Originally Posted by m1ke check

Good luck at Staples.

Marbury needs to give the ball up and let Crawford take the shots, if you guys want to win.

yea because we all know marbury is a shoot first point guard right
[h1]Stephon Marbury's days with Knicks might be numbered[/h1]

Tuesday, November 13th 2007, 4:00 AM


PHOENIX - The customary postgame meeting between Garden chairman James Dolan and Isiah Thomas seemed to go on longer than usual late Sunday night in New York. Those sit-downs could be potentially harmful to a head coach. But in this instance, the discussion between Dolan and Isiah Thomas could mean the beginning of the end of Stephon Marbury.

A high-ranking team official told the Daily News that Thomas and Dolan have been in talks in recent days concerning Marbury's future. Knicks brass is considering what options it has to reduce Marbury's role or get rid of him entirely.

A trade is unlikely because Marbury, the team's controversial point guard, is scheduled to earn $42 million over the next two seasons. Dolan's and Thomas' history suggests that they would not rule out negotiating a buyout for Marbury, who then would become a free agent. At the very least, Marbury's minutes could be reduced substantially for as long as he remains on the team.

The Knicks are 2-3 entering tonight's game in Phoenix. Marbury, 30, made the trip west but there is some uncertainty whether he will even play. The Knicks traveled to Phoenix yesterday afternoon and were not available for comment. Attempts to reach Thomas at the team hotel were unsuccessful.

Marbury accepted responsibility for Sunday's loss to Miami after he threw away a pass in the final minute and allowed Heat guard Jason Williams to get open and hit the go-ahead jumper.

However, blaming Marbury for the Knicks' record is unfair, especially since Jamal Crawford had a similarly brutal turnover and has struggled defensively. The same is true of Eddy Curry, who was a nonfactor in back-to-back performances against Orlando's Dwight Howard and Miami's Shaquille O'Neal.

Perhaps Marbury is being set up as the scapegoat in the aftermath of the Anucha Browne Sanders sexual harassment trial. Marbury testified that he once referred to Sanders as a "@$%@%." It was also revealed during the trial that Marbury, a married father, had an affair with a Garden employee who was a public relations intern at the time.

Also, Marbury made several infamous and bizarre television appearances over the summer that embarrassed the organization. Marbury has maintained a low profile since the start of training camp and has even attempted to extend olive branches to those members of the media that he has feuded with for the past several years.

A person close to Marbury says he is beaten down emotionally from everything that transpired over the summer and through the Sanders trial and that deep down he would welcome a change of scenery. In five games, Marbury is averaging 15.2 points and 6.8 assists. Now in his 12th season, Marbury has averaged 19.8 points and 7.9 assists over his career with four different teams.

Marbury was, of course, Thomas' first blockbuster acquisition. The January 2004 trade was celebrated because it meant that Marbury, the Brooklyn legend, would be returning home. But Marbury quickly alienated teammates, coaches and the media with his moody behavior. He was involved in a memorable altercation with former teammate Kurt Thomas and later with current teammate Quentin Richardson. Both players wanted to fight Marbury.

Through it all, including the losing seasons and zero playoffs wins, Isiah Thomas stood firmly behind Marbury and exiled anyone that had a problem with his guard - including Kurt Thomas, Shandon Anderson, Tim Thomas, Keith Van Horn and Dikembe Mutombo.

Marbury's career in New York, which seemed so promising, appears to be headed for an ugly divorce. If the Knicks were to sever ties with Marbury, it is uncertain how it would impact Thomas' future.
its frank isola....the man is a knick hater...that article is crap..he's the same dude that embarrased the daily news by saying that the knicks had hiredmike fratello (making it on the backpage)

frank isola is worthless
Come on now, we're gonna start Mardy at the 1? Nate?

I don't see the Knicks buying out Marbury, especially at a time where he seems to be playing with a selflessness that he's never played with.

Who knows, though. This is the same organization that gave Larry Brown like $50 million, then bought him out after 1 season.
Is anyone else a bit miffed at the fact that Marbury doesn't hold the 20ppg 8apg career average anymore? I was damn proud of Steph for having thosenumbers.

And yes, Isola is a buffoon.
Originally Posted by m1ke check

Good luck at Staples.

Marbury needs to give the ball up and let Crawford take the shots, if you guys want to win.

Typical comment from someone who probably has watched 2 Knicks games the past two seasons.
Originally Posted by justhotkicks

Is anyone else a bit miffed at the fact that Marbury doesn't hold the 20ppg 8apg career average anymore? I was damn proud of Steph for having those numbers.

Yeah, it sucks that he dipped just under 20ppg and 8apg, but I love the fact that he doesn't seem to care about holding those career statsanymore.
It's like the stats aren't as important to him anymore.
That is probably the most worthless article that i have ever seen

First of all it is that ******ed #$*% Frank Isola, and he is WORTHLESS

Second of all Steph is the heart and soul of our team and we all know that and to get rid of him would be a complete mistake because our whole team would fallapart and Zeke knows that more than anyone.

