It will be very close but Kobe should win it.
Every year people critize him for not making his teammates better, which was not true. But especially this year, no one can say that. His point average isdown, his assits and rebounding numbers are up. His overall contribution to his team, offensively and defensively, gives him the edge over CP. CP is a greatdefenisve player in his own right but he does not guard the best player on the opposing team night in and night out. Kobe does that.

And I know this should not be a factor but some voters will be swayed by their age. CP has a lot of time to get his MVP. Kobe, the greatest player ever whohasn't won one is due.
Originally Posted by Kiddin Like Jason

Some of you guys care an unhealthy amount about the MVP award.
If Kobe wins, I could live with it.

CP3 wins though, best believe 68.8% of Lakers fans will throw up their arms, stomp their feet, and cry foul.
CP3 wins though, best believe 68.8% of Lakers fans 100% of Kobe stans will throw up their arms, stomp their feet, and cry foul.
its gotta be CP3

there was an article in the PD today sayin brons teammates hurtin his MVP chances. its not his fault the team doesnt come to play every night. maybe if moreguys hit some shots once in a while, cavs would have a better record and bron would have a new trophy in his case. til then, gotta give it to chris paul
Originally Posted by BullsRepeat3Peat

I'm serious man.

Lakers fans & regular Kobe fans catch a lot of heat here on NT mainly because of the stans

You're right.

I just didn't want to put a higher % number, and have those stans come out the woodwork.

But yes, if Kobe doesn't win it this year, I expect a lot of complaining.
ya it's all good though.

I still think he's gonna deservingly win it, mainly because he's been in the league a lot longer than CP3. Unless L.A. has a major downfall, I thinkit's his award to lose
Kobe winning the MVP this year would be beyond a joke. In no way shape orform does this clown deserve the MVP, period. The main factors of the Lakers success this year has been:

A. The rapid improvement of Andrew Bynum.
B. The addition of Pau Gasol

The Lakers would be the same crappy +!% team like they have been the past few years if those 2 things didn't happen. As somebody stated, Kobe has beenoutplayed by Paul, KG, and Lebron whenever they matched up and he has a losing record against their teams. So what in the hell make this clown more valuableand more deserving of the MVP award KG, Lebron or Paul? Because he's playing with a torn ligament? Boo effing hoo. Kobe will never win the MVP award as faras I'm concerned, and quite frankly he shouldn't, he's not MVP worthy period.


Are alll more deserving of the MVP than the dirty snake.
Originally Posted by 3PLEDOUBLE

Kobe winning the MVP this year would be beyond a joke. In no way shape or form does this clown deserve the MVP, period. The main factors of the Lakers success this year has been:

A. The rapid improvement of Andrew Bynum.
B. The addition of Pau Gasol

The Lakers would be the same crappy +!% team like they have been the past few years if those 2 things didn't happen. As somebody stated, Kobe has been outplayed by Paul, KG, and Lebron whenever they matched up and he has a losing record against their teams. So what in the hell make this clown more valuable and more deserving of the MVP award KG, Lebron or Paul? Because he's playing with a torn ligament? Boo effing hoo. Kobe will never win the MVP award as far as I'm concerned, and quite frankly he shouldn't, he's not MVP worthy period.


Are alll more deserving of the MVP than the dirty snake.

Well, since this guy has posted, I think the MVP is pretty much wrapped up for Kobe now.

Franchise and Bullsrepeat, if he doesn't win this year I hopehe takes it out on the league in the playoffs, I really do. But really, after the last 3 seasons for him to not win one because first he had no help and wasjust numbers, to second his numbers were great and carried a team that had a chance at being good but had a ton of injuries, to he's put up great numbersand now has a top level team still filled with injuries and still nothing to show for it hardware wise, because people just have to find someone else in theleague to give it to, come on, he'll never win one. If he doesn't get it this year, he never will, it's just that simple.
Whoever wins it is alright with me. Lebron with his stats, CP for leading his team, Kobe for being Kobe, KG for turning things around.
the award belongs to no one else rather than Kobe Bean Bryant
, stanatry in full effect,

I still say its Paul, ive seen nothing in the last week to change my mind
Originally Posted by WILLINC

the award belongs to no one else rather than Kobe Bean Bryant
, stanatry in full effect,

I still say its Paul, ive seen nothing in the last week to change my mind

Hater in full effect.

So this past week when Paul missed two key free throws at the end of a game and almost cost his team the game if Orlando actually gave the ball to one of theirgood players didn't mean anything? Really?
Originally Posted by WILLINC

the award belongs to no one else rather than Kobe Bean Bryant
, stanatry in full effect,

I still say its Paul, ive seen nothing in the last week to change my mind

So if people simply believe Kobe is MVP their a stan? WOW...great logic there
How come every team in the league, almost every player in the league, and pretty much ever announcer in the league truly fear Kobe when their team playsthem, but then they try to backtrack and say that Paul is the MVP? I don't wish to discredit Paul, dude is a beast. He has been awesome this year. Thepoint I'm getting at is that all these guys talk thru the whole game hoping and praying and wondering when Kobe will take over and beat their team, andwhen they announce Paul's game, I have yet to hear one announcer say that he is going to win this game for the Hornets. Not one player ever mentionsfearing Kobe, or he's the greatest. Ask players about Kobe and while they don't like him, they know not to mess with him, or get on his bad sidebecause they know they'll get lit up.

Napier last night in the Kings game said at halftime the Kings have to feel pretty good, but we all know Kobe hasn't tried to do anything yet. Firstpossession of the second half, 10 seconds in, Kobe hits all net and he says simply "uh oh". Game was over from that shot on.

Last week against the Blazers, Kobe put them down and came out of the game we thought for good. Blazers made a run, Kobe came back in, dropped 7 points and anassist in 37 seconds, game was over again.

Vs Dallas, he was doubled a million times, over the years when people said he wasn't the MVP because he didn't trust his teammates and just shotthrough a triple team, this game, he let's Odom and Gasol space the floor, makes the correct play to whichever guy had a better lane, and they came backand won the game after trailing by 14.

If at the end of next week the only thing people can hold against Kobe is the game vs the bobs and the Grizz and that's their case for why he isn't theMVP,
Eastern Conference players are banned from MVP talks.
Boston going 11-3 vs. S.A./DAL/HOU/PHX/N.O./UT/LAL means players from their team at least are in the discussion.
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