Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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I can't believe dudes in here are still doubting LeBron's abilities in the clutch. HAVE YOU NOT WATCHED THE PAST 2 YEARS? Dude has become cold-blooded down the stretch and this is coming from a huge Kobe fan. C'mon guys, open up your eyes and recognize greatness. It doesn't make Kobe, MJ, or whoever your favorite player is any less of a talent. LeBron is in the same echelon with those guys.

However, proclaiming him as the GOAT already is foolish. Dude still has a lot of work to do to reach that status. BUt obviously he is right on track to be a top 5-10 player of all time. In fact that is a given.
I'm bored at work and I have a couple of hours to pass so **** it ...

Ty said Kobe and then mentioned dominating for 15 years... Which is confusing to me because Bean didn't start dominating until after Bolder. Was he doing work? Sure! Was he THE MAN on that those teams prior to that? NO. That title belonged to Shaquille O'neil or did y'all forget about the fact that he had top 4 center who was getting 30 & 12 for his first NINE YEARS IN THE LEAGUE?!?!?

You said 15, I'm going to go out on a limb and say you took that number because he's been voted an all star that many times right? :lol:

As far as Bron garnering all this praise off one chip nonsense, he may not have won but once however the league has been HIS for 6 years including this one. No single player has been as dominant as he has during this stretch. It takes a crew to win a chip. Not his fault he played with bums to extra regular mogs his entire career. That's out of his control its on his FO.

As far as his production not surpassing his peers, minus scoring what has Kobe done better than him? Minus that year he scored 35 Bron hasn't been too far from Bean in that category.

Besides, I don't know too many people who would prefer to have 30, 5, & 5 over 28, 8, & 8. So again if we're using Bean as the measuring stick your arguement is very flawed..

As far as the other guy... When did people say Bron was better than Mike?

I missed that.

No i took dominate for 15 years because he's been the best at his position since Mike retired. but the bigger picture is while he had shaq during those championship years he also put up during those playoff championship years.

2000 - 21, 4, 4
2001 - 29, 6, 7
2002 - 26,5,5

all while guarding the other teams best perimeter players & Being the CLOSER on those squads. 4th quarter if shaq touched the ball anywhere under 6 minutes he was getting fouled and missing. Outside of kobe there was nobody on that team who could get to the rack, draw a double team on the perimeter, or do anything besides spot up and shoot. so yea i would call that dominate.

and as far as him being the best player from 08 on :smh: . I dont see how that's possible My G has he been the most talented yes, The most versatile yes, The best Hell ****** NO.

I can't call someone the best if it took all the way up until last year for him to shed the image of not being able to close. For 9 years we watched him play incredibly up until the point where his team needs him to be the most dominate and he predominately failed and failed miserably at it.

Even after he got that superstar talent he needed out in MIA he killed chicago looked like he was finally ready to live up to that best player title and went in and COST his team a championship Point Blank Period.

If your the best player in the world you don't go up against a team you overmatch in every category and flat out lose in that way. If Bron shows up like the "best player in the L" they sweep that series instead he and his squad got sent packing by a ONE superstar squad.

His stats all those years were phenomenal but i cant call you the best player in the league if at the times your team needs you to be that you don't produce. He finally did that last year and i crowned him the best last year.

Even more incentive for him to not then go into the playoffs and Let ****** like Paul Pierce & Rashard Lewis give him work... Stats work when comparing a great to a good player. but when you start comparing Legends to Legends more has to be at stake then stats.

But like i said its all perception.... Just like the fact that after 17 years, 5 championships later, About to be top 20 in assist all time Making several Other players look better then they are, people still say kobe bryant doesn't make his teammates better.

Bro. Even in him being the best two in the league at that time I wouldn't call him dominant. Duncan was dominant, Shaq was dominant, one may even say Iverson was dominant. I'm not saying that Kobe wasn't killing but he was playing off Shaq that's a big *** weight lifted off of you. He wasn't carrying that load, sure in the final 6 mins the ball was in his hands but their was still 42 mins in which he WAS NOT the focal point. Based upon that you can't say he was dominant for 15yrs G. You can say he was Cold though.

As far as Bron as you negating Bron being the best player in the league that's just plain foolishness. Even though Magic won the MVP in 89 and got swept by the Pistons ... Won it agin in 90 and lost 4-1 in the 2nd round to Phoenix. Based upon your logic those two years don't mean anything he just had a good year. Boy BYE.

