguably less or equal talent).

That Patrick Ewing jinx is really haunting this franchise. Straight pissed on one of the greatest players in the history of the franchise by shipping him to !!$!@$* SEATTLE.

And if they get rid of Steph, his jinx will haunt them too. You see Mardy got hurt first game out right?

I'm not even the biggest Steph fan, but why the hell is he taking the fall for this? All of a sudden, these reports of him banging that chick in the truck, him calling Anucha a %@%*$, him having those weird interviews over the summer, him having those fights (with Q and Shandon, etc) are coming to light?? How convenient that the blame falls on Steph and NOT the prodigal son Isiah.

Agreed with everything you just said pretty much. The Patrick Ewing trade *%!+%+ us charma wise. I was ballin for like a day when that %+%* move was made (iwas also like 10)

But the Larry Brown move was bad from the getko. There was absolutley no chance of us winning with him as our HC, it was a bad move to get him, but we had tolet him go after 1 year.

at this bum Zeke blaming Steph. I am glad that ONCE AGAIN despite hisselfish reputation and all the %+%* that he goes through, he is going to put his pride aside and do what is best for the team which is to come back tonight.Props once again to ma boi Stephon.

at all yalls bashing Steph. Most of the regulars on the Knicks here know thatStephon is working harder than anyone to change his game and be a winner and he is succesful at that. I dont know about yalls but if i work hard and i achievesomething i want my props for doing so, cause i feel like i deserve it. Nothing would make me more pissed than if someone put down what i was working hard toachieve and i was succeeding at it, in anything in life. If i am Steph and probably the most hated man in sporrts outside of Rex Grossman, and the media is onmy$!++ all the time, but i try and put all that %%+* aside and lead a winning basketball team for a city where half the people and all the media hate me iwould at least like the support of my head coach for doing all this and excelling at it. If Steph was not doing good, i would not back him up for leaving. Butthis dude Steph has been doing everything that people ask of him and everything that he has been bashed for for not doing. He was being a pass first PG and aleader and worrking his$!++ off on defense. If i work my$!++ off and do exactly what my idiot coach wants me to do, aand he benches me and says that i am notdoing this, i would get HEATED. Like i said if i work hard at something i want my props, not only did Isiah not give Steph props but he bashed him on it andbenched him.People love to make Stephon into a villain and this is why this is the greatest thing ever for the media, Steph vs Isiah, but Stephon was right inthis situation and does not deserve what he got, and i am glad that he is once again being unselfish and putting his pride behing himself, and taking thissuspension like a man, just so this %%+* wont play out and hurt our season and our playoff hopes. PROPS to ma boi Stephon.

Mez One wrote:I don't understand the concept of benching people RIGHT NOW so early in the season (with Marbs OR Curry). Isiah is ruining the season before it even started.

Another great point once again. Even If Marbury was doing bad, which he was not. This dude Isiah is pushing the panic button 5 games into the season c'mon.Even if Marbury was doing bad, you have to give him more than 5 games, after the way he did everything he could to keep us in contention last year and becauseof the talent that we know he has. The whole team other than Marbury and Lee was #@#@ vs the Heat. How the %%+% do you blame Steph? You think that MardyCollins could have one that game the way that we were playing? Isiah is destroying what was a VERY promising season.

FlatbushFiyah, once again i am agreeing with nearly everything you are saying. A lot of great points there. Right on bro.

EDIT EDIT: i think we are in the lead for most season thread posts, so i guess all this @%$+ has some positvies, keep it up!
there really must be more behind the story. no doubt steph has been working hard to fit ITs plan, but running out on your team is never the right decision.
Will Marbury be starting?

BTW does it bother anyone that there were talks about buying out Marbury and not the obvious people that should be bought out a la Jerome James and MalikRose???
^^Marbury is suspended from what i hear.

