Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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I just think it shows that even though espn shoves lebron and the heat down your throat and makes you think that he's at Jordan/magic status popularity wise... It really isn't true. All you hear about is the fans have forgiven him and nobody hates him anymore and he's so loved now. I never believed that was true. Absolutely nothing to do with his skill set. But after destroying him for a brief amount of time espn has spent the last few years implying that you are a terrible person you don't root for whatever team lebron is on

But to be fair I have no idea who the hell is voting on these things. Ive never participated.
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So how does a healthy core of Jeff Green, Durant, Russ, Harden and Ibaka not win the this years and the next 2 or 3 championships?
I'd take out Green since Presti had no idea that the Lakers, and Pau Gasol in particular, would fall off so fast.

But getting rid of Harden when you could've kept him by amnestying the completely useless Kendrick Perkins? Maaaaaaan.

Sure they wouldn't have any flexibility, but I'd take those 4 over flexibility any day. Since no other WC team can match that athleticism & talent, you're virtual guaranteed a finals appearance, at least, with those 4.
Time to stop worshipping Presti as some GM God. He got a bunch of homeruns in a row, but has been striking out heavy lately with the James Harden trade (for 1yr of Kevin Martin, Jeremy Lamb, and a bunch of picks in a draft nobody likes), the Perkins signing coming off ACL surgery without seeing him play a game first, and his pretentious *** press conferences where he uses "big words" and acts like his smarter than everyone else **** don't stink which he would never get away with in a big media city

I agree about Perk but come on...nobody bats 1.000. Presti deserves the benefit of the doubt for building okc into what it is today. The problem is that the team was built to beat the lakers; which they did and made the finals. Now that things have changed they are stuck. Presti probably should have kept Harden and J. Green but hindsight is 20/20
Should've played the Harden deal like Ujiri did with Nene. Just give him his money then trade him if you have to, but you wouldn't have really been forced too since Ibaka's extension doesn't kick in til next season. If Kevin Martin, Jeremy Lamb, and a pick is the best you can get especially. Plus there's the whole bringing Scott Brooks back AND letting him use Portland to get extra years and money out of you thing. But that's also KD's fault, should have just let Brooks take the Portland job. Now we have to ride out his 4yr contract because again cheap ownership aint about to pay 2 coaches, plus it's always going to be hard to fire him from a PR standpoint because we'll always be a contender but I think it's a Doug Collins > Phil Jackson thing. It really just shows how great KD and Russ and Ibaka are, to have Perkins and Brooks, and still win as many games and go as far. It's like having 2 moles trying to sabotage you from the inside. Imagine if you give this same roster to a good coach, or give us just a decent center like a Gortat or an ownership group like Prok, Dolan, or the Buss's who are going to have a win now mentality and surround them no matter the cost as opposed to always talking about the future and sustainability.
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What i'm trying to say is Lebron/Heat does not appeal to the public.

The Spurs is a boring low rating small market team but they got more supporters than the Heat lol. 65%

Proof that not many people likes Lebron or his game

I really don't understand why people hate him so much. As an athlete myself I respect his greatness at his sport. I don't see why the decision made him so hated. I gained more respect for him after he dissed Cleveland.
Proof that not many people likes the Heat or Lebron James.

Sport Nation poll 2013 NBA finals

35% of the nation root for Heat
65% of the nation root for the Spurs lol. The freaking boring Spurs lol.

Sport Nation

Out of 50 states only 1 state are rooting for Heat. Florida lol.

Or maybe people think the Spurs are actually better. Theyre playing as a team with everyone healthy. And How exactly are they boring? You do realize they average more points than the Heat right?

You can also had the most blatantly obvious thing, that a large number of people hate Lebron, and but association, the Heat. Apparently there's people in every state other than Florida that feels like Lebron ripped their hearts out like in Cleveland. Sounds silly doesn't it :lol: ? Plus, that poll is from SportsNation. SportsNation.

Has a gif already been posted of Wade making Lance Stevenson run the wrong way like a Madden 06 DB?
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I really don't understand why people hate him so much. As an athlete myself I respect his greatness at his sport. I don't see why the decision made him so hated. I gained more respect for him after he dissed Cleveland.
IMO the reason why people hated/hate him was his approach to the game. Young, cockiness, swag, no respect and worst of all self proclaimed himself King, The Chosen One before he even accomplished anything. I remember in his Cleveland days they would be blowing out teams by 20+ points and he would be just giggin and dancing on the bench. Partial reasons why I'm not a huge fan of him either.
This is just my opinion, but I'd alternate Kawhi on Lebron and Wade.

Like someone said, he isn't stopping Bron. At this point in his career, with some of the developments he's made big strides in (post game, shooting) and the fact that he gets the benefit of the doubt 99% of the time on those extra steps, extended arm spin moves and drives (it happens when you're "the man"), he's gonna do what he wants for at least 50-60% of any NBA game.

However, the Pacers showed, if you take Bosh and Wade completely out of the game, it looks a lot like Cleveland.

Wade would look childish with Leonard on him. And Danny Green isn't a slouch defender either. So him taking his shots at LeBron wouldn't be exactly a huge mismatch.

