Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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IATT, it was heavily rumored that Jared Dudley was available to teams for the right combination of picks and/or a first rd pick, and the Gortat deal had been speculated forever (although Perk always shut Gortat down when they played) but for some reaosn Presti wants to just hoard all these picks from this predicted to be terrible *** draft. JJ Hickson and DaJuan Blair were also both allegedly available for simply a pick. Granted JJ is in the last yr of his deal and will probably get paid in the offseason, that's a deal I make 10 times out of 10. We're going to draft a bunch of internationals so we can stash them because we don't even have the roster space to support the amount of picks we have, beyond the fact they will suck, and that we are in win now not develop mode, and Brooks won't play them even if they are good.
i think the problem with the gortat deal that came up around the deadline, was that phoenix wanted both lamb and the toronto pick (I THINK.. but i wouldnt want to give up either).. but granted they were being asked to take back perkins

but i would easily give up our pick (late first round) and/or the bobcats 2nd (which we will assume is top 3 2nd round) for dudley.. he's locked in for another 2 seasons at under 5 mill (has a player option for the 3rd year)
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Lebron was blessed to play in the east all those cavs years. He would be getting plenty of first round exits in the west.

He also had the worst disappearing act of any superstar in the history of the NBA. Give melo his current team he would be doing just fine. so would Durant. So would CP.
Denver wasn't just losing during the playoffs all them years he was there, they were playing just to get in and expecting a first round sweep. Do I even need to bring up NYC last year?
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not trying spark anything..

but how the hell has kobe only won the scoring title twice?!
Lebron was blessed to play in the east all those cavs years. He would be getting plenty of first round exits in the west.

He also had the worst disappearing act of any superstar in the history of the NBA. Give melo his current team he would be doing just fine. so would Durant. So would CP.
Denver wasn't just losing during the playoffs all them years he was there, they were playing just to get in and expecting a first round sweep. Do I even need to bring up NYC last year?

Please continue on about how we Didnt have our starting PG. Then lost our backup PG and Starting SG in the first game of the series. And Amare was out because hes a clown. And Melo still beasted a game away from a Heat team that was full strength and went on to win the title.

Yea no, please tell me more how that was Melo's fault.
Denver wasn't just losing during the playoffs all them years he was there, they were playing just to get in and expecting a first round sweep. Do I even need to bring up NYC last year?

Yes I'd love to hear about how a stacked team beat up the Knicks without amare for most of the series, Tyson chandler with the flu, an injured shumpert, an injured Jeremy Lin, and an injured baron Davis

Because that proves just how easy the heat had it and they still lost a game to us.

Game 1 was one of the worst reffed I've ever seen too. I remember bill Simmons who hates the Knicks saying he's turning on hockey because he doesn't watch fixed sports. And lebron flopping like an actress when Tyson chandler set a pick
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IDK why y'all continue to let them get you riled up into arguing.

Congrats to Melo on winning the scoring title :pimp:
Westbrook > KD . **** what any of y'all dorks have to say . That man is the heart and soul of that team.


I can't remember who, but an NTer said something like "KD worries about stats while all Westbrook worries about is winning". Sums it up right there.

Game 4 of the finals last year...:wow: :x :smokin
Any more passes you want for them? I guess the NBA should wait until everyone is ready, than start the games. What about all the years before than? List more complaints please

And "you're a clown" just makes you look even more foolish

And I guess it was the heats fault amare punched the fire extinguisher huh?
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NBA gon learn this postseason. people are just clinging on to reasons to take away from the knicks. we're an elite team this year, offensively and defensively.

i love the hate, keep it coming. we're old, we're injured, we've got a ballhog who doesnt defend as our best player, our coach is bald, new york weather sucks, shumperts knee.

keep it coming, type it a little louder cuz I cant hear yall from down there.
Any more passes you want for them? I guess the NBA should wait until everyone is ready, than start the games. What about all the years before than? List more complaints please

And "you're a clown" just makes you look even more foolish


Rest of the league got lucky he went crazy and started eating Vaseline. Chip was ours. Just a bad break
i beleive so. either way congrats to melo i guess. KD went 50-40-90 which is more impressive. he can easily average 30 if he didnt pass to the likes of westbrook or perkins lol
How you gon just say "oh well" though. I can understand saying u not gonna play but to end it with "if u disappointed, OH WELL" ?
I gotta admit, I like Westbrook's attitude/aggressiveness towards the game more than I do KD. It does seem like its Westbrook's team as well. *shrugs*
NBA gon learn this postseason. people are just clinging on to reasons to take away from the knicks. we're an elite team this year, offensively and defensively.

i love the hate, keep it coming. we're old, we're injured, we've got a ballhog who doesnt defend as our best player, our coach is bald, new york weather sucks, shumperts knee.

keep it coming, type it a little louder cuz I cant hear yall from down there.
noone saying yall (knicks) cant win just that the knicks are  inconsistent. The talent is there but  when playoffs come will yall rise or fall. Will Melo try too hard to win or let the plays come to him from the playmakers. Which Jr smith will be in attentent for the game plus what injuries will the knicks encounter  during the playoffs.
Westbrook > KD . **** what any of y'all dorks have to say . That man is the heart and soul of that team.

Spoken like a true Knicks fan.

An Idiot.

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