Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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I know no one should take anything you say seriously... but it's hard to ignore.


That's a shot distribution chart, it shows where Lebron took his shots this season. Strange that it doesn't matchup with your "70% easy dunks and layups" stat.

So the 29% number could be shots outside of the free throw square but can still be like 5 feet away from the basket? Kinda misleading
I know no one should take anything you say seriously... but it's hard to ignore.


That's a shot distribution chart, it shows where Lebron took his shots this season. Strange that it doesn't matchup with your "70% easy dunks and layups" stat.

So Lebron only shoots 3's from the corners and top of the key?

There needs to be a critical thinking test to be able to comment in here sometimes, I swear it. See those black marks on the sides of the court? Those are borders... separating one set of numbers from another. Meaning that big number you see are all of his 3s from the free throw line extended in 3 point territory.


That's a specific shot distribution chart. I assumed it would confuse your BFF so I kept it simple the first time.

So the 29% number could be shots outside of the free throw square but can still be like 5 feet away from the basket? Kinda misleading

Of course it's misleading to you.. it's a fact that makes it hard for you to criticize Lebron. Next you two are going to say "Well any shot within 20 feet might as well be counted as a layup because Lebron is so much bigger than everyone else and the refs help him out".
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Shots at the free throw line are layups now? Brilliant.

Combined layups, tip ins, dunks, for Lebron James in the regular season this year is 38% of his total shots.

You said 70%. You're wrong. And you've use your trollish powers to trick me into using logic, facts, and proper punctuation... well done.
What do the heat maps of Westbrook and Harden have to do with Lebron?

A little off base is 5% off... maybe 10%. Lebron James took 40% of his shots in the restricted zone, not 70%. It's the same myth people are still clinging to because they're quickly running out of things to criticize on the court. "Oh but he can't hit a jump shot"... that's a flatout lie. "Oh but 70% of his shots come from layups and dunks". No, 40% of his points are scored in the restricted zone. A 30% difference, that's foolish talk.

Other guys made more 3's. Good for them. They also took more 3's. It's not a negative that Lebron has taken smarter shots. He's deadly at the rim, so I want him taking a lot of shots there. But it's a myth and a lie people keep spewing that "All he does is dunks and layups.. he can't hit a jumper". That's wrong.

Freethrows is basically a layup dog. It's free gimme buckets. How often you miss two freethrows? Lebron is a 80% freethrow shooter no?

And combine % that with the 40% that he get at the rim. That's more than half of his points. :lol:

But by your definition. Lebron is a deadly shooter now right? Tell me the last time Lebron score more than 30 without going to the line more than one?

Melo dropped 50 against Miami heat defense this year with only 1 freethrow. Now that what you call shooting skill.

And you're wrong if you don't think Lebron got a lot of easy bucket when the Heat forces turnover on the other end. It doesn't take much shooting skills to layup a basketball dawg.
I'm bored and on my computer, it's too easy.

Shot charts and FGAs don't count FTs. Those are two different things.
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lol at Big J bringing up the stat only to see that more than half of Brony points are near rim and at freethrows rofl

Score 30 points. 16 points are from refs assistance and easy layup. Ok thanks for agreeing little J
The more specific the chart the more shots close to the basket it shows. Maybe that is why you did not include it at first.

nearly 50% from that circle area :wow:

That obviously does not include the shots he took when he got fouled. ACB probably not that far off.

Shots at the free throw line are layups now? Brilliant.

Free throw line or near free throw line shots are almost layups for Lebron. If you only count the two inner circles in the second chart it is 61%. :wow:

Not technically layups but for someone that can leap from the free throw line as if nothing those are layups.
I'm bored and on my computer, it's too easy.

