Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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no one is crying but your "point" was weak as **** & clearly troll bait

& comparing him to dwight is very stupid & rounding your "point" even more ......

does dwight do ANYTHING similar to rose....dont worry ill wait

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no one is crying but your "point" was weak as **** & clearly troll bait

& comparing him to dwight is very stupid & rounding your "point" even more ......

does dwight do ANYTHING similar to rose....dont worry ill wait

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Plz tell me how my points are weak....we have all these other dudes having the same type of injury and some worse than others, especially lattimore, but he has something to prove and love for the game....but somehow Rose is the one special case that needs all this time rite....shut the hell up, u defending that man, when he clearly scared of his own self...Chicago goes from a mental freak like Jordan to Rose the mental fraud....hate it had to be ya[/COLOR]
dancing like diddy around my damn question because you dont have an answer for it

they key word in your statement is TYPE......TYPE

everybody's body is NOT the same

coninue 2 steping around my question tho
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What im saying though son, anything they dont agree with is a troll :lol:

acting like i said Rose couldn't play ball....damn all i said was his knee should have been good now, and to get a stronger mentally...

[COLOR=#red]@ColdCity over there like[/COLOR]

At me or dap me, dont be a p_ like ur savior rose[/COLOR]
Only way you're gonna get back is if you play.

Look at Dwight. Dude was clearly not a hundred percent but the second he was cleared he went out there an played.
And Dwight's supposed to be a mental ******, not saying he isnt, but dude cant be as frail as rose is :lol:
And 6 months later he still looks like a fraction of himself.
And 6 months later he still looks like a fraction of himself.

Yet he's still averaging 17, 13, and 2 blocks a game.

At least he's out there is the point I'm making.
Y'all attacked Dwight for quitting on his team last year, yet nobody has said anything when rose wont even come back when he's MEDICALLY CLEARED, to play.

Yeah I'm not givin him a goddamn pass. You medically can play, get your *** on the court.
AGAIN!!!!!!!!! If you haven't experienced an acl tear I'd suggest you hush up, when he's ready he'll return it's as simple as that. Y'all comparing Dwight's injury to Rose when he uses his knees and speed to take advantage of his defenders, let the man LIVE!
AGAIN!!!!!!!!! If you haven't experienced an acl tear I'd suggest you hush up, when he's ready he'll return it's as simple as that. Y'all comparing Dwight's injury to Rose when he uses his knees and speed to take advantage of his defenders, let the man LIVE!
Yeah and Dwight doesn't use his back to back up defenders or play defense :lol:
Like I give a damn :rofl:

Now i understand ska when he says you cant define trolling.
I'm speaking my opinion, that's all.
But I'm not giving rose a pass, at the end of the day, an acl tear is an acl tear, you got other guys coming back.
Yet rose being the mentally frail person, won't come back.

I'm done with this subject.
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And 6 months later he still looks like a fraction of himself.

Yet he's still averaging 17, 13, and 2 blocks a game.

At least he's out there is the point I'm making.
Y'all attacked Dwight for quitting on his team last year, yet nobody has said anything when rose wont even come back when he's MEDICALLY CLEARED, to play.

Yeah I'm not givin him a goddamn pass. You medically can play, get your *** on the court.
Are u insinuating that he's the same guy by throwing out those numbers? :lol:

Some dudes don't wanna play unless they fully resemble themselves. Some dudes dont care. I'm certainly not gonna kill a young player for being cautious with his career & waiting until he's 1000000% in both mind & body.
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Are u insinuating that he's the same guy by throwing out those numbers? :lol:

Some dudes don't wanna play unless they fully resemble themselves. Some dudes dont care. I'm certainly not gonna kill a young player for being cautious with his career & waiting until he's 1000000%.

Obviously he's not, but even being just a shell of who he was he's throwing out those numbers. That's what I'm trying to get at.

I guess I'm just spoiled by my favorite player playing through every injury :lol:
Only way you're gonna get back is if you play.

