Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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They wouldn't have even been in that position had they let westbrook take them home offensively on that last set instead of trying to get durant open who routinely can't use a screen and gets pushed out just like in that last play, allowing them to take the ball.

But get the ball to durant :rolleyes
Like Allen said on Twitter, "overreaction, yes...but I find it hard to believe OKC is not worse off. And not just a tiny bit."
yeah OKC shouldve let westbrick go. Maynor, harden wouldve been better. But there are alot of decent PG's out there. Harden can also bring ball up and facilitate.

Someone needs to talk to this westbrook guy. real talk man. I hate seeing KD being limited to his shots.

WEstbrook does do alot because he is aggressive and talented. But he just tends to force alot of shots.

Ibaka is underrated offensive player.

man this guy just makes so many mental mistakes. Its sad.
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6-21 18 pts,5ast,8reb,6to. I'm telling you now, the garden trade is gonna expose Westbrook for the mediocre player that he is.
Because Russ never put up that kind of line when Harden was there?

He isn't mediocre. He's inconsistent. 
Tony Parker put da team on his back in that 4th quarter.
I usually respect everything Chuck says but he vastly underrates Harden value to this OKC team. losing your best passer (maybe your only passer) is never a good thing
Chris Webber is kind of right though.

The thunder last year got to the finals and had the most non assisted field goals in the NBA BY FAR.
Got caught staring at the ballhandler, saw Green dribbling to one side of the court and went that way, lost track of his man. Junior high mistake.
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Dudes overreacting in here. Trade Westbrook? Yeah aight. Everyone knows the guy's faults but he is far from mediocre. Stop it.
Excellent basketball player,MEDIOCRE PG!! Yes.

What does this even mean man :lol:

A mediocre PG got his squad all the way to the finals and had a legendary performance in game 4 while there. But he's a mediocre PG? Man yall kill me sometimes :lol:
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