Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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Do not engage with ColdCity. He's doesnt discuss, he rants like a child. If you don't agree with his opinion, he will call you a troll. Oh, and he believes that "God" cares about D-Rose's injury.

- That's basically all I learned in the past couple pages.

I digress and have something to say to Seymour Cake. I wrote yesterday how Rose should be back already and play. What you wrote after, I took it in and you convinced me. I changed my mind. Rose should take his time. However my critical perception of Derrick Rose's mental state and the way he's handled this injury are still there. If one of the main reasons he's not coming back right now is because of the "pressure" the city of Chicago puts on him, that only fuels my argument.
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And you forgot that Boston Garden is a monster. The Honey Nut Cheerio army will be out in full effect and they can get any of the 29 shook. Doc Rivers is a better coach than Mike Woodson. The C's foul on almost every play until the refs give up and swallow their whistles. The Knicks aren't known to handle it when the refs don't call fouls. And I don't think KG is that hurt. I think he's just getting right for the playoffs.

That said...they suck on the road this year, and forget rallying in the absence of Rondo, he's the x-factor. Dude used to make highlight reels out of us, and even this whole season, these Celtics don't really know each other. They move the ball more, but they don't have real confidence in one another, to the point where they're not even running their endgame plays well, which was their signature. And their rebounding. :x

And we have 2 things we didn't have the first time around, that'll make a difference. Jason Kidd and Tyson Chandler.

This is the only series that matters to any Knick fan so any ******* penciling us into next series is trolling, and anyone pushing that word along is a troll.
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the chicago press is just mad because rose shut them out and chose to do an interview elsewhere..

right around all star weekend :nerd:
new shoe that was coming out :nerd:
#110% marketing scheme :nerd:

not srs

that's if BOS can even hold on to the seed. They're only 1 up in the L column on MIL & the Bucks won the season series 3-1 so they have the tie breaker.

If they drop down to 8 that's obviously a short series as well.
2 up in the L column, plus MIL has 5 road games left including @ MIA and @ OKC and their only home game left is against DEN. In all likelihood MIL will be the 8 seed.
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Boston-NY has all the makings. That's gonna be a FUN series. Might be my favorite one of the first round, with Memphis/Clipps right there (depending on if that one holds of course)
That was only one specific example I listed referring to basketball media, since you had such a severe gripe with my original two statements listing NBA fans and basketball media. I never said NT'ers, you just can't read. Word to the Water Boy or that stupid Ben Stiller character from Tropic Thunder.

For the last time, I raised the Celtics/Knicks point partially to deviate from the overblown D. Rose speculation. The other portion is a legitimate argument. I've seen a fair amount of NBA fans (not only on NT, per se) and basketball media picking the NYK to reach the ECF. So instead of nitpicking the original argument or question posed, answer it. Why will the Celtics upset (or not) the Knicks?

I started with some basic points. Boston has rallied with stellar team basketball since Rondo went down. Pierce is a known closer. Jeff Green has shown a tendency to get hot, albeit very streaky at times. NYK seem to rely heavily on the three ball. What happens when the shooters go cold? Particularly JR Smith, who has provided lethal #2 scoring recently alongside Melo. Boston can throw a variety of defenders at Melo. Green, Pierce, and maybe even Bradley if Doc doesn't fear the height and size advantage. NYK's team defense will be put to the test in the playoffs under Woodson.

your previous posts led me to believe that you followed both teams and were giving a pretty good analysis on the match up, but its clear you don't watch enough of neither teams to provide such. imo


rant like a child ....quite laughable...ive YET to rant about anything

ive called all of 2 people in this entire thread a troll & the 2nd was just today & not even you......but now im doin it to everyone...oh ok

nice general glazed over statement

thats incorrect

re read my post before you "call me out"

i said god knows everything & if you cant grasp that simple fact i wont continue a back n forth with you regarding the matter because its a waste

& you are a fool if you think the man upstairs doesnt care about rose ....because he does & he cares about you too as misguided as you are

SEMI-rant over :lol:
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Weather is too beautiful for a peasant to spoil. Word to itslavish.

Come back if you wanna talk intelligent basketball. I'll expose you worse than Jenna Shea, "bruh."
Weather is too beautiful for a peasant to spoil. Word to itslavish.