And of course it bothers me a WHOLE lot. Isiah for the whole offseason talks about a "strict" policy of not buying out players if they have value. Itis why he did not buy out bum Francis (which actually turned out good). And it was also part of the reason we have James but not Nichols. We didnt buy outJames because Isiah thinks he has value left and because buyinhg him out would be a HUGE mistake.

Marbury on the other han actually HAS talent and buying him out would be a COLOSSAL mistake. And it would mean that Isiah's franchise-changing move wouldbe a mistake. If we would let Starbury walk i would be heated, nether the less get nothing in return for him. Thst would piss me off because we would getnothing to %#%% over the guy who has worked so hard for us so he can play with a chip on his sholder every time he enters MSG, and it would also vring up thequestion.... Why the %#%% dont we have Demetrius Nichols??

Son the reason Isiah didn't buy out JJ is simple...dude di not want to admit he made a mistake. It just perplexes me that he would want to buy out Marburywho like you said has talent and value to this team. Basically we dont have Nichols because Isiah refuses to admit he made a mistake and in turn buy out JJ.
^^^That is exactly what i was trying to say. If Isiah DID buy out Stephon Marbury's contract, that would be admitting that he made a mistake on the movethat was supposed to be frachise-changing. Buying out Stephon would look much worse for Isiah than buying out James which was just a minor signing, one that heoverpaid for but really didnt effect the team elsewhere.

But i doubt that Stephon would ever get bought out. If he did it would probably be the worst managing decision in Knick hsitory worse than the Ewing trade andworse than Spree for KVH. If we can get an allstar forward out of overpriced trash in Francis, than we could definitley get value out of Stephon, and at theend of the day Isiah IS smart enough to know that. So if the situation did play out more seriously (which it looks like thank god it isnt because Marbury istaking the team over his pride) the worse that it would get to is the same situation that happened to AI last year and Artest 2 years ago, which was that theysat out while we looked for a trade, and Isiah would look to deal him for some talent (maybe a Kobe or Artest package) but thank god that Steph is being a manhere, and once we get him and Z Bo back than HOPFULLY we can get back on track and play some #*%+%@@ basketball, unless motha #*%+%@@ Zeke could find more waysto %#*@ us up.
Originally Posted by THE GR8

^^^That is exactly what i was trying to say. If Isiah DID buy out Stephon Marbury's contract, that would be admitting that he made a mistake on the move that was supposed to be frachise-changing. Buying out Stephon would look much worse for Isiah than buying out James which was just a minor signing, one that he overpaid for but really didnt effect the team elsewhere.

Yeah my dude I agree with you! Any confirmation on whether or not Steph is starting tonight?!
Fred Jones starting in place of steph. IT and steph seem to be getting along sitting next to each other on the bench
I hope that starting Fred Jones is just a 1 day thing because of the fight.

at Isiah if the only guy out of the original starting 5 is Steph, although he was the one working the hardest to win and playing the best ball on bothsides of the ball.

But i am glad to see Q back, and now all we need to do is insert Steph back in which i think will be done when Steph reminds these dudes of how valuable he isand we can be right back on track. Thank you my man Stephon Marbury for not letting this expand like the media would have loved it to and taking the team overyour own pride and just focusing on the game.

EDIT: very low scoring 1st half, liing the D. Thats the only good thing out of this situation an emphasis on defense.

EDIT EDIT: it looks like Nasty Nate is back thank god from his groin injury. It looks like we are getting back on track right now. Nate is showing once aginhow much he improved this summer. Not only has his J been rediculously wet, but he is playing a better and smarter game while still being aggresive. What wasoverlooked in all the #*@# of last nights game was Nate's line, 18 points, 5 assists, and 3 boards in only 25 mins, and the best part 0 TOS. That isamazing fo Nate to do and it just shows his new found intelligence as a player especially vs a team like Pheonix which is a run + gun game likely to result ina lot of points but also a lot of TOs.

Another thing much overlooked from last nights games was Fred Jones' 7 TOs. Get ma boi Steph out there son!

EDIT EDIT EDIT: Sorry one more just had to post, D Lee 7 boards already
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