Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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@lawdog Billups has always been a flopper in my book, as well as many other hoop fan's. The Clippers are notorious for it. Point blank. Do many teams take part in flopping? Yes. The reason the Clippers get a majority of the hate is because they attempt more flops AND get rewarded with more calls than any other team. Non-Clipper fans are aware of this persistence in manipulating the system.

I hear what you're saying and I know a lot of fans feel the same way. But I'm curious how you can be so sure that the Clippers attempt more flops and get rewarded with more calls than any other team. Do you have stats to back that up? Or is that just based on personal observation? I watch every Clippers game and can tell you that there's lots of calls that don't go their way, so I have a hard time with the idea they're somehow getting more preferential treatment from the refs than other teams.
^It's pointless debating with Clipper haters/LAL fans since they know nothing about our current team and speak only from a hater/loser perspective. Just let em live and keep doing what they doing. Who cares! :rolleyes
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^It's pointless debating with Clipper haters/LAL fans since they know nothing about our current team and speak only from a hater/loser perspective. Just let em live and keep doing what they doing. Who cares! :rolleyes

Im neither a Lakers fan nor a Clipper hater, but after watching that video, can you honestly say that they aren't flopping? And that was just one game
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Im neither a Lakers fan nor a Clipper hater, but after watching that video, can you honestly say that they aren't flopping? And that was just one game

If the League/Refs don't see it why should I? One game? Mofos acting like we've been fined multiple times already. Shhh we haven't even been warned not one player on the team. I watch every LAC game and we're the last team guilty of "flopping" on a consistent basis this season(word to point god!) but like "lawdog1" posted previously "Obviously, I'm biased because I'm a Clippers fan" :D

I [emoji]9829[/emoji] Haters
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Defensive Clipper fans :lol: What else is new? Ya'll been of the sensitive variety for some time now. Flopping doesn't make you guys less of a basketball team...just makes you even less respected. But don't fear, you're still a talented bunch who should win a playoff series again this year. :D
Defensive Clipper fans :lol: What else is new? Ya'll been of the sensitive variety for some time now. Flopping doesn't make you guys less of a basketball team...just makes you even less respected. But don't fear, you're still a talented bunch who should win a playoff series again this year. :D

Not as sensitive as the 8-10 LAL fans :lol:

So much respect going around for that team right now. :smokin :nerd:
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^It's pointless debating with Clipper haters/LAL fans since they know nothing about our current team and speak only from a hater/loser perspective. Just let em live and keep doing what they doing. Who cares! :rolleyes

A Clipper fan just said this. :lol:

Man, calm your *** down. Your team been known for flopping going on 2-3 years now with that crew. Stop your whinin. "But the league hasn't warned us yet".........and? The league can't possibly get every single call, that's part of what makes it so funny they think they can try. But you can't sit back and claim that Blake, Paul, and Billups haven't BEEN known for this FOR A WHILE.

I get Lawdog's point, but sorry, BIllups WAS known for it in Denver and Detroit. Paul WAS known for in N.O. This ain't new to nobody.

As for the video, the best part to me was, that one that was called on the guy battling Blake, where they were tipping it in the air, guess what, that was a good call. Blake was pulled down by that guy, I saw his arm grab Blakes. That was a foul on the Jazz, no flop.

At the same time, there was SEVERAL flops that were in there, most notably Mo Williams flying past Billups and Billups throwing his leg all the way out for no damn reason and getting the call. That **** was blatant. :lol:

If you really gonna pound your chest a month into a season and talk about how great you are, and how terrible the Lakers are, then you're already lost. Seriously, that's just dumb. One month does not erase entire histories, both of which are polar opposites, and not favoring your franchise in any way shape or form.

You all don't have so much as a participation trophy inside Staples center. Don't you ever throw the word loser at another team ever again. You don't have the right.
Clipper fans are more defensive than the team. SMH at saying that Laker fans are speaking from a losing perspective :lol: Lakers could lose every game from now until eternity and still have a better legacy than the Clippers. And don't forget, if it wasn't for "basketball reasons" Chris Paul would be a laker and the clips wouldn't be half as good. Get out of the second round without being swept then see me.
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