Odom, Fisher, and Farmar are better than David West, Chandler, and Peja now? Just thought that was pretty hilarious.
A lot of Lakers fans don't see my point of view.

I'll say it again.

David West - All Star
Chandler - Beast
Peja - Deadly behind the arc

I'm not saying that they're NOT good. CP3 is FORTUNATE to run with those dudes.

But Laker fans don't see the fact that THIS year's success is NOT because of Kobe.

Kobe is KOBE. Dude is the best in the game.

So ask yourself. What's the difference THIS year? Compared to last year.

"Kobe scaling back his shots, incorporating the other guys into the offense"


Bynum was here last year. Farmar was here last year. Vlad was here last year. Sasha was here last year.

It's because these other dudes this year have shown signs of life. Reason FOR Kobe to start trusting these guys, instead of trying to do it all himself.

Summer time, Kobe aired out Bynum. Aired out the front office for NOT trading away Bynum for some immediate help. Kidd, Jermaine, etc.

After watching dude play this season, we can see Kupcake probably did the best thing he's done since he's been here. KEPT Bynum.

All I'm trying to get at is, you look past Peja, Tyson, and David (who again, are GOOD players surrounding CP3) and look at the Hornets bench. Look whothey're relying on OUTSIDE of those 3. After you do that, go look at the Lakers.

Gasol + Bynum injured = The Lakers can rotate a bunch of guys around the C - PF - SF spot.

Odom, Vlad, Turiaf, Walton.

Fisher or Kobe needs a breather, the Lakers can sub in Sasha, Farmar.

Collectively, as a group, the Lakers have more players to help/surround Kobe, than the Hornets do to CP3.

The emergence of Farmar, The Machine, even Vlad showing signs of life this season is the REAL reason why the Lakers are succesful. That's not evenincluding the emergence of Bynum (before he went down) and Gasol (Yes, I know he's been injured)

Does Kobe play a part? Sure does. A HUGE part.

That's why I think the Lakers are so succesful. Not because of any one thing Kobe is doing. The reason why the Lakers are so succesful this season isbecause guys are stepping up and actually doing something to help this dude Kobe.

Instead of one on five, it's more of a Lakers TEAM that's getting at you.

Whereas CP3 is creating all of those 3's for Peja by breaking down the lane. All of those easy points for Chandler off alley oops off the pick and roll. Whereas CP3 is doing crazy things on both ends of the floor. Scoring, dishing it out, assist to turnover ratio, leading the league in steals, etc.

Coming into this season, everybody would have ranked Kidd or Nash as the best PG in the game. Either one. And even then, half of NT would have ranked Deronas #3, behind those guys.

Nobody really thought CP3 was THIS nice. (sans KLJ

Dude basically catapulted himself to 'Best PG in the game' status, THIS SEASON.

All this, with the Hornets right there, in contention for the #1 spot.
Originally Posted by J0E HUSTLE

he could easily win it just because he hasn't won one yet.
That would be horrible.

I see

2. LeBron
3. Kobe

without that player which team will fall off the hardest
The Cavs would be a surefire lottery team without #23

The Hornets have good pieces in West (All-Star), Chandler and Pedrag.

Boston without KG would still be good with Allen and Pierce, two All-Stars.

Bean has Gasol (former All-Star), and LO. While its not BOS caliber supporting cast, its better than Damon Jones and Ilguaskas.

please stop, if you take Kobe out they are the worst of them all. They would be exactly what the grizzlies are right now. Gasol was with the Grizzlieswith Mike Miller and they were garbage. Think before you speak please.
That's not to say Kobe isn't doing a bang up job this year, as usual, injured no less.

1a. CP3
1b. Kobe

For me personally, whoever finishes higher in the standings, give THAT person the MVP award.

The reason being is, such a strong case could be made for EITHER one of them.

We have to use something to use as a tie breaker.

I say we use that.
Originally Posted by franchise3

Odom, Fisher, and Farmar are better than David West, Chandler, and Peja now? Just thought that was pretty hilarious.
A lot of Lakers fans don't see my point of view.

I'll say it again.

David West - All Star
Chandler - Beast
Peja - Deadly behind the arc

I'm not saying that they're NOT good. CP3 is FORTUNATE to run with those dudes.

But Laker fans don't see the fact that THIS year's success is NOT because of Kobe.

Kobe is KOBE. Dude is the best in the game.

So ask yourself. What's the difference THIS year? Compared to last year.

"Kobe scaling back his shots, incorporating the other guys into the offense"


Bynum was here last year. Farmar was here last year. Vlad was here last year. Sasha was here last year.

It's because these other dudes this year have shown signs of life. Reason FOR Kobe to start trusting these guys, instead of trying to do it all himself.

Summer time, Kobe aired out Bynum. Aired out the front office for NOT trading away Bynum for some immediate help. Kidd, Jermaine, etc.

After watching dude play this season, we can see Kupcake probably did the best thing he's done since he's been here. KEPT Bynum.

All I'm trying to get at is, you look past Peja, Tyson, and David (who again, are GOOD players surrounding CP3) and look at the Hornets bench. Look who they're relying on OUTSIDE of those 3. After you do that, go look at the Lakers.