As far as him getting work by Rashad Lewis you couldn't have been watching that series otherwise you would know their was nothing he could do to stop Skip from torturing Moe Williams or Dwight from DESTROYING Z & Anderson. Orlando Ran High Pick & Roll with Hedo& Dwight all day with Shard roaming the 3 line. It was nothing they could do to defend that. When your "All Star" point guard and 2nd leading scorer is regularly passing up wide open jump shots where the nearest person is 5 ft away, there is NO WINS. Bron averaged 40points 8rebs & 8 ast just to keep it respectable AND THEY STILL WERE LOSING GAMES BY 10 POINTS.

You wanna kill him for the 4 games he had v Dallas? I'll give you that... Played the worst ball of his career. What else? The last quarter of the Boston series? I'll even give you that even thought he had a triple double and AGAIN his 2nd leading scorer played like he was shaving points.

So that leaves you with FOUR GAMES & 1 QUARTER as your proof that he hasn't been the best player in the league for the past 6yrs.

I won't even comment on you speaking about Paul Pierce like he isn't a Finals MVP & HOFer. You Sound Silly.

Like I said... You're Arguement is Flawed.
I don't know why people don't wanna admit that LeBron is the GOAT

MJ dominated in the NBA's reconstruction era, the only competition he had at his position was Reggie overrated Miller

Jordan was good tho, but he doesn't deserve to be spoken in the same conversation as LeBron and Kobe
This is an example of blatant trolling. No one should response to this seriously. Besides going against the grain for attention on a routine basis, this is an obvious attempt to get people upset.

How is this trolling because I have my opinion?

What makes Jordan so good?

A lot of people need to realize that he's not the undisputed basketball GOAT like Wayne Gretzky is in hockey

Why would anyone get upset that Jordan is severely overrated

I give Jordan props, he was good but he's not on LeBron or Kobe's level at anything
and Al3xis while i admit that he def over achieved with most of those teams, im leaning towards the fact that in most of thoses closing games his team were within range of winning and he couldnt get em there. If he's the best player in the L when your placed in a position to win a game and you constantly don't get it done then i don't know what to say.
Yeah, maybe he could have made a few more plays...but He's only had the opportunity/luxury to be the 2nd best player on the floor and still win a playoff game since he came to Miami. (not that it's really happened much but it at least it can be there if he's having a rough half or a game). ie Scottie Pippen played to Jordan's level (or above, honestly) in the 93 ECF. It's a footnote in history, but that's why Mike got in a position to dismantle Phoenix for his first 3 peat.
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and this is totally random but ****** Vince Carter has career totals of 26, 7 & 6 a game and he was on horrid teams all his life. Maybe he should start getting put up as one of the greats too

and Al3xis while i admit that he def over achieved with most of those teams, im leaning towards the fact that in most of thoses closing games his team were within range of winning and he couldnt get em there. If he's the best player in the L when your placed in a position to win a game and you constantly don't get it done then i don't know what to say.
I can't believe those are Vince Carter's career stats....  I feel like he hasn't had a meaningful impact on a game in about 9 years.
Because they aren't his stats.

CAREER averages 21, 5, 3.8 on 54% true shooting percentage

Per 36 Minute he's at 21, 5.2, 3.9

Vince Carter has never averaged more than 6 rebounds a game. He's only averaged more than 5 assists ONE season.

His best years (99-07) he had 24.6, 5.4, 4.2
Lebron does have a flaw in his game

As of late he has difficulty making big shots in crunch time.

His performance against Detroit will go down as one of the greatest ever though

LeBron has no flaws in his game. Last year's playoffs confirmed that.
They better install a system geared towards Dragic's strengths now that Gentry is gone. Goran been under-performing this whole year. :smh::x
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jay02 do you know how many times MJ had a performance like lebron's game 6 :smh:

there are some things MJ can't do than lebron does. who gives a ****

and MJ was the better defender by a mile :smh:

and MJ destroyed my dreams and i have to defend him

Arguments can be made either way. Im fine with that, especially since theres still another half of Lebrons career remaining. There might be something Jordan does better..yes. But there are things Lebron can do that Jordan just literally wasnt capable of. I hate when people use Lebrons size against him in an argument. No, his size and athleticism is a reason why he is better. MJ being a better defender is very debatable. To say by a mile is absurd. Lebron can guard every position from 1-4. Because of his size and athleticism hes capable of that. Jordan wasnt. Lebron can go guard a power forward while playing the point gaurd position. Jordan simply couldnt do that. If Lebron wasnt seen as a SF due to his size we could easily go say hes a top 3 PG in the league.

