Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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Is flopping in the same boat as the rip-through move or the shot fake (the one that wade usually does to bait his man in the air) or the leg kicking by a shooter (the one that Reggie usually did)?
Yea Kobe does some embellishing on plays, more-so when he's trying to score off a pump fake or driving to the lane.

But I'll give Kobe credit for this, I've never seen him in his career flop like any of these dudes on the Heat or Pacers have. No way. Never seen Kobe fight for position and completely throw himself to the floor. The things that LeBron, Lance, Wade, David West have been doing - Pathetic.

I'm holding LeBron to a certain standard because he's the greatest player on the planet, he's the face of the NBA, and he is the most influential basketball player on the planet. What he's doing will make a whole new generation of basketball players try to emulate - This has to end man, this man is better than that.

Like I said earlier, if this continues imagine how it will be 10-20-30 years from now. The league needs to make it even more punishing so we can get back to business and basketball.

I agree with all of this
Offense - flailing arms or jumping into a stationary defender to embellish a call.

Defense - flopping to embellish a call.

It's all the same. These guys are looking for ANY competitive advantage. It may be an eye-sore to certain fans, but these guys are trying to win these games and give their teams an edge at any cost.
There is a difference between flops that embellish and exaggerate contact, and flops that create something that's just not there.

Brian Windhorst‏@WindhorstESPN3m
Pacers players accuse Heat's Shane Battier of going for their knees

We can live with the Kobe yells, the Lebron flails even if they're OD'ing the contact. But we shouldn't have to watch a game where lames like Battier are falling after everything and, apparently, going for players' knees while down there.

If you can't hang, do everyone a favor and ******g retire.
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Jason Kidd could have signed with the Spurs back in 04, but stayed because his then wife, was going to do a reality show in NYC
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Offense - flailing arms or jumping into a stationary defender to embellish a call.

Defense - flopping to embellish a call.

It's all the same. These guys are looking for ANY competitive advantage. It may be an eye-sore to certain fans, but these guys are trying to win these games and give their teams an edge at any cost.
No it's not and it's hilarious that you keep saying that it is. Again, there is an extreme difference between embellishing actual contact and diving all over the place when no one even touched you.
It will be hilarious to see the Kobe lobby Johnny Cochraning an explanation for why this isn't a flop either..

Not to mention how him constantly flailing his arms in the air and yelling at the top of his lungs like he's been on a deserted island for 20 years and suddenly sees a plane fly by.


But let me guess - this couldn't be any more different from flopping. :rolleyes Annoying as hell to look at. But if you're a Kobe fan you'll eat the two FTAs up.

The cold hard fact is that pro sports isn't an ethics contest. Players will do what they can if it helps them win. And if it helps someone you're a fan of, you'll sure as hell take it. The same with dirty players. Bruce Bowen deliberately tried to injure players, something way worse than flopping. People were angry at him, but if he was playing for their team, you know that they would've defended him. What would you like to see pro sports look like? Like this:


Thats still not as bad as what Lebron does, you know it, Lebron knows it and now the NBA knows it too.
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In that gif It looks like Kobe got tripped up.

I simply think there are levels when it comes to this issue. I'd bet you can find 3 times melo flopped. And I can find 50 times where lebron flopped.

You act like nobody has ever been pissed when an offensive player flops. I remember 3 pages of Toney Allen slander. Even though it's probably the first flop we have ever even seen from him.

You can lawyer your way into defending flopping. Find whatever argument makes you feel better. Ohhh offensive players sell contact. But wait when taking a charge you need to sell contact. Whatever floats your boat. Nobody is gonna change each others mind on his issue. It's a gut reaction. Either you see it and it makes you furious or you see it and don't care or pump your fist in triumph
For god's sake... can you guys give Kobe Bryant a summer vacation on here? Or at least post that &&&& in that horrible thread made in his honor.
Jason Kidd could have signed with the Spurs back in 04, but stayed because his then wife, was going to do a reality show in NYC

Yeah I remember that. I didn't know he stayed cuz his wife was doing a reality show though. :lol:

I wonder what woulda happened to Parker if that deal went down.
No it's not and it's hilarious that you keep saying that it is. Again, there is an extreme difference between embellishing actual contact and diving all over the place when no one even touched you.

