Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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3 quarters isn't enough. I'm concerned that while lebron conserves his energy for those 3 quarters he then is gonna be nice and fresh and lock down melo enough to win. Obviously you can't "lock down" melo but he can shoot 2 for 7 4th and that's it. Game over.
I'm willing to see anyone, East or West, challenge a Heat repeat. Just for competitiveness sake. Whether it be NYK, IND, OKC, SA, or LAC.
Melo will have to work hard to even get the ball, unless they can get it to him early in the clock, should be interesting to see.


Majority catch and shoot. Spoelstra decided he didn't want send the double much that game. Playoffs from previous year shows a tad bit clearer defensive picture. Key is how hard he is having to work defensively. We all know he isn't seeing single cover during the playoffs.:lol:
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Idk i think the knicks 1st round losing streak continues, but if they do make the ecf i see them having b2b games 7s
3 quarters isn't enough. I'm concerned that while lebron conserves his energy for those 3 quarters he then is gonna be nice and fresh and lock down melo enough to win. Obviously you can't "lock down" melo but he can shoot 2 for 7 4th and that's it. Game over.

What would suddenly allow LeBron to keep Melo from scoring?
NYK on fire from deep. Even Shump hit one.

If you've been watching Knick games he's been hitting that corner 3 multiple times per game. Definitely a lot better than earlier in the season.

their shooting is gonna play into the hands of some defensive teams in the playoffs

Most of the 3s are wide open though. If defensive teams can stop the ball movement, then yea i guess.

The Knicks are a team of destiny this year.

Chill out.

Looking at some of the discussion here, I can deduce that the NBA season is too long.

66 games was perfect.
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If you've been watching Knick games he's been hitting that corner 3 multiple times per game. Definitely a lot better than earlier in the season.
Most of the 3s are wide open though. If defensive teams can stop the ball movement, then yea i guess.
66 games was perfect.

Yeah I thought I was the only one that liked the 66 game season. But I think the only reason I liked it was because of how rapid the games where. Lots of games in a week
I truthfully don't even know if we should give him a big, long-term contract. Personally, I've always liked DMC better (not saying Cousins is the better basketball player).

Jrue our lone bright spot this year.
I was in a body cast for several months when I was 4 years old, broke a knee, an arm, and several other bones, clearly I am the most qualified to speak on any injury ever.
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