Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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I just hope this sports thing distracts him from rapping...

no one (except Anti) is trying to hear old man Jigg a spit those struggle bars on these features :smh:
A few months ago it was "Lakers aren't making the playoffs LOL"

Now that they have a chance it's "NBA is fixed" "let's make a video like it's proof" "they're getting swept anyway"

To be honest if "the fix is in," the fix has been in ever since Kobe has been in the league... these are the calls the Lakers get.

Worry about your own damn teams everyone... stop instigating crap arguments then playing the victim when people get on your case.
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A few months ago it was "Lakers aren't making the playoffs LOL"

Now that they have a chance it's "NBA is fixed" "let's make a video like it's proof" "they're getting swept anyway"

To be honest if "the fix is in," the fix has been in ever since Kobe has been in the league... these are the calls the Lakers get.

Worry about your own damn teams
I aint eem mad, Harden gets calls too 
Lakers needa get that boy in 2015 screw 2014.
the same westbrook who is signed until 2017?
I guess I'm in the minority in the view that the separation between durant and westbrook isn't nearly as grand as people make it out to be.

So when Westbrook is taking more shots than Durant, it isn't a big deal. But whatever.
yup.. also, people tend to not factor in free throws (which negates the actual attempted shot).. where KD averages 9.4 to to westbrook's 7.1

but as i've said before, i would happily take westbrook's 18.9 shots per game when you consider that the thunder as a team average 79

me personally, i have a bigger issue with the shots perkins and fisher get (unless it's a 'put back' i dont want perkins shooting.. and i dont want fisher playing unless westbrook, jackson and martin all have 5 fouls)
People ragging on Russ need to watch him for a full game. Just watch him. No other player in the L other than maybe Faried puts it out there like Russell does. He makes game changing plays, hustle plays, offensive boards at opportune times, and does so much on the court.

I used to be hard on Russ, but when you look at the entire picture, everything he does, it's hard to not only like him, but appreciate him.

The gap between KD and Russ used to be a lot greater. Not anymore.

Russ is a Top-10 player. I can't name ten players better. Hell. I can't even for sure name five guys in the L that are clearly better than Russell.

LeBron. KD.

Who else?

Wade? Kobe? Paul? Wade? Melo?

On a given night, sure. Maybe. Russell is easily capable of outplaying every single of those dudes though.

You can go look at my stuff from two years ago. Completely different tone. I thought he was going to be the next Steve Francis. I was utterly, incompetently wrong.
having KD be as efficient a scorer as he is, affords us the luxury of having a wildcard like westbrook

unfortunately, we dont have a good enough coach to realize how to maximize what we have on our roster

keeping it strictly to westbrook:

brooks should have seen how well westbrook did playing on and off the ball with team USA and in all-star games..

he could/should have easily found 10-15 of westbrook's 35-40 mins per to play him off the ball.. would have worked perfectly while we had harden (who should have been averaging 35-40 when with the thunder.. and not under 30).. but would still work well now with reggie jackson.. or 2 seasons ago when maynor was fully healthy
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Plus Hov just opened his sports agent firm....

You think that didn't help?

grand scheme fellas.
I wonder how much Jay-Z earns from the Nets
he gets payed in publicity. i heard there is a rocawear store in there too

prokorav needed him to get back all the black people that were kicked out of their neighborhood because of the construction of the stadium. and to get the hipsters down with the nets. plus there is nothing that people from brooklyn love more than anything related to brooklyn

jay z got crazy publicity and a foot into the sports world

they both made out well and achieved those goals

i don't know about money under the table or percentage points or whatever. but that's the gist of it
These guys get it.
I just hope this sports thing distracts him from rapping...

no one (except Anti) is trying to hear old man Jigg a spit those struggle bars on these features
:smh: @ these lame dudes complaining about an 8th seed team that has no chance even if they make the playoffs

this is the same ref treatment miami gets EVERY GAME

but all I see is dudes slurping lebron

a super team getting help all year is more disgusting and worthy of discussion than this :stoneface:

A few months ago it was "Lakers aren't making the playoffs LOL"

Now that they have a chance it's "NBA is fixed" "let's make a video like it's proof" "they're getting swept anyway"

To be honest if "the fix is in," the fix has been in ever since Kobe has been in the league... these are the calls the Lakers get.

Worry about your own damn teams everyone... stop instigating crap arguments then playing the victim when people get on your case.

Oh, so you guys agree theres bias reffing for the Lakers.

Just as long as we're on the same page.
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A few months ago it was "Lakers aren't making the playoffs LOL"

Now that they have a chance it's "NBA is fixed" "let's make a video like it's proof" "they're getting swept anyway"

To be honest if "the fix is in," the fix has been in ever since Kobe has been in the league... these are the calls the Lakers get.

