Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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This. they're a pain to watch

I really hope the NBC network does something with basketball, I enjoy TNT, but having NBC back in the game would be great. They have the Sports Illustrated people, and I think they could put a really good respectable show together. Plus we get to hear this...

First of all Simmons isn't an advanced stat nerd at all. He devoted an entire chapter of his book to what he calls "The Secret" in which he basically used 5 times as many words as necessary to say that team chemistry is important, like he was the first person ever to make that discovery.

Second of all the guy sitting across the table from him, Magic Johnson, was one of the greatest players ever and is one of the worst analysts ever so there goes that theory that being good at playing = being good at writing or speaking about the game.
First of all Simmons isn't an advanced stat nerd at all. He devoted an entire chapter of his book to what he calls "The Secret" in which he basically used 5 times as many words as necessary to say that team chemistry is important, like he was the first person ever to make that discovery.

Second of all the guy sitting across the table from him, Magic Johnson, was one of the greatest players ever and is one of the worst analysts ever so there goes that theory that being good at playing = being good at writing or speaking about the game.
you just riding with him cuz he hate the lakers. lol that guy dont belong out there.

id rather hear timmy hardaway lol

wonder what would happen if you put a crew of magic, tim hardaway, isaiah thomas, sean elliot, with stuart scott...

would every humans head explode simultaneously?
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This is true, that's what put me on him at first. But dude is hilarious. 

To be honest that whole panel kinda stinks, whenever they talk about the old NBA its always the same, Magic-Lakers, Wilbon-Bulls, Jalen-Pistons, Simmons-Celtics. Its straight up homer talk every single time 
i was wondering who that weird looking white guy was... So who did he blow to get a spot on tv? son is the most akward thing on television right now
It just occurred to me that there are probably a good number of viewers who have no idea who Bill Simmons is.. I don't mind him too much, but I imagine a bunch of people are like "where the hell did this random shrimpy white dude come from" :lol:
I don't understand the Simmons hate. I complain about damn near everything and he doesn't both me :lol:

The jerseys need to be changed. Very distracting.

SMH at one replay on Russ's last shot. I know it's "entertainment" :smh:
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