Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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i wasnt around whole game. did lebron even flop after the fine? he looked mega mad when asked by reporters.

No but he was complaining about some calls towards the end of the game.

He did go "Cavalier Super Video Game James" though.
Can someone teach me how to set a pick?

all around the nba I see dudes moving while setting a damn pick and the defender is forced to switch up. I thought you had to remain still while setting one or its an moving pick/screen?
^the movement of the pick varies on how the defense will react. the defense sometimes they switch, blitz, hard show etc.

its a simple thing when you look at but really its complicated.
Can someone teach me how to set a pick?

all around the nba I see dudes moving while setting a damn pick and the defender is forced to switch up. I thought you had to remain still while setting one or its an moving pick/screen?
Do what the refs let you get away with. Technically yes, you have to be still though. Make sure you go shoulder to shoulder with your teammate when he takes your screen and don't be scared to make contact with the defender (so many NBA bigs are) and turn sideways and ***** out of the screen. What NBA guys do, which is again technically illegal but guys get away with it, is start to cut at the end of their teammate taking their screen which as you said forces the switch because you basically take the ball handler's defender with you. Also the dribble handoff then "accidentally" pivot into the defender one is popular too. Again, illegal.

Tap your hip or raise your hand with a fist to the ballhandler to signal to him to come towards you for a screen

Some of these are blatant. Again, ref isn't going to call it every time. Watch a FIBA game and they set a moving screen 94 feet up the court with their hands up pretending like it's an accident.
Dj augustine shouldve stayed in Charlotte. He's not playoff material yet.

Indiana lost all composure tonight. Paul George is THEE worst passer. So many turnovers due to his bad judgement.
The refs just do whatever they want as far as calling moving picks nowadays. Seems like unless the guy trips him or blatantly throws a shoulder or elbow into defender then they don't even call it anymore. LeBron and Wade are great off the pick and roll, but it's basically unstoppable now because the refs let every Heat player just latch on to whoever is trying to get around the pick. Then when guys like Battier and Ray Allen aren't strong enough to keep a strong hold on to the defender they just fall down to the floor on their *** and a foul is called. Outside of the blatant flopping, this is what pisses me off the most with the Heat.
there hasnt been an answer since kevin garnett entered the league

if u want a real answer, try some diff picks in the park. stick your leg out and report back with your bruises or argument
You seem to have bad luck when Lebron and the Heat play well... this is the 2nd game you've "missed"
Yet you were an active contributor the games they lost.

What a weird coincidence.

:lol: dawg relax. I was not going to pass on a free and delicious Chinese buffet for a meaningless game.

Beside i already had the feeling the Heat would win. This is a must w for them because had they lose this game they probably won't win game 6.

Pacers in 7.

You heard it first here. :smokin
I'll take Psycho T and West vs Andersen and Haslem in a Texas Tornado Tag Match, loser leaves town.
Hahaha im dying
I think it is apparent that Wade WAS the fast break for the Heat. Now that he is not doing as well you rarely see the Heat running. They used to run the whole damn game the last 2 years.

He also gets more foul calls than even Lebron when he is healthy.

So if you subtract all those fastbreaks and at least 10 free throws for Wade then you can see how Indiana has been able to compete. Last year's Heat probably win in 5.

I can see Wade becoming Lebron's Anthony Parker or Pavlovic but without the jumpshot if he continues to decline. The SG position for the Heat could be flabby n sick the next few years.
I hope the NBA bans trips to the locker room during games. That **** is annoying as hell. Either you're playing and you're on the bench, or you're injured and you're in the locker room
I think it is apparent that Wade WAS the fast break for the Heat. Now that he is not doing as well you rarely see the Heat running. They used to run the whole damn game the last 2 years.

He also gets more foul calls than even Lebron when he is healthy.

So if you subtract all those fastbreaks and at least 10 free throws for Wade then you can see how Indiana has been able to compete. Last year's Heat probably win in 5.

I can see Wade becoming Lebron's Anthony Parker or Pavlovic but without the jumpshot if he continues to decline. The SG position for the Heat could be flabby n sick the next few years.

That is if LeBron is still with them.

Wade needs to have some sort of surgery on the knee as soon as the season is finished, whether they win or lose. He missed the Olympics because of the knee. Fine. But then he had the luxury of sitting out a great deal of Heat's games at the end of the season and even a playoff game against the Bucks. He had a lot of rest between the playoff series because they swept the Bucks and they beat the Bulls in 5. And it still bothers him. It is far from certain that next year he would have similar luxury.

