Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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Horrible in the clutch, post game is lacking, can't shoot, screwed when his athleticism fades... what year is this? It's 2013 outside, right?
Horrible in the clutch, post game is lacking, can't shoot, screwed when his athleticism fades... what year is this? It's 2013 outside, right?

:lol: That's what I'm saying. People are still maintaining these arguments from 2007 like they have any merit now. FOH with that nonsense.
Who is the long time Boston radio host that said he would do a Rondo for Conley/Speights trade? :rofl:

If we was able to pull that off!
Why do such a major move to a team who's all but a lock for the Finals though?

Who has the best floater in the game?.. I'm really leaning towards Parker
Have you forgot about Drose? His floater is beautiful. It has to be between TP and Drose.
Its not between them its Parker by a landslide
Why do such a major move to a team who's all but a lock for the Finals though?

Why do people keep changing my words around?

I never said the team was a lock, I said they were a contender. If you was really creative, you could've at least got me with the "why would the Grizz trade a top 10 PG on that type of contract for Rondo?" :tongue:
This thread used to be one of the best on NT. Now we have guys claiming that Mike was overrated, Vince was somehow underrated (maybe the most offensive thing I ever read on NT) We're using 2007 arguments against 2013 Lebron, and Wade carried a guy that went 38, 8, 7, 3, 1. Wade did that by going 27, 5 and 4. #Confused

We're at a new height for stupid here. All we need to top all this off is the league is all scared of the Nuggets going all the way, Brook Lopez being the best rebounder in the NBA, and the Rockets are a defensive juggernaut. :lol:
Naw being able to make a clutch shot is important just as QBs being able to make the clutch pass.

QB can have insane stats but if he can't make that last pass that wins them the game is he that good?

Why isnt making the smart play available just as important if not more than making the clutch shot though? Why is it dictated purely on being able to make the shot no matter who forced it is?

If the NFL viewed a QB being clutch the way the NBA does along with how much your legacy depends on it you NEED to score a Touchdown in the final drive to solidify yourself as clutch when you only need a FG. If Lebron makes the smart play by passing it to an open man and they miss it why does that not make Lebron clutch? Why is being smart seen as "unable" or "afraid" Its like saying Lebron got his team to the 30 yard line but the kicker misses to win and its Lebrons fault because he didnt score a touchdown. Where as Kobe is heaving 40 yard bombs from his 35 trying to get 7 when he only needs a FG.

I'd love to hear an ACTUAL explanation from both you and the other troll as to WHY Jordan isn't as great as people make him out to be. Not just a blanket statement, but an actual explanation.

*waits for "because I said so."

Im assuming im the other troll?

Im not saying Jordan isn't as great as he's made out to be. Obviously he is great. So I dont have an explanation as to why he's not. I just think he has recently become the second most talented player behind LeBron. I gave my explanation as to why. He's biggest, most athletic, versatile, player we have ever seen who not only has polished every single aspect of his game but has mastered them as well.

The things being said about LeBron in here are just false. People are reaching for something to find that he's not good at or bringing up flaws he's had 5 years ago. Somethings are just flat out wrong. Someone just said inconsistent shooter, again like its 2005. As if 55% from the field is inconsistent. Cant shoot the 3 as if 40% means you can't shoot from 3. Has no post game when he flat out dominated in the post in last years finals. Dude even said can't play off ball defense :lol: no comment. It's gotten to the point that people are trying to find what Lebron is the worst at to justify that as being a flaw. Obviously there's going to be something hes the worst at. If you want to say shooting 75% from the line is his flaw to make you feel better than go ahead. Shooting 75% from the line is Lebrons flaw. Luckily, more so mind blowing, he still has a ton of time to get better.

I fail to understand how im trolling by saying this isnt even an argument. IMO saying Jordan is incomparable to LeBron is trolling. Its definitely an argument. I gave my reasons why. There are things LeBron can do that Jordan simply couldnt. Size and athleticism has to do with it. It's what makes Lebron better than everyone, along with talent that follows. It's something Jordan can't have. He doesnt have the ability to become 6'8 260. Like I said once I realized LeBron was more talented was when he out rebounded a center, ran the court at full speed, did a spin dribble at half court to get by a defender and finished with a no look behind the back assist. Jordan simply couldnt do that like Lebron while Lebron is doing it at a more impressive size. A size that allows him to guard any position on the court partnered with a skill set in which he is able to not only play Point Gaurd but to do it as well as an elite Point Gaurd. Not to mention he does it with the speed and quickness that Magic couldnt.