Come back if you wanna talk intelligent basketball. I'll expose you worse than Jenna Shea, "bruh."

im not your bruh, bruh.

you probably don't even play ball famb, put the laptop down, i see your fingers all sweaty from here
you trying to be funny but now you hurt? really dawgs. lets talk basketball real quick.

knicks dont just "shoot 3s" especially JR like you were insinuating in your post.

also the celtics were playing better in the beginning without rondo, but theyre 7th for a reason. they don't have the main piece that makes em that dangerous. and "the ability to throw different defenders" and you put bradley in that sentence. :rofl: you crazy

started with some basic points. Boston has rallied with stellar team basketball since Rondo went down. Pierce is a known closer. Jeff Green has shown a tendency to get hot, albeit very streaky at times. NYK seem to rely heavily on the three ball. What happens when the shooters go cold? Particularly JR Smith, who has provided lethal #2 scoring recently alongside Melo. Boston can throw a variety of defenders at Melo. Green, Pierce, and maybe even Bradley if Doc doesn't fear the height and size advantage. NYK's team defense will be put to the test in the playoffs under Woodson.
Also depends upon what type of shape Melo is in. Each and ever year he has been in the playoffs, where his minutes have gone up as you would expect, his efficiency has declined. He got burned out vs the Heat with the minutes last year in the playoffs. Two headed snake with him and JR, just gotta make him put the ball on the floor and bang.

With him at the 4, how does Woodson play on hiding him on defense? I'm interested to see how he's used this year in comparison to last year on both ends. During the Miami series, they rolled the zone towards him and the ball denial got to a point where Melo had to bring the ball up, just to get the ball in his hands. I definitely don't see Felton becoming that 3rd scorer that you would need in the playoffs for them.

If there's a defense that I think could present a challenge in that 1st round, it'd definitely be Doc Rivers' hybrid zone.
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Also depends upon what type of shape Melo is in. Each and ever year he has been in the playoffs, where his minutes have gone up as you would expect, his efficiency has declined. He got burned out vs the Heat with the minutes last year in the playoffs. Two headed snake with him and JR, just gotta make him put the ball on the floor and bang.

With him at the 4, how does Woodson play on hiding him on defense? I'm interested to see how he's used this year in comparison to last year on both ends. During the Miami series, they rolled the zone towards him and the ball denial got to a point where Melo had to bring the ball up, just to get the ball in his hands. I definitely don't see Felton becoming that 3rd scorer that you would need in the playoffs for them.

If there's a defense that I think could present a challenge in that 1st round, it'd definitely be Doc Rivers' hybrid zone.

i agree.

even battier gave him problems trying to get the ball in the post. they better prepare well or else its another series lost.
That WHY U MAD? Alwyays gets ppl they hate being asked that :lol:
Ah, selective reading at its finest.

First, I never said the NYK "just shoot 3's." Instead, my original post said it seems the Knicks rely somewhat heavily on three-point shooting. Meaning it's a large element or threat offensively. Look up the 3PT chart for NBA teams in Advanced Statistics.

Secondly, I know plenty about JR Smith or JR Swish as my friends (who are religious NYK fans like to call him). He's from Jersey and grown leaps and bounds into a MIP candidate. Finally focused and seems to have cut down on the negative lifestyle habits (speculation, I don't know him personally). We all know JR can get to the basket, he's shown it even more recently with his driving ability. But the fact is his number one attribute is and always will be deep shooting. That's why he fairly or unfairly gained the "chucker" label earlier in his career in Denver.

Lastly, I listed those Boston defenders to prove a point that Doc has options to throw new or different looks at Melo. Could help to disrupt rhythm and comfort level on the court. Melo goes on deadly hot streaks offensively, and the Celtics would be wise to break-up his flow early and often as possible. If that so happens to be the 2/7 match-up after all. In addition, I specifically noted Bradley last and mentioned the major height/size disadvantage. I know the notion is crazy, but if Green and Pierce are ineffective defensively, Doc has nothing to lose with a new look.

Ah, selective reading at its finest.

First, I never said the NYK "just shoot 3's." Instead, my original post said it seems the Knicks rely somewhat heavily on three-point shooting. Meaning it's a large element or threat offensively. Look up the 3PT chart for NBA teams in Advanced Statistics.

Secondly, I know plenty about JR Smith or JR Swish as my friends (who are religious NYK fans like to call him). He's from Jersey and grown leaps and bounds into a MIP candidate. Finally focused and seems to have cut down on the negative lifestyle habits (speculation, I don't know him personally). We all know JR can get to the basket, he's shown it even more recently with his driving ability. But the fact is his number one attribute is and always will be deep shooting. That's why he fairly or unfairly gained the "chucker" label earlier in his career in Denver.

Lastly, I listed those Boston defenders to prove a point that Doc has options to throw new or different looks at Melo. Could help to disrupt rhythm and comfort level on the court. Melo goes on deadly hot streaks offensively, and the Celtics would be wise to break-up his flow early and often as possible. If that so happens to be the 2/7 match-up after all. In addition, I specifically noted Bradley last and mentioned the major height/size disadvantage. I know the notion is crazy, but if Green and Pierce are ineffective defensively, Doc has nothing to lose with a new look.


you got it :smokin :tongue:
This dude Krazy hasnt spoken a single word of basketball in several pages.

stop feeding it ChampCru
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