Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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This is going to be a great Finals.
Bron, Wade, Bosh, Ray, TP, Manu, TD....
What is that, 7 HOFers? Maybe 6 if you don't think Bosh counts :lol:
I kinda wish Westbrook didnt get injured

OKC/MIA rematch would've been amazing
same here bruh same here
Too late to amnesty Perkins now. If you do it now, we're still over the cap and can only use trades and the MLE to sign players so nothing is gained from it other than getting him off the team so Brooks dumbass won't play him all the Got damned time and to further embarass/punish him for putting up the worst postseason in NBA history and having the nerve to throw rocks at Shaq's throne. And then there's the "cheap owners" factor too and the fact he is owed 18,600,000 over the next 2 seasons, and whoever picks him up off amnestly likely won't offer more than 2mil a season, leaving us to cover ~14,000,000 to play somewhere else and still have to pay a replacement or move Ibaka to 5. I agree, should have been amnestied that bum. It's also why I want us to offer Derek Fisher some type of assistant coaching job, only way to ensure Presti won't sign him again come next March (granted he played well this postseason). Bet you we sign a Grant Hill or Jason Kidd or other old *** vet though.

Time to stop worshipping Presti as some GM God. He got a bunch of homeruns in a row, but has been striking out heavy lately with the James Harden trade (for 1yr of Kevin Martin, Jeremy Lamb, and a bunch of picks in a draft nobody likes), the Perkins signing coming off ACL surgery without seeing him play a game first, and his pretentious *** press conferences where he uses "big words" and acts like his smarter than everyone else **** don't stink which he would never get away with in a big media city
 Agreed. All Thunder forum boards I read Presti can do no wrong and it's slander saying anything bad about him.
Surprised nobody made a post about Karl Malone leaving Jordan off his top five list originally...

He went back and got it right. 

But how was he left off? 

I know...Karl let it go man. 

It's been what...15 years now?

I agree that it's crazy to leave Jordan out his top 5 but no one is making a big deal about magic not being in his too 5 or bird or Olajuwon or Barkley. Opinions aren't facts. The media just needs something to talk about while we're waiting for the spurs to take the ship
Fair points. So I can use my newfound Pop defenses right?

02-03, loses to Pop, without HC, and coming off 3 straight Finals runs, extra 60ish playoff games, had beaten the Spurs 8 times in 9 playoff games the two years prior. Out of gas. And Spurs, won the title
Lost to the Pistons, with HC, Pistons win the title. Karl Malone with the Manu excuse injury.
05-06, somehow got UP 3-1 with Smush, Kwame, and Luke, and up 3 in game 6 on the last possession, a miss, one rebound wins the series, annnnnnnnnd they don't get it. Sucks for us. Phil was a 7 seed this series, yes?
06-07, worst series for us in sometime. 7 seed, never had a chance. The Triangle took on new meaning. KwameSmushLuke could be one name.
08, lost to the champs, no HC, no Bynum, no Ariza, that's 40% of the starting lineup. I guess you're ok with that. Any team would win without HC with 2 starters missing, I feel ya.
2011, 3 Straight Finals runs, Kobe on fumes (Manu excuse) we did have HC tho, plus those extra 60+ playoff games in 3 years, Dallas had what, 10-15 playoff games the past 2 seasons? Oh and Mavs won the title. So, 4 of these 6 years, we lost to the champs of the league. Maybe Phil is overrated eh?

So does all this absolve our losses now like it does the Spurs? Works for them, can it work in our favor too? Or it's only excuses when Laker fans mention it? :nerd:

None of those things make Phil less of a coach. Just like none of the things you posted make Pop less of a coach. Either they're both overrated media darlings who get a pass or they're both really good at their jobs and have happened to lose some series they "should" have won.

You seem to want to criticize Pop for things that you give Phil a pass for. If anyone is giving a coach a pass it's you.

I've reached the point where I disregard cp's opinion relating to anything involving the Lakers.

He's eloquent but at the end of the day he's a homer.
Time to stop worshipping Presti as some GM God. He got a bunch of homeruns in a row, but has been striking out heavy lately with the James Harden trade (for 1yr of Kevin Martin, Jeremy Lamb, and a bunch of picks in a draft nobody likes), the Perkins signing coming off ACL surgery without seeing him play a game first, and his pretentious *** press conferences where he uses "big words" and acts like his smarter than everyone else **** don't stink which he would never get away with in a big media city

I agree about Perk but come on...nobody bats 1.000. Presti deserves the benefit of the doubt for building okc into what it is today. The problem is that the team was built to beat the lakers; which they did and made the finals. Now that things have changed they are stuck. Presti probably should have kept Harden and J. Green but hindsight is 20/20
One of them would have had to be gone after this year but that team wins it all this year and they probably could have went right to luxury tax line and kept all of them.

There wouldn't be any bench though
Also keep on mind Harden and Ibaka didn't become what they were until Green left. Opened up minutes and shots for both.
Proof that not many people likes the Heat or Lebron James.

Sport Nation poll 2013 NBA finals

35% of the nation root for Heat
65% of the nation root for the Spurs lol. The freaking boring Spurs lol.

Sport Nation

Out of 50 states only 1 state are rooting for Heat. Florida lol.
Proof that not many people likes the Heat or Lebron James.

Sport Nation poll 2013 NBA finals

35% of the nation root for Heat
65% of the nation root for the Spurs lol. The freaking boring Spurs lol.

Sport Nation

Out of 50 states only 1 state are rooting for Heat. Florida lol.

Or maybe people think the Spurs are actually better. Theyre playing as a team with everyone healthy. And How exactly are they boring? You do realize they average more points than the Heat right?
Or maybe people think the Spurs are actually better. Theyre playing as a team with everyone healthy. And How exactly are they boring? You do realize they average more points than the Heat right?

What i'm trying to say is Lebron/Heat does not appeal to the public.

The Spurs is a boring low rating small market team but they got more supporters than the Heat lol. 65%

Proof that not many people likes Lebron or his game
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