3rd of all and probably most importantly, this bum Isola brings up that the only way we can get rid of Steph is via buyout. We all know that there is a betterchance of Jerome James making a miraculous comeback and being named league MVP than Isiah buying out an allstar talent in Stephon. This dude Zeke has a VERYstrict policy that if a player has SOME value he would not get bought out. This is the same guy who would not buy out bums like Francis and Jerome Jamesbecause he claims they have value. He claims that he does not want to let a player like Francis be bought out like Portland just did to him because if we weregoing to get rid of him he would like some value (which in our case was very fortunate, because Francis got us Z Bo) Another reason other than claiming Jameshas value to not cut James is that it would mean him admitting it was a colossal mistake to get him in the first part.

If all this applies to Francis and James than there is sure as hell no chance of Stephon getting bought out. 1 he has been playing nicely and like a true PG,and if Francis and James have value than Steph should be considered league MVP, no way Zeke would let Steph walk right now, and if he did he wouldld never leta talented player like Steph, go into free agency, getting nothing in return and having Steph have a chip on his sholder every time he goes to MSG. Zeke isWAYYYY smarter than that. Number 2, if a minor signing like Jerome James would prevent Zeke from cutting him to avoid admitting a mistake, than i wonder whatcutting a player that we got in a franchise changing move would mean. First of all to this point i am happy with the move, and I love how Steph has been, buteven if he was doing bad, to let him walk for nothing would equal Isiah getting fired no questions asked.

at this article. Just another bum member of the media looking to hate on Stephon onthe Knicks right when we are starting to earn some praisse. The Knicks can never be a minor team through the media, and right now people love to hate them. Itpisses people off right when the Knicks start to turn things around, and bum memebers of the media like Frank Isola sees 1 loss as a grand ooppurtunity to putsome more hate on Steph and the Knicks after 1 worthless loss, because they love to hate on us and they want to bring us right back down right when we start togo up. This dude is a bum, Steph is a lock in NY for at least the remaining 2 years of his contract, and he will turn the heads of the haters. #$*% this bum.
Heart and Soul of a team that has gone nowhere...

I wouldn't be upset to see him leave

It really doesn't matter at this point
at the way Zeke is handling everything and
at acting like our whole season is falling apart after 1 loss, and now it looks like Zeke is going topull the plug of a promising season after 5 games. If Zeke@@%+%% this season up, no more me backing him up he should get fired IMO. Trade for Artest and getback on track. I like benching Curry if true though, but take 1 step further and trade him for Artest.

+@+%%*@ Frank Isola, starting all this *!#*. We are letting the media beat us righ now, and i said it form the start, there will be haters especially in themedia, but we have to ignore that and go out there and do our thing every night.
no, no, no. trade steph and curry for kobe.

PERFECT trade.

give the lake show a throw in as well, like nate. great trade for both sides.
Originally Posted by eddiehouse5

no, no, no. trade steph and curry for kobe.

PERFECT trade.

give the lake show a throw in as well, like nate. great trade for both sides.

Our team is fine, Isiah is just overreacting. We dont need Kobe, but a smaller trade like offense for defense (Curry for Artest) would give us the extra boost.Even if we diddo the above trade we couldnt trade Nate and Steph in the same deal and maybe a pick

and if they dont do it straight up... they throw in a long term high paying contractand we give them an expiring contract. I'm sure we could get him with one of these deals, with Artests problems and Curry's bright future. If we addpicks on the 1st one it would work and the 2nd one would work cause the Kings would dump out Shareefs big contract. But it would be worth it for us causeArtest is the ideal 3 for us.
i'm sorry man, i'm going to have to disagree with you there. only one team doesn't need kobe, and that is the spurs.

the artest deal is fine with me, but artest is a loose cannon. what if he goes crazy again and asks for time off again, or something stupid like that?

our team is not fine. q is injury prone, curry won't rebound etc.

i think kobe makes this team a championship contender. kobe + big man = greatness.
^^^I have to disagree with you there. Because getting Z Bo gave us the luxur of not needing Kobe. If we traded for Kobe we would most likely have to give upour talent and our bright future for him, which would pretty much make us the Lakers just in a different city. Which is why Isiah didnt go for Kobe after wegot Z Bo as hard as before. We have the pieces right now and we should not mess it up, we just need some adjustments like a lockdown defender, and i thinkCurry has to go. No, i am not overreacting like the rest of the Knicks organization is right now, if you read my posts i have wanted EC to go for a while. Iwas pushing hard to trade him in the preseason but even before that. Curry is tradable to ateam like the Kings who can use him, and it would allow us to get aplayer that we NEED for little value. The only way i say we get Kobe is if we can keep Steph or Nate along with Z Bo, Lee, and Blakman, and picks. Which isvery unlikely.
wow just wow and to think i just changed my avy yesterday
, seriously what is going on within the knicks organization? its bad enough we have been garbagefor god knows how long and now this... i just pray when i turn on msg tonight at 9 i see steph and curry in the starting lineup, we don't need all this offthe court stuff. the tunnel with the light at the end just got bigger (nh).
You can't be serious. Are Knick fans really miffed about Marbury's career stat numbers?

You guys are crazy.
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