^Let me start....KOBE, KOBE KOBE!!

Shuges and GR8 I agree with everything you guys have posted.....I am glad most Knick fans are anti-Isiah/management.
That Patrick Ewing jinx is really haunting this franchise.

smh.gif those 90s Knick teams really weresomething.................But ever since Isiah has been affiliated with the Knicks, after coaching the Pacers, they have been a disaster....
What's up with my Knicks, son. These players need to heed what Zeke is telling them. This bum Marbury.... all he does is lose wherever he goes. I seen himat Coney Island fair this summer at the "shoot the clown in the mouth with a water pistol til the balloon bursts" and he lost at that too. His shotwas still way off, b. Defense starts at the top and he doesn't play a lick, Zeke knows that's how you don't win a title at the PG position. All heand that 15 year old Jamal kid want to do is jack up shots. I'm not trying to see Jamal dribble horizontally across the court for 12 secs. That's allthis NYK backcourt does is kill the shot clock and then take the lowest of low percentage shots. That's now how you win games in the East, my sons. Howdoes Curry only get 12 attempts a game and he is like 65% from the field? Don't make no damn sense, god. FEED 'EM. The entire 1st qtr of every gameZ-bo and Eddy needs touches on every possession, you set up your big men first.
I just don't understand the panic. It's not like the Knicks are 0-5 or something, they beat the teams they were supposed to beat, and lost to whoeverthey were supposed to lose to. The only bad loss was against Miami, and it was a close, sloppy game by both teams.

I don't understand the concept of benching people RIGHT NOW so early in the season (with Marbs OR Curry). Isiah is ruining the season before it evenstarted.
i support Isiah's move.

if you dont play, you get benched. Steph needs to stop being a primadonna. we just need to get rid of Steph if it's gonna be like that. f it.

Jamal is the heart and soul. Fred's been a revelation tho.
steph needs to stop acting like a woman and get back to his team, PRONTO.

you get benched, so you quit on the team? UNACCEPTABLE.

if marbury doesn't want to be a team player and listen to his coach and doesn't suit up tonight, he's dead to me. i'm moving on. it's thenate/mardy and jamal show from here on out. he doesn't want to be here? fine, leave.
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

i support Isiah's move.

if you dont play, you get benched. Steph needs to stop being a primadonna. we just need to get rid of Steph if it's gonna be like that. f it.

Jamal is the heart and soul. Fred's been a revelation tho.

you're wildin:
, dudes is jumpin the gun when we're only in the 5thgame of the season. How can they make such an obtuse decision this early in the season? I want an answer to that one, to make matters worst they decide to haveMardy Collins start against the SUNS. Not the Bobcats (eventhough they're good right now), not Philly, not Seattle. But the SUNS
NEW YORK -- The New York Knicks fined Stephon Marbury more than $180,000 for skipping Tuesday night's game at Phoenix.

The Knicks sent the guard a letter informing him of the fine, according to a person with knowledge of the penalty who spoke to The Associated Press. He requested anonymity because he wasn't authorized to discuss it.

The Knicks would not confirm the fine.

Marbury's status for tonight's Knicks game in Los Angeles against the Clippers remains murky. Knicks vice president of media relations Jonathan Supranowitz said he doesn't know if Marbury will be at the game. Supranowitz told 1050 ESPN New York's Andrew Marchand that he has been unable to reach Marbury on Wednesday.

"We are just going to see how it plays out," Supranwoitz said.

According to the NBA's collective bargaining agreement, players are docked 1/110th of their salaries for a missed game. With Marbury scheduled to earn $20.1 million this season, that would be about $182,800.

Marbury told the New York Post on Tuesday he had permission from coach Isiah Thomas to leave the team, but Thomas would not confirm that. He did say Marbury would be welcome.

The New York Daily News reported on Wednesday the trouble started during the team's flight to Phoenix, when Marbury learned from teammate Eddy Curry that Thomas planned to use him as a backup and start second-year guard Mardy Collins. A person close to the situation told the Daily News that Marbury reportedly marched to the front of the plane to confront Thomas over the situation, then returned five minutes later and claimed he had leverage on Thomas.

"Isiah has to start me," Marbury reportedly said, according to the Daily News. "I've got so much [stuff] on Isiah and he knows it. He thinks he can [get] me. But I'll [get] him first. You have no idea what I know."

Several of Marbury's teammates said his departure took them by surprise, but they expressed no hard feelings.

"You always support your teammates," forward Jared Jeffries said Tuesday night. "A lot of people on the outside don't understand what guys go through with their family, their friends, with this team, with anything. Whenever somebody goes through a tough time you support your teammate."

For you guys bashing Marbury....and I am not totally defending him. If you think that Marbury is JUST mad because he got benched you are totally wrong. Dudehad to hear this through the media and from Eddy Curry!! Can coach or management come to him first?! Thats disrespectful. And maybe some of you guys haveamnesia but in Frank Isola's article was said that the meeting between Thomas and Dolan to either buy out or reduce Marburys minutes weredue to his off the court actions this summer!