Something to think about.
Should've played the Harden deal like Ujiri did with Nene. Just give him his money then trade him if you have to, but you wouldn't have really been forced too since Ibaka's extension doesn't kick in til next season. If Kevin Martin, Jeremy Lamb, and a pick is the best you can get especially. Plus there's the whole bringing Scott Brooks back AND letting him use Portland to get extra years and money out of you thing. But that's also KD's fault, should have just let Brooks take the Portland job. Now we have to ride out his 4yr contract because again cheap ownership aint about to pay 2 coaches, plus it's always going to be hard to fire him from a PR standpoint because we'll always be a contender but I think it's a Doug Collins > Phil Jackson thing. It really just shows how great KD and Russ and Ibaka are, to have Perkins and Brooks, and still win as many games and go as far. It's like having 2 moles trying to sabotage you from the inside. Imagine if you give this same roster to a good coach, or give us just a decent center like a Gortat or an ownership group like Prok, Dolan, or the Buss's who are going to have a win now mentality and surround them no matter the cost as opposed to always talking about the future and sustainability.

Ujiri had the benifit of Jim Dolan, Donnie Walsh wasn't going to blink until he was forced to.
This is just my opinion, but I'd alternate Kawhi on Lebron and Wade.

Like someone said, he isn't stopping Bron. At this point in his career, with some of the developments he's made big strides in (post game, shooting) and the fact that he gets the benefit of the doubt 99% of the time on those extra steps, extended arm spin moves and drives (it happens when you're "the man"), he's gonna do what he wants for at least 50-60% of any NBA game.

However, the Pacers showed, if you take Bosh and Wade completely out of the game, it looks a lot like Cleveland.

Wade would look childish with Leonard on him. And Danny Green isn't a slouch defender either. So him taking his shots at LeBron wouldn't be exactly a huge mismatch.

Something to think about.

Wouldn't at all be surprised if we saw this
And Danny Green isn't a slouch defender either

Isn't Green much lighter tho? What's he weigh, could he hang with LeBron even for a few minutes without getting punished physically?

This series is where Captain Jack would have been a nice help. He could have given solid minutes annoying Bron or Wade, even if it was just mentally messing with them.
Isn't Green much lighter tho? What's he weigh, could he hang with LeBron even for a few minutes without getting punished physically?

This series is where Captain Jack would have been a nice help. He could have given solid minutes annoying Bron or Wade, even if it was just mentally messing with them.

Everyone's gonna be much lighter than LeBron at the 3. Or much slower at the 4. But Danny's young and he's always be a hound defender. That's about as much as you can ask for.
Green is listed at 210.

Only picture I can find with him and LeBron in it :lol:

Captain Jack would have definitely been a better option being able to cover Bron or Wade, he must've really gotten into it with Pop to just get waived like that right before the playoffs.

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A year ago Jackson announced, in so many words, Popovich was the only coach who could handle him. Tuesday he said he refused this season to play Popovich's “mind games.”
Jackson insists Popovich wanted him to admit Green and Ginobili were better. More than likely, Popovich simply told Jackson they were better. That's why they were playing instead of him.
Pride wouldn't let Jackson accept that, and he admitted as much Tuesday. After showing the initial flash of anger when talking about Popovich, he later said Popovich knows him well, and that the release “was best for me so I wouldn't go crazy.”

This is just my opinion, but I'd alternate Kawhi on Lebron and Wade.

Like someone said, he isn't stopping Bron. At this point in his career, with some of the developments he's made big strides in (post game, shooting) and the fact that he gets the benefit of the doubt 99% of the time on those extra steps, extended arm spin moves and drives (it happens when you're "the man"), he's gonna do what he wants for at least 50-60% of any NBA game.

However, the Pacers showed, if you take Bosh and Wade completely out of the game, it looks a lot like Cleveland.

Wade would look childish with Leonard on him. And Danny Green isn't a slouch defender either. So him taking his shots at LeBron wouldn't be exactly a huge mismatch.

Something to think about.
The only issue with this is that the other guys on the roster can't guard Bron without fouling him almost every time he makes an aggressive move.

Same reason Thibs literally played Jimmy Butler 99% of the minutes in round 2. CHI had nobody else who had the requisite length, strength, & quickness.

San Antonio has the same issue. And they would still have that same issue even with Stack Jack cause he had become a complete nonfactor offensively. The Spurs were playing 4on5 with him out there & Pop isn't going to give extended minutes to a guy who is hurting them on 1 end of the floor.
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Ppl will understand and witness the legendary status Bron is already. 3 str8 NBA Finals app and the evolution continues as the Hate keeps getting larger he keeps pushing forward into a league of his own what they gonna say then when he wins bk to bk chips....:nerd:
Ppl will understand and witness the legendary status Bron is already. 3 str8 NBA Finals app and the evolution continues as the Hate keeps getting larger he keeps pushing forward into a league of his own what they gonna say then when he wins bk to bk chips....:nerd:

In 4 years? He aint winning this series.
Ppl will understand and witness the legendary status Bron is already. 3 str8 NBA Finals app and the evolution continues as the Hate keeps getting larger he keeps pushing forward into a league of his own what they gonna say then when he wins bk to bk chips....:nerd:

They might say he's on Kobe's level :smokin

But that's IF he wins...and it's not lookin promising
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Ppl will understand and witness the legendary status Bron is already. 3 str8 NBA Finals app and the evolution continues as the Hate keeps getting larger he keeps pushing forward into a league of his own what they gonna say then when he wins bk to bk chips....:nerd:

They might say he's on Kobe's level :smokin

But that's IF he wins...and it's not lookin promising

Ppl will understand and witness the legendary status Bron is already. 3 str8 NBA Finals app and the evolution continues as the Hate keeps getting larger he keeps pushing forward into a league of his own what they gonna say then when he wins bk to bk chips....:nerd:

In 4 years? He aint winning this series.

There's a very good chance if the Heat get a real center n move bosh to the PF position they can 3peat :smokin
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