Gasol + Bynum injured = The Lakers can rotate a bunch of guys around the C - PF - SF spot.

Odom, Vlad, Turiaf, Walton.

Fisher or Kobe needs a breather, the Lakers can sub in Sasha, Farmar.

Collectively, as a group, the Lakers have more players to help/surround Kobe, than the Hornets do to CP3.

The emergence of Farmar, The Machine, even Vlad showing signs of life this season is the REAL reason why the Lakers are succesful. That's not even including the emergence of Bynum (before he went down) and Gasol (Yes, I know he's been injured)

Does Kobe play a part? Sure does. A HUGE part.

That's why I think the Lakers are so succesful. Not because of any one thing Kobe is doing. The reason why the Lakers are so succesful this season is because guys are stepping up and actually doing something to help this dude Kobe.

Instead of one on five, it's more of a Lakers TEAM that's getting at you.

Whereas CP3 is creating all of those 3's for Peja by breaking down the lane. All of those easy points for Chandler off alley oops off the pick and roll. Whereas CP3 is doing crazy things on both ends of the floor. Scoring, dishing it out, assist to turnover ratio, leading the league in steals, etc.

Coming into this season, everybody would have ranked Kidd or Nash as the best PG in the game. Either one. And even then, half of NT would have ranked Deron as #3, behind those guys.

Nobody really thought CP3 was THIS nice. (sans KLJ

Dude basically catapulted himself to 'Best PG in the game' status, THIS SEASON.

All this, with the Hornets right there, in contention for the #1 spot.

Yeah Chris Paul makes his teammates better, and Kobe's teammates carry him to a good record. Ok that makes sense.
Yeah Chris Paul makes his teammates better, and Kobe's teammates carry him to a good record. Ok that makes sense.

You still don't get it.

I'm not saying Kobe is irrelevant or anything.

What I AM SAYING IS, Lakers fans act like, 'OMG! The Lakers are at the top of the West! KOBE MVP MVP MVP' Or, 'Kobe's never won one, Lakersare at the top of the West, let's give it to him this year! MVP MVP MVP'

All I'm saying is, the Hornets rise to atop the Western Confernce HAS A LOT TO DO WITH CP3.

The Lakers rise to atop the Western Conference is more KOBE BEING KOBE, BUT THE DIFFERNCE IS, HE HAS A SUPPORTING CAST NOW.

Go peep CP3's stats from last year to this year. Increase.

Go peep Kobe's stats from last year to this year. SAME.

So, what's changed from last year's Lakers team, to this year's?

The numbers clearly show that the reason why the Hornets are doing so good is because of CP3.
Originally Posted by franchise3

Yeah Chris Paul makes his teammates better, and Kobe's teammates carry him to a good record. Ok that makes sense.

You still don't get it.

I'm not saying Kobe is irrelevant or anything.

What I AM SAYING IS, Lakers fans act like, 'OMG! The Lakers are at the top of the West! KOBE MVP MVP MVP' Or, 'Kobe's never won one, Lakers are at the top of the West, let's give it to him this year! MVP MVP MVP'

All I'm saying is, the Hornets rise to atop the Western Confernce HAS A LOT TO DO WITH CP3.

The Lakers rise to atop the Western Conference is more KOBE BEING KOBE, BUT THE DIFFERNCE IS, HE HAS A SUPPORTING CAST NOW.

Go peep CP3's stats from last year to this year. Increase.

Go peep Kobe's stats from last year to this year. SAME.

So, what's changed from last year's Lakers team, to this year's?

The numbers clearly show that the reason why the Hornets are doing so good is because of CP3.

stats dont tell everything, if you watch Laker games then you know Kobe has changed his game to become a team player. Hes passing a lot more now instead ofshooting jumpers every possesion. Hence why his scoring is down. If he didnt give up the ball as much he could be averaging 35ppg easily.
I know stats don't tell everything.

That's why I said in my other post, a couple of posts up, the reason WHY Kobe is becoming a team player is because other guys are actually stepping uptheir game. They're giving Kobe a reason to make that pass.

Last year, who could dude rely on besides himself?

Sasha wasn't 'The Machine' last year.

Farmar + Bynum's game are leaps and bounds from where it was last year compared to this year. And they're still improving.

Vlad was trash juice last year. He's actually somewhat worthwhile this year.

Lakers fans know better than anybody that LO is trash as a second option. Since other guys have been stepping up, LO isn't being relied on that heavilythis year, as he has in the past. He can work within the flow of the offense.

Everything is gelling for the Lakers.

Kobe has a supporting cast now.

That's the only thing I was trying to get at.

Kobe's numbers are basically the same on a whole from last year to this year, yet the Lakers are contending for a #1 spot.

You don't have to be good at math to figure out why.

Dudes are stepping up around him.

Without Kobe, the Lakers would be nowhere TRUE, but my only arguement was that CP3 has been more of a factor in which why the Hornets are up there in the West.