Look at Dwight. Dude was clearly not a hundred percent but the second he was cleared he went out there an played.
And Dwight's supposed to be a mental ******, not saying he isnt, but dude cant be as frail as rose is :lol:

If Rose still isn't 100% the organization HAS to come out and say that he won't play this season. Too much doubt is bad press for the Bulls.

If your telling me that Rose is going to magically feel 100% with his knee then either God is working overtime or he's mentally weak, now which one is it?

If your not 100% just say it because everyone including myself thinks your healthy and your just crying over this.

The only way you get better is by playing against people who will bully you in the paint, not against your own teammates.
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If Rose still isn't 100% the organization HAS to come out and say that he won't play this season. Too much doubt is bad press for the Bulls.

If your telling me that Rose is going to magically feel 100% with his knee then either God is working overtime or he's mentally weak, now which one is it?

If your not 100% just say it because everyone including myself thinks your healthy and your just crying over this.

The only way you get better is by playing against people who will bully you in the paint, not against your own teammates.
I agree if he's not a hundred percent, then let him be i get that.
But reports have come out that he is. So in my opinion he should be out there.

Now I disagree with your last point, only way to get better and back to a hundred percent is if you play period.
Sitting on the sidelines isn't gonna do a damn thing.
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[quote name="FlyerThanDelta"]AGAIN!!!!!!!!! If you haven't experienced an acl tear I'd suggest you hush up, when he's ready he'll return it's as simple as that. [/quote] so since I've torn both of my ACLs, can I chime in?

because my opinion is that if he has been medically cleared, he should be on the floor.
Coming back for basketball is a lot different than coming back for football. You're jumping and landing almost every play in basketball (especially the way D. Rose plays)

I wanna see him come back just as much as anyone but at this point it's too late, just announce he's out for the season and get ready for 2013-14.
Lol. There's more to being ready to play than being "medically cleared." If he doesn't trust his body yet, he's not ready. It's pretty simple actually. Of all people too...Derrick Rose we question. The man knows nothing (literally) outside of playing basketball. I'm pretty sure he wants to be out there more than any of us want to see him. So can we chill with this?
I feel as if the only people that think he should've been back already never got seriously injured while playing any sport at a competitive level.

Being medically cleared doesnt mean ****. It'll still take him 2 months of 20-25 min a game to get back to normal.
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[quote name="Ballinsam23"]I feel as if the only people that think he should've been back already never got seriously injured while playing any sport at a competitive level.[/quote] like I said, I've torn both of my ACLs. Left one playing football, right one playing basketball. Couldn't wait to get back, both times. sure, I was a little ginger and timid when I first came back, but the only way I got through that was getting banged up a few times and mentally realizing I was fine.
^not true.

I sprained my ankle so bad my senior year in highschool I was out for 3 weeks and it still hurts some mornings when I wake up. I played the last month of the season on a 70% ankle. Granted, it's just highschool ball that don't mean a da,m thing :lol:
But I didn't have world class medical staff or rehab.
I had my moms rubbing my ankle with some Bengay and some wrap.

Think about it man, he has the best doctors working on his knee, he's been cleared to play, only way to get over your mental fears is going out there. Sitting court side isn't doing anything
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[COLOR=#red]i think its safe to say, Mr.Lattimores injury was just a tad bit more serious than Mr.Rose off visual alone...but u rite he aint ready he must need a professional training staff to get there like lattimore....oh wait, he's the "cornerstone" of a NBA franchise, he must not have it to his disposal.[/COLOR]

Posting workout photo's doesn't prove your point, though.
sure, I was a little ginger and timid when I first came back, but the only way I got through that was getting banged up a few times and mentally realizing I was fine.

Exactly the same experience I had with my torn ACL. I don't think there's any way to get over those initial cautious feelings about returning without playing and seeing how your body responds.
Thats a good point though, I completely forgot about that. That the only way to get rid of this mental fear is to go out and play.

When i had a grade 3 ankle sprain (out 2.5 months, **** sucked) I was hesitant with every move i made, playing like a straight up kitten. Saying "na i'm good" even in small pickup games. Just wanted to be 110% before being officially back.

Edit - I feel as if at this point in the season he feels there is "no point" to come back. Bulls + 20 mpg Rose is not enough to win.
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