
Cant believe all this @%#$ is true. I $%@%$%! wait all offseason, to finally see some good bball in NY. And now this @%#$.

I know i back him up ALL the time, but
at Isiah. Steph didnt deserve any of this...

Curry on the other hand...

I wish EC skipped the road trip and we could be led by our triple threat of Steph, Crawford, and Z Bo and we would actuallt have some D.

I think that Zach is out for a while also so expect a lineup tonight going up against possibly the best team in the NBA of...

PG- Nate Robinson
SG- Jamal Crawford
SF- Renaldo Balkman
PF- David Lee
C- Malik Rose? If Curry dont start.
Thanks Zeke. You are single handidly (actually with the help of bum Dolan) $%@%$%! up this promising season. That extension was a $%@%$%! joke last season.

Expect the backcourt of Nate+ Crawford to be our scoring and expect Lee to get an EASY double-double. But also expect an L.
Unless the backcourt goes crazy and Lee gets crazy boards and Renaldo does a sick job on D. Even there though its a HUGE stretch.

I should have known we would find a way to %%%* up this season. I was so stupid, i actually believed there could actually be a winning team in NY.


EDIT: I cant believe i actually backed up this slimy mother%@+@!%! through everything. Through all the hate, where people said his extension was undeserved,through his lawsuit, aeverything. This #$!+! repays his loyal fans like me who really just want to see the Knicks succeed and we could have like this. I amsure i am not the only one salty at Isian, but I am FURIOUS. I am going back to my stanse that i had back in the Larry Brown days. FIRE ISIAH THOMAS.

^^Why the %%%+ is Nate not starting? If it is anything other tha groin pain, it is another huge mistake by Isiah.

Nate has been $ all year long, and his game is improving like crazy. Unless his groin is bothering him he should be in. He not Mardy was summer league MVP andour most impressive preseason player. Mardy has barely played all year. Plus Nate and Crawford have good chemisty "The Seattle Connection" But if itis his groin i understand.
Doesn't Nate have a hamstring/groin problem right now? The coaches and staff are with the players everyday, if he's not starting, there is a goodreason.

We are probably the most loyal and knowledgeable fans in the whole league....and this is the treatment we get.

I drank myself into a f-in depression during the Larry Brown season and every season since, I've had a huge case of Basketball BlueBalls.

This is truly despicable.

If we buy out Steph and get nothing in return....i'm done with the NBA this season.

My heart cant take too much more.
good thing i didn't splurge on those season tix. man, this is all isaiah and dolan's doing from what it seems.

marbury is being made to look bad over some bs personal conflicts and now we got nothing but a big ol question mark to show for it? get outta here!

i wish the fans of atheltic teams in this country had more power over their team's moves and decisions just as they do in futbol, because i have a feelinga lot more would be sidin with marbs on this one.

got some clowny*$#% dudes making decisions and herbs supporting them right back. i guess isaiah owes dolan a big one for helping keep the gig so he's justreturning the favor by bending over for him.

and i pay over $120 a month on cable alone to this bastard!!!
man the season is just starting and all this drama already....
. seriously we need people who can just playing all around basketball. what kills the knicks is that people want to do there own thing, take daysoff and not play hard. somedays people want to play hard on both ends of the court, yet other days we have gaping holes in our defense an offensively we justget run over. on top of all of that we have an owner in dolan who doesn't really even try hard at putting a team together or at least getting people whoknow about basketball and how to run a team properly. isiah is all about himself and he doesn't care what happens as along as he gets paid. everyone knowsthe media in tough in ny but sometimes the antics of the knicks in both front office and by the players lead to garbage writers, reporting garbage and peoplejust eating it up.
anyone cathcing the pre game right now witht he interview?

how's isaiah talking that "we need leadership and defense, that's all we're asking of him?"

it's only 5 games into the damn season and you're gonna throw it away over some pride bs?

you're sounding real sheisty right now isaiah!
The best thing he mentioned was that Eddy might not start every game.

Im tired of all this BS.

Give us Kobe, Bron or D-Wade by next season or GIVE US FRRREEEE !!!!
I like that he's holding players accountable.