Moreso than Kobe's part on why the Lakers are where they are.
they should make a different award like Most Outstanding Player like in the NCAA tournament...that'll clear up confusion over "what isvaluable"
[table][tr][td]Dirk: Kobe Should Be MVP[/td] [/tr][tr][td]March 29, 2008 - 8:09 pm[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
Dirk Nowitzki, the NBA's reigning MVP, thinks it's time for Kobe Bryant to finally take home the trophy, according to ESPN.com's Marc Stein.

"He's the best player in the game and he's never won it before. He's had his injuries, his team [has] had injuries and they're still right up there in the West. They just beat us without [Pau] Gasol and [Andrew] Bynum. I think this is his time," Nowitzki said. [READ][/td] [/tr][/table]

Someone thinks that West + Chandler + Peja > Gasol + Odom + Bynum??

The 3 Hornets players thrive off CP3's assists while the three Lakers, with the exception of Bynum are themselves great passers.

I was analyzing David West's career and I discovered that West was close to being a BUM in the league before Chris Paul came. He played two seasons withthe team before Paul came and his ppg average was 3.9 and 6.2 in those two years. Then CP3 comes and his average explodes to 17.1 with a higher FG%.Coincidence? Used to think it was LeBron, but now: CP3 = MVP. He has all the things that make an MVP: Great individual stats (leading the league in assists andsteals), currently the best record in his conference, making his teammates better, his team would be $#$* without him, running around without a sense ofdirection. Dude is a beast.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl


Someone thinks that West + Chandler + Peja > Gasol + Odom + Bynum??

The 3 Hornets players thrive off CP3's assists while the three Lakers, with the exception of Bynum are themselves great passers.

I was analyzing David West's career and I discovered that West was close to being a BUM in the league before Chris Paul came. He played two seasons with the team before Paul came and his ppg average was 3.9 and 6.2 in those two years. Then CP3 comes and his average explodes to 17.1 with a higher FG%. Coincidence? Used to think it was LeBron, but now: CP3 = MVP. He has all the things that make an MVP: Great individual stats (leading the league in assists and steals), currently the best record in his conference, making his teammates better, his team would be $#$* without him, running around without a sense of direction. Dude is a beast.
I agree with 90% of this post.

CP3 is our MVP.
Here are the league leaders in technical fouls:

1.LA Lakers,K.Bryant-15

Giving away points and getting kicked out of game is not very valubale. Thus KG or PP ftmvp
Not taking anything away from Chris Paul, Lebron, KG or anyone else but this is just simply Kobe's time for the trophy and i think much of the League wouldagree.
CP3 is our MVP.
I agree. But I say give it to Kobe so it can just be over and done with, if it'll shut people up. CP3 will own this league for the next 10years, barring injury.
I don't like the argument of well since this guys has worse teammates that means he is more valuable. It makes sense to an extent but to base your wholeargument on it is ridiculous.

I think it is still between CP3 and Kobe. Paul has a slight lead right now IMO but if Kobe goes on a tear these last 10 games then I do think he could win it.
I don't get how KG deserves MVP talk.... Yeah his team is the best in the NBA (record wise) but Pierce and Allen is a big part of it. Not just KG. Anddon't forget they're in the East.

Last week I went with Kobe being MVP, but losing to Memphis and Charlotte, changed my mind.

Chris Paul is the MVP.
Even though I think the Hornets will finish higher than the Lakers, I say Kobe wins over CP3 because he'll get more first place votes.. but it will be veryclose
Originally Posted by Jdiddy931

I don't get how KG deserves MVP talk.... Yeah his team is the best in the NBA (record wise) but Pierce and Allen is a big part of it. Not just KG. And don't forget they're in the East.

Last week I went with Kobe being MVP, but losing to Memphis and Charlotte, changed my mind.

Chris Paul is the MVP.

so? i mean every good team loses games, to good teams and bad ones.
Originally Posted by BaronDavis5

Originally Posted by Jdiddy931

I don't get how KG deserves MVP talk.... Yeah his team is the best in the NBA (record wise) but Pierce and Allen is a big part of it. Not just KG. And don't forget they're in the East.

Last week I went with Kobe being MVP, but losing to Memphis and Charlotte, changed my mind.

Chris Paul is the MVP.

so? i mean every good team loses games, to good teams and bad ones.
co-sign on kg...that just kiLLs the fact kobe has a team now with pau!!...wait a minute didnt dirk win it in 07 because he was the best pLayer onthe best team?...same for steve nash?...come on if u guys even watch kobe hes doing it on the defensive end too...im not even trying to be biased and his teamhasnt even been fuLLy heaLed yet Let aLone his finger...come on now think about it...everyone Loses to bad teams u teLL me the 2 yrs nash won it he never Lostto a bad team in those seasons...the year shaq won it in 2000 they Lost to the wizards(back then were not even cLose to being a pLayoff team)...its overaLLseason MVP...Like schooL for exampLe ur overaLL grade in a cLass is an A but i bet in a quiz or even a test im pretty sure u've gotten a C or D or even anF but managed to get an A for the cLass...think about it but dont get me wrong those Losses to memphis and the bobcats were unacceptabLe though
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