Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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Well what do ya know, Dejuan Blair is alive and well.

And why the camera had to pan to Tim Duncan looking like Garfield on the bench smh
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When other teams do it, its called strategy and playing the match ups, when the Spurs do it, theyre shook. Good to know. Even if it was in the fact the case (you have no proof) do you really think that they would have shame in admitting that they would rather face Houston in the first round than the Lakers? I sure as hell wouldnt. The Lakers are a tougher out than the Rockets its as simple as that. Do I think the Spurs would beat them? Yes. Would I rather the Spurs play the Rockets cause it would be an easier series for them? Yes. Am I afraid of the Spurs playing the Lakers? No. Are the Spurs afraid of playing the Lakers? No.

I agree.
I joked awhile ago about it... but Kobe is seriously going to pull a John Henry. He'll play every minute to get his team to the playoffs, then Game 1 of the playoffs he's just going to keel over.

Then his spirit is going to finish the job and take over the rest Russell Westbrook's body and continue to play another decade.
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San Antonio is tied for wins with OKC, why did Pop pull the starters vs Den???

When other teams do it, its called strategy and playing the match ups, when the Spurs do it, theyre shook. Good to know. Even if it was in the fact the case (you have no proof) do you really think that they would have shame in admitting that they would rather face Houston in the first round than the Lakers? I sure as hell wouldnt. The Lakers are a tougher out than the Rockets its as simple as that. Do I think the Spurs would beat them? Yes. Would I rather the Spurs play the Rockets cause it would be an easier series for them? Yes. Am I afraid of the Spurs playing the Lakers? No. Are the Spurs afraid of playing the Lakers? No.
Just saying.. on one hand people want us to view the Spurs as "scary" contenders. Yet on the other hand we see that their coach is clearly concerned about their potential matchups in the postseason. So are they really a powerhouse like people want us to believe?

Do you know what Lebron said when they asked him about Miami's potential matchups in the East? He said "We don't care, we'll play whoever is in front of us"

And I bet if you asked the Thunder, they'd tell you that they don't give a damn who they play either.

I wonder if the Spurs little first round 'snafu' against the Grizzlies is still playing into their psyche a little bit..
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San Antonio is tied for wins with OKC, why did Pop pull the starters vs Den???


Tie breaker goes to okc. Okc will probably be 1st by night's end :smokin

Right on time just in case the lakers make the playoffs :lol:
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How do you sound right now? Risk his career? Guess you don't know that NBA drug testing is a joke and that Stern has turned a blind eye to PED's in general.

Nobody is denying his skills but there's no way after all the punishment his body has taken that he could play 48 minutes of NBA basketball deep in 17th season at a high level naturally. I have no problem with it actually because I just want to see great basketball at the end of the day but stop being foolish.

You work for the NBA? If not then don't assume you know how the league test its players for PED

You must have never heard of Kobe pregame and post game routine.

He got the best trainer and nutritionist to guide him before and after every game. He even got his own massage therapist.

If you assume Kobe is taking roids then 98% of NBA stars and ex stars are probably on roids too. Don't be bias.
Iggy 12 pts 13rebs 10ast. and 7 to it's soo frustrating watching this guy :smh:

Javale, Chandler & Brewer :nthat:
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I wanna give a big, HUGE **** you to Doug Collins for not giving Vucevic burn last year and burrying him in his dog house when he showed he was already better than Hawes and Lavoy Allen. On top of that, Harkless has been killing and the Sixers traded a future 1st rounder for Arnett Moultrie and Collins is doing the EXACT same thing with him that he did to Vucevic.
:lol: @ spurs duckin! told yall they were not about that life. Fools gold.

It's cool. Let OKC step up and place that hurting on bryant, his ego, and pride :lol: ole chuckin...
How many times must you guys keep responding to this dude? Stop making this thread worse by engaging with him.


Is that clear enough?

Said the dude who frequently troll the Lakers thread and said the most common stuffs that any 10 years old random fan could have figure out.

Dwight 50/50 on resigning. Well isn't that obvious? LOL captain obvious.
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I dont see the problem. What coach isnt concerned with their potential matchups in the playoffs. I dont care what LeBron said, if you sat him down and ask him if he would rather play Charlotte or Indiana in a 7 game series, he is going to pick Charlotte. Just because they said that doesnt mean they are completely disregarding all logic. Being smart about matchups does nothing to discredit their contender status, all it shows is that they have a coach who couldnt care less about the medias perception of the team and will do what is best for them to succeed, something that every coach should be doing.