Worry about your own damn teams everyone... stop instigating crap arguments then playing the victim when people get on your case.
But what do you expect? When they're chasing down a playoff spot and in a game by game race these things are bound to happen, especially when games are being decided on controversial calls (the Timberwolves game for example) coupled with the fact that the Lakers have been the beneficiary of blatant cheating before (Game 6 2002 WCF Vs. The Kings) and to top it all off no one has forgotten about David Sterns "My ideal finals would be the Lakers Vs. The Lakers" comment. The Lakers are by far and way the most popular team in the league, its no secret that having them in the playoffs benefits the league, and that would be magnified if they just get in by the skin of their teeth, the story writes itself. Everyone loves a conspiracy theory, especially one with proof behind it.
Oh, so you guys agree theres bias reffing for the Lakers.

Just as long as we're on the same page.

Plus Lebron James, the rest of the Heat, Kevin Durant, Russell Westbrook, James Harden, Carmelo Anthony, and Kyrie Irving, just as there was superstar treatment for Michael Jordan, Tracy McGrady, Allen Iverson, Shaquille O'Neal (highlighted in big font for you since he was once a Laker), Dwyane Wade, Tim Duncan, Steve Nash, Manu Ginobili, and more.

If you don't like it that's fine, but don't act like it's just the Lakers getting the bias reffing, just because they might make the playoffs and you don't like them and you want a reason to invalidate their "success" of barely making the postseason.
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So when Lakers play a team such as the Hornets with none of the players you listed, and 3 teams are in a race for 8th spot I can't call foul?

Oh ok.
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But what do you expect? When they're chasing down a playoff spot and in a game by game race these things are bound to happen, especially when games are being decided on controversial calls (the Timberwolves game for example) coupled with the fact that the Lakers have been the beneficiary of blatant cheating before (Game 6 2002 WCF Vs. The Kings) and to top it all off no one has forgotten about David Sterns "My ideal finals would be the Lakers Vs. The Lakers" comment. The Lakers are by far and way the most popular team in the league, its no secret that having them in the playoffs benefits the league, and that would be magnified if they just get in by the skin of their teeth, the story writes itself. Everyone loves a conspiracy theory, especially one with proof behind it.

Cause there is no conspiracy theory (or, if you want, no "new" conspiracy theory). It's just Laker Haters trying to start a fire, thinking they sound smart.

The way the Lakers seem to be getting calls is nothing new. The Lakers, like every other popular team/player at any given time, just get more calls. There's nothing new happening here that didn't happen last November, in 2005, in 2002, in 1998. There's nothing new happening here that hasn't happened with Lebron since 2007.

If these calls are a conspiracy to get the Lakers to the playoffs, then the calls that Lebron/Wade get can easily be labeled as a conspiracy to get them to a repeat title (both of which are stupid theories).
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So when Lakers play a team such as the Hornets with none of the players you listed, and 3 teams are in a race for 8th spot I can't call foul?

Oh ok.

Do whatever the hell you want, but if you (or anyone else) points these things out for the just Lakers and cry "playoff conspiracy" when they're happening for other teams and have always been happening, it makes you look like a hater. So when people get on your case about it, don't whine.
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Do whatever the hell you want, but if you or anyone else just points these things out for the Lakers when they're happening for other teams and have always been happening, it makes you look like a hater. So when people get on your case about it, don't whine.
He's an admitted Lakers Kobe hater.
Stop feeding the troll.
He posts only about the lakers and kobe.
I wonder what being a troll feels like.

Gratifying? Prideful? Swagger on a trillion?

Must feel good to send out constant bait and have dudes bite.

Hmm. Sounds like an interesting concept, instead of complaining maybe more of us should try. :nerd:
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Looks like this going to be one of those days in here when the games can't start soon enough.
I am a Lakers fan and I admit that we always get a lot of calls in our favor, but this year has been 50/50. If you have watched all of our games there have been plenty of horrendous calls going against as well this season. Not to mention that if we were getting preferential treatment Dwight would get called for less fouls, but this year it seems like he starts the games with 2 fouls, and a lot of them are ticky tack calls.
Durant, harden, lebron, wade get the most special treatment by far. Battier will get some ridiculous charge calls too

Kobe does too but on a less regular basis those 4 are the worst.

I think melo and rose are the worst treated stars in the NBA. Dwight is too sometimes but other times he makes some incredibly dumb fouls.

Amare gets a stunning amount of calls. He just never plays
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I've seen Melo get a fair amount of calls in his favor. I like Pierce, but every time I would watch a Celtics game this year it would seem like if he flails his arms up he gets the call majority of the time.
:lol: that ESPN NBA ranking is a joke. I'll be the first to say that ZBo is not a top 30 player at this point in his career. I'll also say that Blake Griffin is not better than Marc Gasol.
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