Shot charts and FGAs don't count FTs. Those are two different things.

lol FT are FT. It still count in points. Are there defenders to defend Lebron when he shoot freethrow too? Nope. It's free buckets. So it count as easy. lmao
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Not technically layups but for someone that can leap from the free throw line as if nothing those are layups.
Does he leap from the 3 point line and lay the ball in too?
Big J boy. Answer this for me. How many little ticky touchy foul does Lebron get per game? Also keep in mind of the flops. You do watch Lebron right?
lol FT are FT. It still count in points. Are there defenders to defend Lebron when he shoot freethrow too? lmao

The chart basically shows that 61% of those shots are probably non jumpers. Lebron does not really take jumpers near the free throw line area. Those are mostly runners and floaters.

Dude is feeling himself more than Darth Ska circa 2007.
I feel bad for the other kids at ACB's high school that have to deal with his nba arguments.

Where's the guy that calls him Debron? Might be the most ridiculously hilarious things I've read this season.

I can't decide who to put my money on. I could see this series go any which way. A sweep either way wouldn't surprise me.
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did lebron ever get fined for the paul george flop? that was gonna be a 10k fine since it was his 2nd
Pretty soon these Lebron stat boys are going to claim that Lebron shoot jumper or from distance better than Curry.

I feel bad for the other kids at ACB's high school that have to deal with his nba arguments.

Where's the guy that calls him Debron? Might be the most ridiculously hilarious things I've read this season.

I can't decide who to put my money on. I could see this series go any which way. A sweep either way wouldn't surprise me.

i feel bad for you for falling in love with the misleading stat.

a sweep? not a chance.
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This guy wanted an extension after going out in the first round 4 straight years. jkhgfdiugdsafdisghfi

Get the **** out of here. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


you said his job was untouchable few pages back tho

I did. I listed him because I never thought the Nuggets would clear him out. I figured they were just fine with all his one and done work. So I named his job as safe.

But I wouldn't consider myself much of a Karl fan. :wink: :lol:

RCK, wrong.
I LOVE Rondo, thought Vince and Sheed should have been 2 of the greatest to ever play the game, was willing and able to credit LeBron WHEN he did what I felt he needed to do in terms of taking his place and matching the labels he'd been given. (He did, last year, game 6, Boston) and I see it more and more from him every day. I loved Larry Johnson pre back injury. Absolute huge fan of Durant. Love me some Rose and Russ. Kevin Love. Thought Webber should have been greater than he was, but he didn't have "it". You, of all folks should know that. I love Dirk's game. Gary Payton. The new Orlando Magic being built. Monty Williams as a coach. Marc Gasol. JR Smith, uber talented, but uber stupid. If he ever just gamed up, I'd be a huge fan. J Jack. Klay Thompson. Penny ORLD days. Grant Hill Piston days.

I love TONS of stuff in the old and new NBA. You ******s only remember the bad things I say about teams/players, but never the good things. That's not a me issue folks.
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ACBboyz was a little off base but he wasn't talking foolishly at all.

Look at the Heat Maps on the following pages....Sorry I don't know how to put the graphs directly on here.

What do the heat maps of Westbrook and Harden have to do with Lebron?

A little off base is 5% off... maybe 10%. Lebron James took 40% of his shots in the restricted zone, not 70%. It's the same myth people are still clinging to because they're quickly running out of things to criticize on the court. "Oh but he can't hit a jump shot"... that's a flatout lie. "Oh but 70% of his shots come from layups and dunks". No, 40% of his points are scored in the restricted zone. A 30% difference, that's foolish talk.

Other guys made more 3's. Good for them. They also took more 3's. It's not a negative that Lebron has taken smarter shots. He's deadly at the rim, so I want him taking a lot of shots there. But it's a myth and a lie people keep spewing that "All he does is dunks and layups.. he can't hit a jumper". That's wrong.

The point was to show where other top 10 NBA players in PPG shots were from.

830 of his 1354 shots were 10 ft or closer to the rim. Thats 61 pct...not far off from 70 pct.....ACBboyz wasnt talking crazy.
The point was to show where other top 10 NBA players in PPG points were from.

830 of Lebron's 1354 shots were 10 ft or closer to the rim. Thats 61 pct...not far off from 70 pct.....ACBboyz wasnt talking crazy.
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