Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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This is what I'm talking about 

10 times out of 10 you swap players in that situation and the refs call a foul.

You're better than that. |I

Wade still has explosion, he just isn't being assertive. I saw plenty of speed out of him on the 2nd fastbreak he got last night. His straight line speed is there, but cutting is entirely different with, definitely moving gingerly when he applies weight on that knee.

Wade has selective explosion at this point w/ that knee
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It's not the fact it was called on lebron. Everyone agrees it was a foul and should of been called. It's the fact that both teams were getting away with worse screens all game and in the 47th minute of a 48 minute game they decide they are going to start enforcing the rule.
In my opinion they could have let them play on. It was a foul but it didn't need to be called at that point. The Heat have been getting away with murder setting screens. They set moving screens with alarming regularity. Battier, Haslem and LeBron are the major offenders. Just watch them move and ride the man they are screening. Haslem and Battier usually hip check guys. It's hilarious to watch actually. 
and just when i was starting to think kobe fans were worse.  lol u guys do make a strong point though refs definitely should respect lebron and our entertainment more than the rules of the game.  some of u wouldnt know how to sound unbiased if u tried.
In my opinion they could have let them play on. It was a foul but it didn't need to be called at that point. [COLOR=#red]The Heat[/COLOR] have been getting away with murder setting screens. They set moving screens with alarming regularity. Battier, Haslem and LeBron are the major offenders. Just watch them move and ride the man they are screening. Haslem and Battier usually hip check guys. It's hilarious to watch actually. 
You mean the entire league.

FWIW - I don't think Miami's touched their potential these playoffs, due to Wade coasting and Spoelstra sticking to his rotations. And if anybody has paid attention to him the past few years, that's probably his biggest weakness as a coach -- rotations.
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I'm specifically talking about this series.
You're not, because if you were you would've included David West and Tyler Hansbrough.
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There are select players that get away with obviously illegal screens.

Kendrick Perkins is not a superstar and he gets away with illegal screens all the time, but Dwight is, and he got a whole bunch of ticky tack foul calls setting screens this year.

The foul calls on screens are definitley very inconsistent.
Any other star loses n the "help" doesn't play well it gets ignored. Yall ****** killed melo killed him when he has lance stephensons idol as a 2nd option.
 The difference being that Melo was playing like trash also. Yesterday they said LeBron had a bad game, he was 24/6/5. Hes not shooting sub 40% for the playoffs like Melo did.

Who has more help Lebron or Melo?

Melo plays like trash, everyone around him plays like trash, Knicks lose = Melo gets blamed

Lebron plays like trash (based on his standards), but wait Wade plays like trash too! BUT WAIT! There is still Bosh, does he play like trash? OH SNAP! Ray Allen just hit 7 3s. Miami has a chance to win everytime.

Its laughable when people say Lebron needs more help. In 3 season if this team won 1 championship, thats an absolute failure.
You're not, because if you were you would've included David West.
Sure I'm not. I made it all up. You included David West so now that makes 4 instead 3. Never mind 3 cats from the Heat are setting illegal screens regularly as opposed to 1 on the Pacers.
Sure I'm not. I made it all up. You included David West so now that makes 4 instead 3. Never mind 3 cats from the Heat are setting illegal screens regularly as opposed to 1 on the Pacers.
There's a ton of illegal plays happening throughout the entire series, but it isn't like we're on the league's payroll to correct the situation.

You could probably review every play and find an illegal play throughout the course of each game, that's just the way it is. I mean hell, one play I watched last night where George Hill drew a foul, but he clearly had clamped Chalmers' arm as he was using the sideline pick. One of the initial plays where Bron was on the offensive boards and got hacked a few times, but he didn't get the call, yet he flopped near at the end.

Both teams get away with murder, I believe we can all agree on that.

This series is going to coaching and Vogel has shown that he can keep up early in a series and fold near the end. Spoelstra generally adjusts when adversity hits and Bron takes over. He does his best coaching with his back on the wall, maybe it's when Riley gets in his ear, who knows.

Still trying to figure out how the Knicks completely forgot how to move the ball vs Indy, that's neither here or there though. :smh:
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You mean the entire league.

FWIW - I don't think Miami's touched their potential these playoffs, due to Wade coasting and Spoelstra sticking to his rotations. And if anybody has paid attention to him the past few years, that's probably his biggest weakness as a coach -- rotations.

IDK about the entire league, but their are certainly a few teams that do. Completely agree on that 2nd part, Miami has been looking weak compared to last year.
This series is going to coaching and Vogel has shown that he can keep up early in a series and fold near the end. Still trying to figure out how the Knicks completely forgot how to move the ball vs them, that's neither here or there though.
Yeah Vogel is an idiot imo. He makes some head scratching decisions at times. I fully expect Miami to win this series in 7 games. The Pacers are built to beat the Heat but they still make to many mistakes due to inexperience.
Just throwing this out there... but saying Lebron's two star teammates need to step it up or play better isn't the same thing as saying "OMG LEBRON NEEDS KYRIE AND DWIGHT AND DURANT AND MORE HELP"

Nor is it "white knighting" and being a stan.

All that means most of the time is "Lebron's teammates need to play better" :lol:

If you want to drum up some complaint about how other stars get the total blame even if the rest of the team plays bad yet Lebron gets no criticism, then go right ahead. Except you don't realize you are the criticism for Lebron, so it does exist :lol: Just because the media might not be screaming about it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Yeah, I'm usually with the people that say the Heat get more star treatment from the refs, but in this series it seems like the Pacers are getting most of the calls. :pimp: Which is a breath of fresh air sort of, so it's nice. We'll see if it lasts though.

On an unrelated note, the Heat still have a huge advantage in the games that are left.
Ever since the chip, wade has been in retirement mode. He even dresses like he's on a carnival cruise. Unless miami's role players and bigs can contribute (double figures at least) it's a wrap. Lebron can't do it alone.
Just throwing this out there... but saying Lebron's two star teammates need to step it up or play better isn't the same thing as saying "OMG LEBRON NEEDS KYRIE AND DWIGHT AND DURANT AND MORE HELP"

Nor is it "white knighting" and being a stan.

All that means most of the time is "Lebron's teammates need to play better"

If you want to drum up some complaint about how other stars get the total blame even if the rest of the team plays bad yet Lebron gets no criticism, then go right ahead. Except you don't realize you are the criticism for Lebron, so it does exist
Just because the media might not be screaming about it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
thank you man...
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