If this is a case of Isiah telling the players "defend, or you wont start", I like it.

If it involves any of the other crap mentioned (brawls, TV appearances), I don't know what to think of this team.
As I have said the Knicks handling of this situation is horrible.

1)Marbury has played well and does not deserve a buyout or starting role reduction

2) If you want to punish him for his off the court antics in the summer then IT SHOULD HAVE HAPPENED BEFORE THE SEASON STARTED!!

3) How can Isiah Thomas or Dolan punish or hold anyone accountable for their actions either on or off court when Isiah was found guilty in a court of law.Where is his punishment?! It is hypocritical and if I were Marbury I would be pissed too. The man changes his entire game around the past two seasons and thisis what he gets?!

Isiah is panicking because he knows his job is on the line although I think this is a move Dolan told him to do. I wouldn't be mad at the move if Dolan hadalso punished Isiah but he did not.

I am disgusted and embarrassed of this organization....I in agreement with GR8. Fire Isiah!!!!
^^^^ i totally agree... but once again i'm going to be watching in misery and pain. i hope we can turn it around. the season is so young and alreadyit's giving me a headache.
I just don't know.

This is horrible.

Just blow it up. This team is way too dysfunctional to make any kind of noise anywhere.

I'm sick and tired of the soap opera that the Knicks have become. It's always something new. I'll still be watching, and I still bleed blue andorange, but I don't feel it anymore. This organization is a complete joke, and they need to get their things together ASAP.

If I went and listed all the#!%$*#$+! I stuck with these guys through in the last 3 years alone, I'd be here all day... so I wont bore you with the infothat we all have branded in our collective memories.

Shape up Knicks, or %#%* off.

It's gona take another ping pong ball bouncing our way and getting a Patrick Ewing type to put us back to where we should be

running the franchise like this will never work

we'll be stuck in mediocroity

but somehow they always do something (trades for Steph, Eddy, Zach)...that make me believe

but it's just not gona work

I'm just not happy with sneaking into the playoffs

I want a title team....I don't care if it takes 5 lottery seasons

I'll take that instead of this
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze


We are probably the most loyal and knowledgeable fans in the whole league....and this is the treatment we get.

I drank myself into a f-in depression during the Larry Brown season and every season since, I've had a huge case of Basketball BlueBalls.

This is truly despicable.

If we buy out Steph and get nothing in return....i'm done with the NBA this season.

My heart cant take too much more.

Glad yalls are inn agreement with me on this. This is TERRIBLE managing by Isiah in this situation. i dont know what we did to deserve this !*@%. We go throughyears of !*@% with Layden, than we have that #@#!#!* Larry Brown team, etc. One time i am excited for a season to start and i know that we have a good teamIsiah is #@#!#!* it up. Im telling you its the Patrick Ewing curse. We should have NEVER traded him.

I agreed with pretty much all of you onnthe subject, but i just didnt want to have a million quotes on this post so i just chose this one, especially becausequoting and posting in general is a pain in the+%*# with Yuku. But I agree if we buy out a great player like Marbury for nothing in return it would beabsolutly pathetic and i dont know what the %#%$ i will do. I do not know what i will do if this season that i waited so long for just fades away like this.The managment is HORRIBLE. Right now i'm just hoping that this !*@% doesnt turn into a buyout situation, or the kind of situation that AI had last year orArtest 2 years ago where they just sit until they get traded. I'm hoping that this is short term and we get Steph back in orange and blue quicly. If we cansomehow do that and get Z Bo back we could be back on track. The season is not gone, i'm just considering this a speed bump right now, but we cannot letthis speed bump turn into a flat tire. Maybe the situation isnt as big as advertised. I feel that the media not only started this but blew it WAY out ofproprtion. Of course they are, any story about the Knicks will be taken to seriously even if its Jerome James *****ing about getting no PT. But when it is the2 most hated people in NY in a feud with one another... This is a field day for the media. A great way to hate on the Knicks and either side they take (eitherMarbury being a selfish @$!%%, or Isiah being stubborn and a bad coach) they still get to hate. Maybe they can even take no sides and blame both. I'm surethough that Isiah is doingg a HORRIBLE job and Steph's benching to say uneccesary would be an uderstatement. Even Rex Grossman got until 6 games (i think).And he actually was doing badly, and football games count more per game than basketball. 2-3 cmon Isiah, you are #@#!#!* this up. i'm just hoping we canmake it out of this mess like we got in and have no permanent damage. The season is not lost we need to stay optimistic. Although Isiah is #@#!#!* this up.

