I cannot recall a time when it was this exciting in the NBA in terms of trades, most years it more talk than actual action. The Spurs yet again showing whythey are the top franchise in the NBA. While everyone else is trying to make the headlines with splashy signings, they just fly under the radar and make dealslike this. Great pick up for SA.
Windhorst on WKNR right now. He's protecting his sources and talked to a couple of different sources/organizations and it's 50-50 now and Ferry is in serious talks now and such a trade would alter the east. A one for one deal. Not involving Miller.
The Cavs don't have anyone to trade one for one that would "alter the East".

Originally Posted by adidas All Day I Dream About Shoes

Windhorst on WKNR right now. He's protecting his sources and talked to a couple of different sources/organizations and it's 50-50 now and Ferry is in serious talks now and such a trade would alter the east. A one for one deal. Not involving Miller.
The Cavs don't have anyone to trade one for one that would "alter the East".


-Here is what I can tell you, it is a trade that would change the dynamic somewhat of how the Cavs play but not directly affect the way LeBron James plays. Also, if this deal goes through, it would potentially allow the Cavs to make another deal.
So it can't be LeBron.

Something I came up with was Zydrunas for Josh Howard maybe? That make about the same amount of money, there have been mumbles about Howard getting flipped,Dallas desperately needs a big man and getting Z out of there would definitely "change the dynamic" of the Cavs.
Something I came up with was Zydrunas for Josh Howard maybe?
Stop it. I said I felt Howard was expendable for a good big, but not Zydrunas... Not in a million years.
I like that Kurt Thomas Deal for the Spurs. Provides depth, scoring, and defense.
JO has been injured for a while, hes no good anymore. Z is more effective than him. JO would not alter the east
Yeah, I don't think JO is an Eastern Conference altering guy right now. He may not even play again this year... And coming back off a knee injury is goingto take more than a few weeks to get back from... Impact move, sure. A move that would shift power out East? I'm just not sure.
Maybe it's for Mike Miller.

Mike Miller basically for Big Z and another person to round it out.

Or Mike Miller for Big Z and expiring contracts, with the Grizzlies insisting that the Cavs take on Cardinal's contract.

This gives the Grizzlies a legit C to go with Gay and everybody else.

They don't mind his contract because of Kwame's expiring deal, the unloading of Cardinal's deal, and whatever expiring deals they get from theCavs.

Then they trade away Gooden, and become more of an uptempo running style team, with no regards for post offense.
Originally Posted by belle155

JO has been injured for a while, hes no good anymore. Z is more effective than him. JO would not alter the east
well depending on who is reporting it. the guy reporting it could be overexagerating.... only people out there are VC, JO, and Artest and the only onethat would alter the east would be JO since his game is in the post...
Artest is playing out of his mind since he almost won that Rockets game by himself when the Kings were down by 20. He has 20 points off 5-5 FG attempts and 2steals at the half. He's obviously trying to boost his trade stock right now.
No, franchise, it specified that it wasn't for Miller.

Windhorst on WKNR right now. He's protecting his sources and talked to a couple of different sources/organizations and it's 50-50 now and Ferry is in serious talks now and such a trade would alter the east. A one for one deal. Not involving Miller.
Originally Posted by adidas All Day I Dream About Shoes

No, franchise, it specified that it wasn't for Miller.

Windhorst on WKNR right now. He's protecting his sources and talked to a couple of different sources/organizations and it's 50-50 now and Ferry is in serious talks now and such a trade would alter the east. A one for one deal. Not involving Miller.

Reading comprehension > Me
Artest is playing ridiculous basketball right now...he must actually be gracious towards Petrie and the Maloofs...doing them this kind of last minute favor.

Good to see Bibby doing something for the Hawks, too
Based on what I've gathered, here is my thinking:

Hughes for VC
Hughes for Redd
Gooden for Artest

Basically I have no idea at this point, but everybody is saying Redd and VC are being shopped, not to mention we already knew Artest was as well...
My money is on Redd, he's being shopped and I know for sure the Cavs want him badly. That would be the most "east altering" deal that could bemade
I really thought that Barry was a good fit for the Spurs, but Kurt Thomas is a very solid player and battle tested in the playoffs. Even though Barry'sshooting will be missed, they do have Stoudamire, and hopefully he, Finley and Manu can cover those outside jumpers without him. I am very pleased with themoves the Spurs have made though. A veteran point guard in Mighty Mouse and a tough player like Kurt should give them more than enough to compete for anothertitle. Spurs' management never ceases to amaze me.
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