I would like to hear an explanation as to why Jordan is more talented other than he has more rings and that he can hit last second shots.
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People think if you aint doing dream shakes and reverse spin move fadeaways then you have no post game. Same thing with Dwight but I won't go there. And yea Bron wa sclutch that whole 10/11 season minus the finals. People call Peyton Manning the best but he chokes more often than not and gets a pass. Man if Lebron wasn't pidgeon toed with a receding hairline there would be nothing you could say about him.
Why isnt making the smart play available just as important if not more than making the clutch shot though? Why is it dictated purely on being able to make the shot no matter who forced it is?

If the NFL viewed a QB being clutch the way the NBA does along with how much your legacy depends on it you NEED to score a Touchdown in the final drive to solidify yourself as clutch when you only need a FG. If Lebron makes the smart play by passing it to an open man and they miss it why does that not make Lebron clutch? Why is being smart seen as "unable" or "afraid" Its like saying Lebron got his team to the 30 yard line but the kicker misses to win and its Lebrons fault because he didnt score a touchdown. Where as Kobe is heaving 40 yard bombs from his 35 trying to get 7 when he only needs a FG.
Im assuming im the other troll?

Im not saying Jordan isn't as great as he's made out to be. Obviously he is great. So I dont have an explanation as to why he's not. I just think he has recently become the second most talented player behind LeBron. I gave my explanation as to why. He's biggest, most athletic, versatile, player we have ever seen who not only has polished every single aspect of his game but has mastered them as well.

The things being said about LeBron in here are just false. People are reaching for something to find that he's not good at or bringing up flaws he's had 5 years ago. Somethings are just flat out wrong. Someone just said inconsistent shooter, again like its 2005. As if 55% from the field is inconsistent. Cant shoot the 3 as if 40% means you can't shoot from 3. Has no post game when he flat out dominated in the post in last years finals. Dude even said can't play off ball defense :lol: no comment. It's gotten to the point that people are trying to find what Lebron is the worst at to justify that as being a flaw. Obviously there's going to be something hes the worst at. If you want to say shooting 75% from the line is his flaw to make you feel better than go ahead. Shooting 75% from the line is Lebrons flaw. Luckily, more so mind blowing, he still has a ton of time to get better.

I fail to understand how im trolling by saying this isnt even an argument. IMO saying Jordan is incomparable to LeBron is trolling. Its definitely an argument. I gave my reasons why. There are things LeBron can do that Jordan simply couldnt. Size and athleticism has to do with it. It's what makes Lebron better than everyone, along with talent that follows. It's something Jordan can't have. He doesnt have the ability to become 6'8 260. Like I said once I realized LeBron was more talented was when he out rebounded a center, ran the court at full speed, did a spin dribble at half court to get by a defender and finished with a no look behind the back assist. Jordan simply couldnt do that like Lebron while Lebron is doing it at a more impressive size. A size that allows him to guard any position on the court partnered with a skill set in which he is able to not only play Point Gaurd but to do it as well as an elite Point Gaurd. Not to mention he does it with the speed and quickness that Magic couldnt.

I would like to hear an explanation as to why Jordan is more talented other than he has more rings and that he can hit last second shots.

Nah...talking about NTD. Not you. :lol:

Don't have time to read what you wrote (yet), but I will later on today.
People in this thread say people are 'trolls' for no reason

Do y'all know what troll is?

In this thread, having an unpopular opinion = troll smh

I might be an idiot, but I'm not a troll

SMH, i agree. how is it trolling if you have an other opinion.

yall need to read up on what a troll is..
Bro. Even in him being the best two in the league at that time I wouldn't call him dominant. Duncan was dominant, Shaq was dominant, one may even say Iverson was dominant. I'm not saying that Kobe wasn't killing but he was playing off Shaq that's a big *** weight lifted off of you. He wasn't carrying that load, sure in the final 6 mins the ball was in his hands but their was still 42 mins in which he WAS NOT the focal point. Based upon that you can't say he was dominant for 15yrs G. You can say he was Cold though.