If you have truly watched the Knicks you know this man has sacrificed his game and played D for the team! I don't know what some of you guys are watchingbut all I am saying is Marbury didn't JUST leave the team because he was benched. It was because it was handled unprofessionally and Knick management ishypocritical.

True blue I totally agree with you...this is a panic button move. We are five games in!! Isiah is worried about his job!
well no player is above the law. if you dont paly to the level your coach expects you to, you can be benched. Steph doesnt seem to realize that although Thomasis the man who brought him here, he can bench him and/or ship him out. it's like the kid in class who's gotten mad close to the teacher then gets madwhen he doesnt do well and gets a D+

that was some girl+@#+ he did.
it was said that the meeting between Thomas and Dolan to either buy out or reduce Marburys minutes were due to his off the court actions this summer!

if that's true, then SMH @ the Knicks organization as a me, the head coach was MORE of an embarassment than Marbury was....and how he has kepthis job (future thread) is beyond me....
who gives a @$%$ tho? play basketball.

but what do you mean he sacrificed his game? honestly im happy he played defense, but thats what he is SUPPOSE to do. but what was all that talk about marburyshooting more and being more aggresive this year, where did all that originate from? because as of this moment it sounds like zeke wants the opposite.

regardless, he should have been on that bench, not for zeke or dolan but for his team...he should have have came off that bench and busted@**#. nip all thattrade and buyout talk.

thats what basketball players do.
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

well no player is above the law. if you dont paly to the level your coach expects you to, you can be benched. Steph doesnt seem to realize that although Thomas is the man who brought him here, he can bench him and/or ship him out. it's like the kid in class who's gotten mad close to the teacher then gets mad when he doesnt do well and gets a D+

that was some girl+@#+ he did.

No man you don't get it. I feel you on the fact no player is above the law. However as an organization you have to handle this situation in aprofessional manner. A player shouldn't have to receive the news from another teammate or through the media. And as I have said before....Dolan and IT werediscussing buying him out or benching him because of his off the court problems this summer. (as was reported in the Isola article) Can someone please tell mehow those two clowns can even seriously discuss that without looking in the mirror?! Even if they were going to punish Steph they should have done it thissummer; not now. If you are going to bench him now then it should be for his play on the court and Steph's play has not been bad.


Dude totally changed his game aroundfor the team and now you are going to put the blame on him after one loss to the Heat which the ENTIRE TEAM BLEW! And as I said before he had to hear the newsfrom a teammate. Thats bad business!! I dont care what profession you are in; that is bad management. You talk directly to your employee there is no if andsor buts about that. Then to have it come out in the media that you want to buy out/bench him because of his off the court actions this summer when the entireimage of Knick management is at an all time low is ridiculous.

I am not saying Marbury did the right thing but he was CLEARLY disrespected and I can UNDERSTAND why he left the team.
^ exactly. whatever the situation is, you don't leave the team. you have a job to do, do it. what kind of man leaves their team high and dry? that is bs.

and i'm tired of hearing about how he sacrificed his game. he 'sacrificed' his game to make us a better team? that doesn't make any sense. ifsomeone sacrifices their game, that means that they are tanking. great players play with the team, which is what he has been doing. he's not sacrificing,he's becoming a better player, and in the process making the team better.
^Do you work?! If you were an employee and you felt you were clearly disrespected by your employers and didn't really need the money (which Marburydoesn't) you may think about leaving too. I never said it was right but I can say that I understand it and I am not in a position where I don't needthe money but if I was I probably would leave too. You guys seem to forget that this is sports but it is BUSINESS!! There are employee and employer relationsand people have feelings. People have expectations about respect and how their employer should treat them no matter what profession you are in. It does notmatter whether you are basketball player or a sanitation worker....everyone wants their employer to treat them with respect. James Dolan and Isiah Thomasdidn't do that and thats the bottom line.
Dude totally changed his game around for the team and now you are going to put the blame on him after one loss to the Heat which the ENTIRE TEAM BLEW!

where did I put the blame one him for that loss? i was at that game, my heart was in pain after that loss. marbury never once entered my mind when i left thebuilding tho. the blame should be put on the coach for that L

i blamed him for not being on that bench when we played the suns, thats the matter how hurt his feelings were, i think he should have been there.
^Nah son I wasnt saying you blamed him. I was talking about Isiah.

But let me ask all of you guys a question:

If you were working for a company on a project with a group of co-workers and your boss diminished your role on the project; yet you heard about yourdiminishing role through another co-worker. How would you feel? If you didn't really need the money for the next days pay and felt disrespected could youhonestly say you would not consider abandoning the project due the lack of respect shown from upper management?!
^Sadly it has nothing to do with being overly sensitive. Its about respect and the right thing to do. Your employer should discuss any decision that has beenmade and effects an employee directly with that employee. The employee should not have to hear that decision second hand....thats just bad management. I guessrespect in the workplace is not valued as highly as I thought.
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