Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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Bron finally called out by the league for flopping?







wade averaging 14 points int he playoffs.
Bosh 3.3 rebounds this series...

The argument isn't bron needs more help, but I agree with others that said his "help" needs to play to their potential.
PG also had me confused throughout the game. Every time he had Ray Allen and Wade on him he would settle for the jumper, but when LeBron was d'ing him he would be more aggressive.

He's been getting by LeBron with regularity when he's on him, but he's been really passive throughout the series. This could be due to fatigue from defending LeBron all game though.
It's not the 5K that matters, it's the fact that he was formally called out by the Association for flopping. His flopping reputation is forever cemented in the books.


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He has better handles than LeBron. Bron clearly has zero problems getting around people. IMO Paul George just doesn't have an attack first mentality.
I never compared his dribbling ability to LeBron's. I simply asked if he had watched George's. If you're in his chest, he's not that great period.
Yea Kobe does some embellishing on plays, more-so when he's trying to score off a pump fake or driving to the lane.

But I'll give Kobe credit for this, I've never seen him in his career flop like any of these dudes on the Heat or Pacers have. No way. Never seen Kobe fight for position and completely throw himself to the floor. The things that LeBron, Lance, Wade, David West have been doing - Pathetic.

I'm holding LeBron to a certain standard because he's the greatest player on the planet, he's the face of the NBA, and he is the most influential basketball player on the planet. What he's doing will make a whole new generation of basketball players try to emulate - This has to end man, this man is better than that.

Like I said earlier, if this continues imagine how it will be 10-20-30 years from now. The league needs to make it even more punishing so we can get back to business and basketball.
Yea especially the game after Bron came out and said "I dont do that" and he gets fined. Its a little embarrassing. Since now hes gonna have to answer questions about it all day leading up to the game.

He prolly doesnt really give a ****. But it doesnt look good to be labeled a flopper. Clearly it doesnt discourage guys like Ginobili and Battier from doing it. They are known floppers and are damn near exempt from actually being fined for it. The way the NBA goes about the fines is horse****. The only reason these happened are because the internet and everywhere else was going crazy about them.

I mean seriously, 3 flopping fines for 1 game. I dont think the NBA fined 3 guys all season (yes im exaggerating a little). They dont want to fine guys, but if fans and announcers keep drawing attention to obvious flops they force the NBAs hand. So maybe this is what we as fans have to do to clean up the game a little.
I'm sorry but that whole act of kobe doing his xena warrior yell with the flailing of his arms like he just shot with a sniper rifle is as bad as dudes diving into the ground.

He's trying to generate a call from something that isn't there. It's a non basketball play / move.
When they first started fining players I thought it would help. Not cuz of the money but I thought dudes would feel embarrassed after being called out for it but now it's clear that if the refs are gonna fall for it dudes will flop.

I'm done talking about flopping, I get pissed off just talking about it. :lol:

What you want to happen dawg?

Players to stop flopping and play basketball. I don't care if it's LeBron, Kobe, The flop king Ginobili, Shane, whoever else y'all wanna throw in there.
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These weak *** fines don't solve anything. These dudes spend more than that in the strip clubs.
What you want to happen dawg?
Honestly, if you are caught flopping one game, you should lose a game's worth of a paycheck.

On an average NBA salary, that's about a $63,000 fine.

If you really want to eliminate flopping, I think that would help.
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Honestly, if you are caught flopping one game, you should loose a game's worth of a paycheck.

On an average NBA salary, that's about a $63,000 fine.

If you really want to eliminate flopping, I think that would help.

just a flat base o 50,000. Thats money not matter who you are
Kobe, flop in the same sentence???

That vid up there is the lamest example ever for kobe flopping..

That man doesnt need to use that tactic to bust asz..

Neither did Jordan..These are true greats..Show me 1 great that ever needed to flop for an avantage..Dr J.? Magic? Worthy? Bird? Nope..

And ppl wanna throw Debron in the best this, best that, best player in the world category, King this, King that, with flopping in his arsenal??

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