As far as Bron as you negating Bron being the best player in the league that's just plain foolishness. Even though Magic won the MVP in 89 and got swept by the Pistons ... Won it agin in 90 and lost 4-1 in the 2nd round to Phoenix. Based upon your logic those two years don't mean anything he just had a good year. Boy BYE.

As far as him getting work by Rashad Lewis you couldn't have been watching that series otherwise you would know their was nothing he could do to stop Skip from torturing Moe Williams or Dwight from DESTROYING Z & Anderson. Orlando Ran High Pick & Roll with Hedo& Dwight all day with Shard roaming the 3 line. It was nothing they could do to defend that. When your "All Star" point guard and 2nd leading scorer is regularly passing up wide open jump shots where the nearest person is 5 ft away, there is NO WINS. Bron averaged 40points 8rebs & 8 ast just to keep it respectable AND THEY STILL WERE LOSING GAMES BY 10 POINTS.

You wanna kill him for the 4 games he had v Dallas? I'll give you that... Played the worst ball of his career. What else? The last quarter of the Boston series? I'll even give you that even thought he had a triple double and AGAIN his 2nd leading scorer played like he was shaving points.

So that leaves you with FOUR GAMES & 1 QUARTER as your proof that he hasn't been the best player in the league for the past 6yrs.

I won't even comment on you speaking about Paul Pierce like he isn't a Finals MVP & HOFer. You Sound Silly.

Like I said... You're Arguement is Flawed.

He averaged 30 in the finals along with shaq's 30 + in the finals (In which he was being guarded by prime Rik Smits & Austin Croshere :smh:) It was Shaq, Kobe, & a bunch of good role players. They had a threepeat that started in 2000 and he was DEFINETELY half the reason they won. As of now he's still averaging 30 a game and is the best at his position along with still being top 5 in the League and has won 5 chips in that 15 year spand how is that not dominate.

2) Your shrugging off a FINALS appearance in which by your calculations the best basketball player in the world COMPLETELY *****ed up when he had a far superior team. **** like that doesn't matter if your talking borderline all stars, but when your discussing someone who's suppose top 5 How is that not a Big issue.

Mike wouldve never went out like that, Not Magic, Not bird, Not Kobe, Not Hakeem nahhhhhhh. Had bad series sure it happens to em but to completely not try on the court and be timid GOATS don't fold like that bruh.

If your in that category your expected to take your game to another level when the games are closely contested and your on the court. Period.

And BTW you can't use the lebron ain't have a team argument than in the very same breath say Kobe was dominant because he had Shaq. As if lebron having the luxury to walk into the lane at will isnt helped by having another Top 10 (Top 5 when healthy) , Another allstar who can give you 30, & literally the best shooter of all time on his squad.
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Oh and Kobe was/is absolutely dominant. If you can call AI dominant then Kobe deserves that title even moreso. I've watched enough of his games to know. If Kobe never played ball he would be in jail right now for some notorious killing spree. He just has that mentality, no way you can say he wasn't dominant
Didn't Kobe quit on his team in the finals against Boston?

And I'm pretty sure Jordan has done that sequence.
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^ I'm pretty sure i've seen jordan do that before

You probably haven't but in the unlikely scenario that you actually did I would like to hear as to how Jordan did it while jumping as high as Lebron, running as fast as him, spinning as quick, while being 6'8 260 :D

Nah...talking about NTD. Not you. :lol:

Don't have time to read what you wrote (yet), but I will later on today.

Oops my bad, sorry about that.
Why am I a troll if you consider me one?

I just like to rub it in over confident Lakers fans faces when they lose. Most of which considered the the chip a lock once they signed Dwight.
Not everyone did my dude.

A lot of us are realistic, there's a lot of work left to be done. We get it dawg.

And the pic was for a lot of people in the last few pages :lol:
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With regard to Lebron's lack of jump shots, he took what the D gave him. He doesn't need to start hitting mainly perimeter shots to prove anything to anyone.
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