It's hilarious that you're missing the point. The crux of the argument started with Lebron/West. Both guys made contact with each other. OBVIOUSLY, it wasn't enough contact to warrant the reaction from both guys, but they decided to flop to draw a foul. However, there was ACTUAL're talking about something completely different.

Bottom line, whether it is on offense or defense, guys are constantly trying to embellish calls for the benefit of their team. It's the nature of the league.
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In the Jalen Rose podcast, they talk about conspiracies and ratings and what the NBA wants.

Simmons points out that ads are sold ahead of time... so bad ratings may only affect next year.

The only thing that the NBA really benefits from is more games. Game 7 = running the ad space that was sold more than if the series ended in Game 5.

Also talks about big markets - how Sportscenter would've pushed more content about a Lakers/OKC series; but since it was Memphis/SA they only got a 4 minute segment.

Love the truth
I remember that time frame with Kidd and the rumors :lol:

Interesting why it didn't happen and interesting what could've happened with TP9.
Let's change gears for a second...

Bill Simmons’ odd comment on MLK’s assassination and Memphis sports

Martin Luther King’s assassination has a direct impact on Memphis sports according to the ESPN columnist.

Article in Link
Am I the only one that thinks Lance isnt a flopper? Hear me out, I know he flopped multiple times last game, but I feel like he did it in a sarcastic way, almost to show these dudes what they look like. I mean the only time Ive ever seen this dude flop was last game, and once against dwight.
In that gif It looks like Kobe got tripped up.

I simply think there are levels when it comes to this issue. I'd bet you can find 3 times melo flopped. And I can find 50 times where lebron flopped.

You act like nobody has ever been pissed when an offensive player flops. I remember 3 pages of Toney Allen slander. Even though it's probably the first flop we have ever even seen from him.

You can lawyer your way into defending flopping. Find whatever argument makes you feel better. Ohhh offensive players sell contact. But wait when taking a charge you need to sell contact. Whatever floats your boat. Nobody is gonna change each others mind on his issue. It's a gut reaction. Either you see it and it makes you furious or you see it and don't care or pump your fist in triumph

Yep its just like the difference between a hard foul and a flagrant foul. Its a judgement call

why is he sliding all the way across the floor? Even the announcer knows its a flop he says. Well that was a nice flop.

tap of somebodys arm knocks you on your back nowadays.
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“I didn’t realize the effect [the King assassination] had on that city. [...] I think from people we talk to and stuff we’ve read, the shooting kind of sets the tone for how the city thinks about stuff. We were at Game 3. Great crowd, they fall behind and the whole crowd got tense. It as like, ‘Oh no, something bad is going to happen.’ And it starts from that shooting and it’s just that mindset they have.”


yeah, Bill. It's just like how knicks fans are always nervous and tense since 9/11
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I guess its just a strategy like icing the kicker
The nba is trying to stop it with fines to the players
I wonder what teams do to enforce fines
kobe flops? I guess now we never have to complain about flopping again! because Kobe flops! everybody poops and everybody flops! Case closed. No discussion needed. kobe floppppped! therefore by the transitive property lebron can flop! and you better sit there and love it
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:rofl: @ The Need to bring Kobe into the discussion because dudes are hurt their hero finally got called out by the Association for flopping. Keep posting "evidence."

Whatever makes ya'll feel better. :lol:

:lol: basically. dudes are HURT. lakers been out of the playoffs for weeks now and dudes STILL can't keep them out their mouths :pimp:
Lol every time Kobe fans get proved wrong they either pull out the lebron Stan's got there feelings hurt or there insecure just accept the facts Kobe ain't god and he does the same stuff every other superstar does in the league
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