ultrasur1 wrote:how's isaiah talking that "we need leadership and defense, that's all we're asking of him?"

it's only 5 games into the damn season and you're gonna throw it away over some pride bs?

you're sounding real sheisty right now isaiah!

Really. I dont get what the %#%$ Isiah is doing right now. Trying to make all these adjustments because of 1 loss without probably our best player in the 5thgame of the season. Clean out your #+#*$ or something Zeke. CALM THE %#%$ DOWN. We are all made that we lost, yes we should have won. But bad losses are goingto happen,you cant just do all this !*@% after 1 loss. And even if you did, you are taking action on the wrong guy. A guy like Curry is who should be gettingblamed, he has no D or leadership. Marbury has been excelling at both. Why is he getting benched?

I once again state that i dont know why Isiah is blaming the game on defense in the 1st place. The reason we lost was because of lack of offense which wasprimarily due to Z Bo's absence. The score was 75-72 not 150-147. Blaming D would be like to blame defense for a loss in a football game where you lost3-0. And Marbury was working his+%*# off on D all night. If i was in Marbury's place, and all night i work my+%*# off on D, fight hard to get around picks,contest shots, etc. I want my credit for doing so. If after i do all that !*@% i get balmed and benched for a lack of D and leadership, i would have everyright to get pissed off. That whole game i was complementing Steph on his defensive energy.

abeautifulhaze wrote:The best thing he mentioned was that Eddy might not start every game.

TRUTH. Once again i agreed with nearly everyone's points, i just did not want a whole page of quotes

Right now i would say fire Isiah. But there is controvery to that. 1 is that this is an Isiah built team and it is pretty good if he doesnt %#%$ with it.Bringing in a new GM, he would probably want to shape up some things, etc. and i dont know if that would work for us right now. Also the players play for Isiah(at least they DID) and bringing in a new coach might destroy all the chemsitry and play style we gained last year. Still i would love to give guys like MarkJackson, or maybe even possibly Ewing a chance of coaching, especially a young talented team in NY. I think right now the pros would outweight the cons. I saybring in a nice young coach that is smart and will have the players play hard and a new GM. I would have that GM hault on MAJOR moves though unless thingsreally fall apart though... But once again it is only our 6th game right now.

Ya'll STILL supporting Zeke.

Man, when the @+@$ are ya'll gonna realize that HE has to go and not any more of the players?

This dude has blamed EVERYONE but himself. He all of a sudden wants to hold dudes accountable for not playing D??? Yet, when LB tried to do the same thing,ya'll cats said LB was "hating" on Steph.

Well how about Zeke hold HIMSELF accountable??

Fired Lenny, all-time winningest coach. Fired LB after 1 season. ONE SEASON??? Yo... *pshhh*

Don Nelson (not Zeke, but Knick management in general) another HOF coach ran out of town after 1 season. And yet, this bumbler who has NEVER won anything inthe L as a coach is STILL the HNIC??? Dude has been around this franchise almost as long as Riles coached or JVG coached (who were BOTH far superior coachesand got far better results with arguably less or equal talent).

That Patrick Ewing jinx is really haunting this franchise. Straight pissed on one of the greatest players in the history of the franchise by shipping him to!!$!@$* SEATTLE.

And if they get rid of Steph, his jinx will haunt them too. You see Mardy got hurt first game out right?

I'm not even the biggest Steph fan, but why the hell is he taking the fall for this? All of a sudden, these reports of him banging that chick in the truck,him calling Anucha a %@%*$, him having those weird interviews over the summer, him having those fights (with Q and Shandon, etc) are coming to light?? Howconvenient that the blame falls on Steph and NOT the prodigal son Isiah.
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