The Grizzlies matchup did nothing to instill fear in them if thats what you're implying, but I will agree that it did affect them. It showed the benefit of playing the matchups which in no way shape or form is a bad thing.

But its all good, the Spurs are scared, ducking, blah blah blah blah blah. Look how many people are quick to slander over something as simple as benching some guys towards the end of the season. Yet just last week Miami benched guys for what could be the very same reason, to get rested for the playoffs, and nothing of a similar effect was said. You guys have fun with this. 
When other teams do it, its called strategy and playing the match ups, when the Spurs do it, theyre shook. Good to know. Even if it was in the fact the case (you have no proof) do you really think that they would have shame in admitting that they would rather face Houston in the first round than the Lakers? I sure as hell wouldnt. The Lakers are a tougher out than the Rockets its as simple as that. Do I think the Spurs would beat them? Yes. Would I rather the Spurs play the Rockets cause it would be an easier series for them? Yes. Am I afraid of the Spurs playing the Lakers? No. Are the Spurs afraid of playing the Lakers? No.
I agree.
I would think that most would, I even saw the rationale when Memphis did it but who even knows anymore. 
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Kobe doesn't show any signs of being on roids physically, but I'm sure he's taking some sort of stamina enhancing supplement (blood doping? :nerd:). Hell...when I was taking a pre-workout, creatine, a mass gainer and working out hard all the time I felt like I could play basketball all day every day at my top level. It doesn't take that much especially when you're naturally one of the top athletes in the world.
Just saying.. on one hand people want us to view the Spurs as "scary" contenders. Yet on the other hand we see that their coach is clearly concerned about their potential matchups in the postseason. So are they really a powerhouse like people want us to believe?

Do you know what Lebron said when they asked him about Miami's potential matchups in the East? He said "We don't care, we'll play whoever is in front of us"

And I bet if you asked the Thunder, they'd tell you that they don't give a damn who they play either.

I wonder if the Spurs little first round 'snafu' against the Grizzlies is still playing into their psyche a little bit..
I dont see the problem. What coach isnt concerned with their potential matchups in the playoffs. I dont care what LeBron said, if you sat him down and ask him if he would rather play Charlotte or Indiana in a 7 game series, he is going to pick Charlotte. Just because they said that doesnt mean they are completely disregarding all logic. Being smart about matchups does nothing to discredit their contender status, all it shows is that they have a coach who couldnt care less about the medias perception of the team and will do what is best for them to succeed, something that every coach should be doing.

The Grizzlies matchup did nothing to instill fear in them if thats what you're implying, but I will agree that it did affect them. It showed the benefit of playing the matchups which in no way shape or form is a bad thing.

But its all good, the Spurs are scared, ducking, blah blah blah blah blah. Look how many people are quick to slander over something as simple as benching some guys towards the end of the season. Yet just last week Miami benched guys for what could be the very same reason, to get rested for the playoffs, and nothing of a similar effect was said. You guys have fun with this. 
I'm not saying Pop is wrong for what he's doing at all. It makes sense.

I'm just pointing out my observations. I see a Spurs team that is getting cold at the wrong time, struggling with injuries, and probably not going into the playoffs how they would want to. You bring up Miami but they're hot as hell right now. Miami and Spurs are polar opposites going into the playoffs.

I would be extremely surprised if Miami (or OKC) caught a first-round upset. I wouldn't be quite as surprised if the Spurs did, though.

Not hating on your squad, just talking basketball and pointing out my observations.
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This and "Scared" are two different things though. This is a well informed logical opinion, just calling them scared is childish and silly. This is fair and I respect it. I dont agree, but I can definitely see where you're coming from.

You really that naive? :lol:
He ain't the only one but when ****** is like "omg 17 years, he's 34" you really think he found a way to beat Father Time naturally?

Dude he lost 16 pounds

You don't think that's not going to help some of your explosiveness ?

I remember Michael Strahan did something similar where he lost some weight...I think it was like 15 pounds too

Its like he's doing anything crazy on court. he just looks similar to how explosive Jordan was in his mid 30s.

Also if you've noticed he hasnt posted up as much as he has before

He definitely looks like he lost some weight

Yea the Spurs aren't scared of the Lakers, they'd still win most likely.

But of course you'd rather play a young inexperienced team with the Rockets. It makes sense, it's strategy. This is chess not checkers mother******

Don't blame Pop one bit.
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