Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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A lot of people.
So a lot of people thought he was going be a top 5 scorer in the NBA while still being pretty efficient and having a winning record? And a lot of people thought he would fade away because their belief of him not being able to produce as the number 1 option especially after turning into casper during the finals. there were a lot of people who thought he benefited from having a team third best perimeter defender guarding him while having the luxury to play with westbrook and durant.
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I would take Harden over Gordon any day of the week and twice on Sunday. Dude got traded from a Finals team and didn't complain once. Gordon on the other hand has acted like he's had sand in his vagina since leaving the Clips. Talent wise they are pretty much equal IMO.
And a lot of people thought he would fade away because their belief of him not being able to produce as the number 1 option especially after turning into casper during the finals. there were a lot of people who thought he benefited from having a team third best perimeter defender guarding him while having the luxury to play with westbrook and durant.
Those people were stupid. That's why you don't overreact to 3 bad games, Finals or not.

Also last year Harden played better without either Durant or Westbrook on the floor and even better without both of them. He averaged 33 points per 36 minutes on just 18 FGAs, shooting 53/39/83 without Durant and Westbrook on the floor, going against the other team's best perimeter defender.
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i hate EJ name as well


over the years i didnt even know who the hell you guys were talking about til it hit me one day
Got a good relationship w/ Wall and Nene COULD be a good mentor.
There is ZERO risk in bringing in Cousins to DC. If it blows up, they're exactly where they are right now - at the bottom. If it works out...retribution for the Webber trade :lol:

Unless Nene is a mental health professional, he's not going to a damn thing.
The Kings should just do the rest of the NBA a favor and hang on to Big Cuz
^people forget how good eric gordon is because of his injuries
teams knew, that's why he fell to mid first and probably further if rockets didnt pick him. rockets had three picks so they were able to gamble on a player. fred hoiberg, who is close to mchale from minn days, basically vouched for royce so he would be drafted. this was more of a mchale pick than morey
just hope he doesnt do anything crazy when rockets cut ties with him. he basically black balled himself out of the league

:lol: this dude Royce need to go hop off a plane for being an @%. The Rockets basically did everything they can for no name rookie. There are plenty of other guys with or without mental illness who would replace him in a second. Unbelievable
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