Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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He at least would have got a shot up. It doesn't matter what he nor anybody has done with 10 seconds left. One of your two best players have to get a shot at the basket. Russel was in a better position to get a shot up against the smaller lest athletic tony parker.
Conversely, You have durant getting pushed around his screens and not even coming off the screen hard.

He was at the top of the key. I suppose you think ducking his head and ramming into a defense that would have been waiting for him was a smart play?

KD was way too nonchalant on that play but you're acting like he shouldn't be the first damn option EVERY time in that situation.
I mean, OKC had arguably the best or 2nd best SF and/or player in the League. Harden is so versatile and does deserve to start. Without ball hog/shifty Westbrook he good have actually blossomed to what he can be, a top player in the NBA.
If Westbrook 'never passes to Durant', Durant would not be a 3 time scoring champion
If Westbrook is a 'mediocre' player, Thunder are not Western Conference champs, not to mention himself being an All Star and Olympian.
Season openers always bring out the worst in people who never watch the game.

yes yes yes. the first game is just that, the first game. its a trial and error process at the beginning of the season. this is not the NCAA or NFL
He had a ******g TERRIBLE game but ya'll are overblowing the hell out of this talking about they should have traded Westbrook.
Ya'll clearly missed basketball because one game and this whole damn forum has been out of control with the assessments.
i don't think they should have traded either, but this isn't the first time westbrook has done this though and was one of the reasons OKC lost the finals. 
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Westbrook a top 15 or 20 player in the league regardless of position, idk why y'all dudes overreacting saying trade him as for the harden trade harden >>>>>> Martin but depends on who they draft if they won the trade or not
He had a ******g TERRIBLE game but ya'll are overblowing the hell out of this talking about they should have traded Westbrook.

Ya'll clearly missed basketball because one game and this whole damn forum has been out of control with the assessments.
i don't think they should have traded either, but this isn't the first time westbrook has done this though and was one of the reasons OKC lost the finals. 
Harden didn't do **** in the entire finals though so...

And KD had 4 turnovers himself tonight. You give him the last turnover since he did in fact have the ball in his hands before Kawhi knocked it out and him and Russ both have 5. They both have to get far better in that regard
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LMAO son was guarding his own self LMAOOOO
i don't think they should have traded either, but this isn't the first time westbrook has done this though and was one of the reasons OKC lost the finals. 

:\ They lost the finals because they weren't the better team.

What does this even mean man :lol:
A mediocre PG got his squad all the way to the finals and had a legendary performance in game 4 while there. But he's a mediocre PG? Man yall kill me sometimes :lol:
This loss ain't **** to be honest because it's only the season opener. I have proper perspective on things cause I know how basketball works. Westbrook is most effective and benefited the team with the complimentary guard who puts pressure on the defense and is an excellent ball distributer( ahem,harden). Maynor and martin are not keeping Opposind defenses up at night. Y'all really underestimating what harden meant to that team. :smh:
Ive never like Westbrook. He can drive, his runners and his athlestiscm. But his judgement alone takes all that out the window for me. As we can see what Tony Park did to him as a older/wiser PG with great judgment throughout his career (Besides Eva Longoria lol)
"Take the bad with the good"

That is Russell Westbrook. And tonight was just bad.
He was at the top of the key. I suppose you think ducking his head and ramming into a defense that would have been waiting for him was a smart play?
KD was way too nonchalant on that play but you're acting like he shouldn't be the first damn option EVERY time in that situation.

Bruh, a 1 4 top of the key, flatten out the rest of the players and let Westbrook go against the inferior tony parker. Or let him go 1 on 1 from either the left or right wing. He had the advantage rather than Durant in this situation. Think about it, even if Durant catches the ball, look where he's going to catch it at and look how much time he would have had had he caught the ball. He would have faced a loaded defense focused squarely on him with sub 5 seconds on the clock.

Westbrook had an easier time at getting a quality shot off IN THIS SITUATION. Period.
Not so much, he doesn't get passed his defender or into the paint anymore. Harden carried those 2nd units he was in, not him. He was a spot up shooter waiting for JH kickouts. And since Brooks isn't going to play PJ3 with Maynor, who is an excellent dive cutter and runs the floor, it's just going to be Maynor/Nick pick and roll in that 2nd unit, which isn't Harden-Nick pick and roll by far.
Only reason we drafted Jackson was to replace him anyways after that game 5 against the Mavs in the WCF wave off Westbrook, Durant, and Harden so I can iso and shoot an airball in the clutch over Dirk.

Anymore??? Based on one game and a hand full of preseason games coming off a blown out knee? Maynor is not a spot up shooter. He has developed a decent 3 point stroke, but that is not what he does best.

It's one game. This is the first time guys are playing with Martin (who played well IMO) and OKC will be fine.

Why folks always want to change stuff after losses.....talking about firing coaches, traded star players, :smh::

First World First Tier NBA Teams Problems!

What you call problems....the Wizards call luxuries they don't have.
I mean, OKC had arguably the best or 2nd best SF and/or player in the League. Harden is so versatile and does deserve to start. Without ball hog/shifty Westbrook he good have actually blossomed to what he can be, a top player in the NBA.
Everything this guy just said.
that pic is a little misleading

it looked like green (?) was heading to the corner before that and russ was there to cut him off
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Lol at all this overreacting on day one. Ya'll gonna be right back on Russy's nads in a hot minute.
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