Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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Terrence Ross needs some damn PT. No use in playing peitrus or fields at the wing spot. Dude can attack the rim and shoot the 3. :smh:
whats up with Tristen Thompson's free throw form 
Wow Aaron Brooks actually did an unselfish act of passing to Jimmer to send him to the line
DMC with an effecient 18, 16, 8. He's no Tim Duncan, but certainly Avery Bradley/Jared Sullinger level.
 I meant with the half court heave 

Both teams are pretty bad 
2nd road win of the season for the Kings 
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Even thought Cuz got the steal.... he needs to stop reaching every single time he's on D. 
I'll defend my dude till the end, and I'm not trying to defend but kyrie gets hacked all the time and its never called

I know he'll get that "star" treatment soon but it's frustrating.
Rough stretch for juice, glad he looks like he's coming back along :pimp:

Hopefully Dallas pulls this out. Big shot by juice just now.

Looking forward to that GSW LAC game tonight too :pimp: :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:
Really wonder what would have happened had the Heat taken Juice in 2008.

Would have been potentially dynamo. D-Wade ran the one for that 08-09 squad anyway so it could have worked. Interesting prospect nonetheless.
Imagine the Heat trotting out LeBron, Wade, Bosh and Juice. :lol: Would have meant no Miller and maybe Haslem too.

The Celtics. :x
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Woah, what happened with portland tonight :x
You know that discussion a few pages ago about how bad Portland's bench is?

Also we shot 4-22 from the 3. I dont know what it is about Toronto and us not being to hit anything from deep against them.
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Dirk misses a FT and the Heat announcers talk about how he missed big shots in Miami in the 2006 Finals. I guess they've wiped the 2011 Finals from memory.
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