Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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Only thing that matters PERIOD is, will Bynum play close to 70 games?

If the answer is no, lottery it is for Philly.
rockets only got 3 guys with over 3 years of NBA experience: kevin martin, carlos delfino, shaun livingston :pimp:
I Liked iggy i was pretty mad once we got rid of him dont get me wrong but also adding nick young, dorrel wright, jrich, bynum (when he plays). i think can only help us improve. Iggy is a great player but he is not consistent at all, sure hell have that one huge dunk or play to get the crowd into it and we all kno how tight his D was. But we needed a change for the better
Not saying the Sixers will or won't be good, but Nick Young, Dorrell, and J Rich don't bring the overall type of game that Iggy did.

Not to mention just on the offensive end, they + Bynum play a completely different way than Iggy. So it's not as simple as plugging them into the spots where Iggy and Elton played. The whole offense and dynamic will change and it's not easy to predict how it'll look.
what was it that iggy brought to the sixers? theyve been talking about trading him for past 2-3 seasons but just never pulled the trigger till this season. He is a great player and worked good under doug collins as coach but like i said his inconsistent and horrible decision of shots at end of games was horrible to watch. Sure he had some games where he balled out but not ona daily basis in which people this he can do. His D was the only thing he has going for him besides getting the crowd hyped.
You lost Iggy too though, that has to matter in some terms. Iggy to Nick Young and Dorrell Wright is a huge drop off defensively no?
im sure its a huge drop off defensively losing one of the best perimiter defenders but one guy isnt going to make a difference. Im pretty sure Doug Collins will have the team on its toes come the 31st. Sixers raned 3rd in Defense last season so lets see how it all pans out this year
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It's amazing, people that barely ever watched Iguodala or the Sixers play a full game besides the playoffs are telling us more about our team than us. Sixer fans, did we end up making that Iguodala Unappreciation thread or did we never go through with that? I know it was talked about but then he made those game winning free throws to put us in the 2nd round and all was forgiven. Sixer fans generally hated Iguodala, Lou Williams and Elton Brand more than any ex-Sixers not named Chris Webber, Willie Green or John Salmons yet you guys are saying how much we're going to miss them.

And Doug Collins wears on teams in year three? Well good for him that this is a completely different team from last year aside from 5 players (Jrue, Turner, Thad, Hawes and Lavoy Allen).
I'll say one more thing about the Sixers that a lot of you "internet basketball experts"
You constantly say bizarre things like this.. what makes you so much better at discussing sports on here? You do realize that your comment can be applied to everything you say as well? Or is anyone who disagrees with you less capable of speaking on such topics?

If this is going to be a constant thing on here of "the Sixers aren't getting any respect" all season, I'm already tired of it. Good team, if the new pieces comes together then they'll be a tough opponent all season... but come playoffs it'll be a different story. You'll need to count on Bynum to be dominant enough in the 4th or hope Jrue or Turner make a leap in their games. It's possible, but we'll need to see it first.

Edit: So now you're saying since you're a fan of the Sixers that makes you capable of discussing your team compared to others.. If that's the case, I look forward to you not saying a thing about any other team in the league this season.
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^ Unappreciaton threads have been made about Nick Young, in fact just a few pages ago someone wrote a whole unappreciation article but he is supposed to be part of a triumvirate of decent (36,36, and 37%) 3pt shooters (all of which are bad fg% shooters overall) that are somehow going to catapult the 6ers into finals contention?
I dont mean to go back and forth with everyone in here tryn to hype up the sixers since the season didnt even start so im done with my opinions. I just really got high expectations for my team this year fellas and i hope they can prove me right.
^ Unappreciaton threads have been made about Nick Young, in fact just a few pages ago someone wrote a whole unappreciation article but he is supposed to be part of a triumvirate of decent (36,36, and 37%) 3pt shooters (all of which are bad fg% shooters overall) that are somehow going to catapult the 6ers into finals contention?

Hasn't Jason Richardson made the second most three pointers behind Ray Allen since like 2005? And didn't Dorrell Wright make the most 3 pointers in the league last season? Nick Young is essentially our replacement for Lou Williams, and at 6'7 he's a hell of a lot more competent of a defender than Lou Williams was. Anytime Lou was on the floor for us he would give up just as many points as he'd score.
JRich is done, i dont know what your expecting because he cant shoot for jack anymore.
Richardson is one of five players to make at least 100 three pointers in the past five seasons. He just won't offer much else due to his diminished age and athleticism. Wright is an above average three point shooter himself. And Nick Young as talented as he is, wastes his talents by hoisting contested long twos at an alarming rate.
I'm kinda surprised there weren't any more Clippers fans that came out after last season
I'm kinda surprised there weren't any more Clippers fans that came out after last season

Yeah, the number of Clippers fans on here has hardly increased at all. The number of Clippers haters, however, has increased dramatically. Oh, well.
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