As long as people are at least discussing Lebron and Jordan im fine with that. Lebron has a lot of years left. But It will soon be realized Lebron is the most talented. Rings dont define talent. This isnt golf or tennis. This is basketball. 12 players on a team.

Lebron does have a flaw in his game

As of late he has difficulty making big shots in crunch time.

Whether or not this is considered a flaw is debatable. The fans and media hold a ton of weight on being able to hit a last second shot as if its the final justification as to how good you are. As if shooting 55% on the year goes out the door because of one specific shot. Rightfully so alot of this has to do with Jordans ability to do this. He's why the media and fans see it that way. So now we have thrown being smart in the most crucial part of the game out the door and replaced it with make the shot no matter what the situation is. This is exactly why LeBron has been hounded his entire career for passing to an open man who misses the shot in the final seconds when LeBron gets double teamed. The media and fans then hop on LeBron back saying he's "too afraid" or "doesn't have what it takes" when really he made the smart play. So really making the smart play is the complete wrong thing to do in our eyes because making the last shot no matter how forced is what defines your legacy. All of a sudden Lebron isnt 55% from the FG which is UNREAL. Just so happens Lebron is a very smart basketball player though. And now we're using that against him. just so happens basketball is a team sport as well...Where as how many times have you seen Kobe literally being tripled team and shoots a fade away 3 and doesnt come close. And I mean literally triple teamed. Every single time he's gonna throw it up in the last seconds no matter how much its forced. Eventually one here and there will go in. Then the media and fans ONLY focus on the ones that went in and ignore the millions hes missed terribly.
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Anyone wanna back me on ridding ourselves of trolls now? This joint been taken over. :lol:

Dude said Vince was 26 7 6, thought there was a new per 54 minutes stat bein made up or somethin. :rofl:
Naw being able to make a clutch shot is important just as QBs being able to make the clutch pass.

QB can have insane stats but if he can't make that last pass that wins them the game is he that good?
Kinda hopping into this conversation and im confused with whats being said so im just gonna ask this.

Have people started to finally put the hate aside and realize LeBron is the most talented player to ever play the game regardless of rings?

His career totals are just.... :smh: No words. Forget 20k didnt Nash just get 10k assists? And LeBrons already got 5k?? :x

He doesn't have a single flaw in his game. While there isn't one thing he's NOT already exceptional at. The athleticism...Height, weight, strength, speed, agility, acceleration, vertical. The fundamentals... Shooting, finishing, post game, passing, dribbling, ball security, rebounding, blocking, on ball defense, off ball defense. The Kobe/Lebron argument is dead...has been. Its now a Jordan/Lebron argument. And the way I look at it there isnt anything Jordan can do that Lebron cant. But there are things Lebron can do that Jordan cant. Some of simply has to do with the Lebrons size and athleticism. I realized this when I saw Lebron sky for a board, run down the court at full speed, spin off a defender at halfcourt without losing his dribble, and do a no look behind the back pass. That aint, Jordan. And this being done by a guy who is 6'8 260.

Honestly Lebron probably should have been the MVP every year until now starting in 06 when he took the Cavs to the finals. And he will probably deserve the MVP every year from here on out until who knows. Its really about who else should we give it to here and there just to be fair.

Truly grateful ive been able him since he was 17 years old.:smokin

Whoa, Lebron is not the most talented to play to ever play the game regardless of rings. Wilt and Jordan are light years ahead of everyone in that category. Guys like Magic, Hakeem, Oscar, and Bird have a case too. Lebron does have flaws in his game. He is a bad free throw shooter, horrible in the clutch, his post game is lacking, his outside shot is inconsistent, and he can't play off the ball. With that said he is still the best player in the current NBA. And no the Kobe/Lebron argument isn't did, Kobe has accomplished way more than him in a tougher era.
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Anyone wanna back me on ridding ourselves of trolls now? This joint been taken over. :lol:

Dude said Vince was 26 7 6, thought there was a new per 54 minutes stat bein made up or somethin. :rofl:

Had me trying to rethink Vince... Like damn... did I miss him being a savage?!?!? Did Toronto Robb Me Of That?!?!? :lol: :smh:
i agree with Jordan being overrated BTW

hes great but not as great as people make him out to be.
i agree with Jordan being overrated BTW

hes great but not as great as people make him out to be.

I'd love to hear an ACTUAL explanation from both you and the other troll as to WHY Jordan isn't as great as people make him out to be. Not just a blanket statement, but an actual explanation.

*waits for "because I said so."
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