If the Cavs take Noel and he turns out to be worth the hype, LeBron could return to the Cavs in 2014. The next season will be key. The Heat should still take a gamble on Greg Oden and hope that he is healthy if they want to stay competitive down the stretch. All this talk about them winning 5-6-7 championships, that is clearly not happening unless they make some drastic changes. They will probably win this season, and maybe next year. But that is it because the way things are going right now, Wade is having one the quickest declines for a superstar ever.
The refs just do whatever they want as far as calling moving picks nowadays. Seems like unless the guy trips him or blatantly throws a shoulder or elbow into defender then they don't even call it anymore. LeBron and Wade are great off the pick and roll, but it's basically unstoppable now because the refs let every Heat player just latch on to whoever is trying to get around the pick. Then when guys like Battier and Ray Allen aren't strong enough to keep a strong hold on to the defender they just fall down to the floor on their *** and a foul is called. Outside of the blatant flopping, this is what pisses me off the most with the Heat.

That's also one of the reasons I dislike the Heat so much. They have a beast team and they still have to flop around. It's actually pretty disgusting watching guys like Battier, Lebron and Wade flop during the games. I guess this is what the NBA has come to and we are given no choice but to accept it. Stern won't up the penalties and players will still continue to do it as long as they don't have stiffer penalties. A simple $5k fine isn't enough to stop guys from flopping.

My thing is that a player of Lebron's caliber shouldn't have to flop. Dude is already a machine. What more can you give him? Next thing you know he'll be walking to the basket making layups without a foul call.

I think it is apparent that Wade WAS the fast break for the Heat. Now that he is not doing as well you rarely see the Heat running. They used to run the whole damn game the last 2 years.

He also gets more foul calls than even Lebron when he is healthy.

So if you subtract all those fastbreaks and at least 10 free throws for Wade then you can see how Indiana has been able to compete. Last year's Heat probably win in 5.

I can see Wade becoming Lebron's Anthony Parker or Pavlovic but without the jumpshot if he continues to decline. The SG position for the Heat could be flabby n sick the next few years.

Rumors are Miami will look to trade Bosh instead of Wade. Pat Reilly has too much loyalty to Wade. Same way he was loyal to Alonzo Mourning. I bet in 10 years, Wade will have a front office job similar to what Mourning has now.

I was in Miami's front office, I'd rather trade Wade and get some athletic wing players in return. Especially guys that can guard the perimeter.
That is if LeBron is still with them.

Wade needs to have some sort of surgery on the knee as soon as the season is finished, whether they win or lose. He missed the Olympics because of the knee. Fine. But then he had the luxury of sitting out a great deal of Heat's games at the end of the season and even a playoff game against the Bucks. He had a lot of rest between the playoff series because they swept the Bucks and they beat the Bulls in 5. And it still bothers him. It is far from certain that next year he would have similar luxury.

If the Cavs take Noel and he turns out to be worth the hype, LeBron could return to the Cavs in 2014. The next season will be key. The Heat should still take a gamble on Greg Oden and hope that he is healthy if they want to stay competitive down the stretch. All this talk about them winning 5-6-7 championships, that is clearly not happening unless they make some drastic changes. They will probably win this season, and maybe next year. But that is it because the way things are going right now, Wade is having one the quickest declines for a superstar ever.

Very true.

I hate to say it, but Barkley was right for most of the year. Now that I think about it, dude was right about a lot of things this season.

Wade isn't the same player he once was and all those falls to the ground during his earlier years are catching QUICK. Anyone remember that Converse ad they had for Wade? Fall 7 times, Stand up 8.

It's catching up quicker than anyone excepted. Another thing that hurt Wade's game in the long term was his lack of a midrange game. Dude was so focused on attacking the rim and slashing. He never stopped to work on a post game or some sort of perimeter game at all. A lot of the better players in NBA history seem to follow the same trend of building their inside/post game when they see a decline in athleticism.

It's also worth noting that he's 31 years old. If he doesn't change his game up soon, he'll be struggling like this for the rest of his career. No surgery in the world is going to fix his knee. Not unless dude goes to Germany and does that "Stem cell" surgery which many people consider "cheating" these days.
He had a good mid range game in his earlier years. After he won the chip he went straight slasher mode lol.

Now his jumper is super inconsistent. I think fixing the knee WILL help, but if he doesn't work on other facets of his game, it'll be hard for him.
Man I used to like Wade's game man but that is so true. This dude has not improved on his jumper whatsoever. He should be a knockdown shooter by now now that he's a seasoned veteran.

Guess he thought he could flash and dash forever, dude had no backup plan for when they got older like Kobe or Michael had.
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