Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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Look man if you haven't torn an acl and experience it before dont sit there behind the comp talking, it's a mental issue for him now when he's ready he'll be ready let that boy rose live bulls ain't having a championship run anyway this season!

he will never be ready. nobody is ever ready. it's tough mentally. i think he should have came back and got the rust out of his system this year. play 10 minutes a game. then by next season he will start fresh an dnot scared

but at this point its stupid to bring him back. no reason
And you know this because of what exactly???? .... are you in his camp, do you train with him?

Do I know what?

Do I know he's been way more mentally affected from this injury than others? Yea, I pretty much do know that. We all know that, it's pretty evident. From his interviews, from when the doctors cleared him, and when "god" is used as a timetable. It's pretty clearly man.

No idea why so many of y'all are defending him so angrily just for being critical. At the end of the day he's a basketball player, that's his profession. He's paid to do so.

So because he's mentally not ready and "The Heat" are going to win anyways, he should just get paid millions of dollars and still be able to use that as an excuse? A lot of teams can't beat the Heat, should they just quit now?

Should Kobe Bryant quit now because the Lakers aren't going anywhere important? Should Rubio not play tomorrow after his ACL injury? How about Shumpert? Should he give it a rest too? - kind of soft

Wasn't expecting Rose to come back like Adrien Peterson and put up MVP numbers, I however was expecting him to come back and at least TRY to play a game. If he wasn't feeling it - cool, sit out. But like I said, mentally/emotionally - he's really letting the thought of the injury get the best of him, not the injury, itself.

But hey, that's just my humble opinion. Agree or don't.

*Also for the record, I highly doubt the Chicago Bulls would even come close to jeopardizing Rose's career. He's guaranteed way too much money for a long time, the last thing they'd want is for him to risk re-injury on his knee. So when the Bulls medical staff clears him, I believe them, it says alot. This is still the same organization that wanted MJ to sit out all of 1986 with a broken bone in his foot. Reinsdorf is keen on protecting his assets.
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I thought it was common knowledge Rose was a *****.

I would honestly be shocked if I he didn't sit out next season, too. He's a mental ******. We saw it on full display at Memphis.
:smh: So extra..

No way in hell Rose needs to be coming back. I hope he does what's right for himself in this situation. He's gonna take heat some heat, but who cares? Who the **** is Dan Bernstein? None of those critics are in his situation so their opinion is irrelevant.
:smh: So extra..

No way in hell Rose needs to be coming back. I hope he does what's right for himself in this situation. He's gonna take heat some heat, but who cares? Who the **** is Dan Bernstein? None of those critics are in his situation so their opinion is irrelevant.

serious question, why doesn't he need to come back? nobody is asking him to play 40 mins a game, but at least test and see how your knee is in real games (scrimmages dont count) nobody really goes hard like that in team scrimmages
^ yeah about that that... Thibs only coaches one way. If you can play... you play.

He doesn't do well with minute restrictions, Jo was supposed to be on a minute restriction, if a player needs to take it easy they actually have to be declared inactive.

10-20 minutes a game. :lol: That's hilarious.


There are fans & sports jockeys here who have made the statement that with him back we're beating the Heat. No Questions. The level of pressure/expectations placed on this kid's shoulders here are far greater than anyone who resides outside of this city could ever expect.

So please don't compare/mention him with Rubio, who nobody expect to lead his team anywhere seriously, he's Robin to Kevin's Batman. Kobe's situation is not the same, he can still play through his and he's in the twilight of his career if he goes down for good oh well he's still had a better career than 98.7% of players ever. Derrick is 4yr into his career, not counting this one, this is the biggest moment of his professional life. You mess this up you can potentially become Greg Oden.

Stop and think about that for a second.

For a player who relies so much on his quickness, explosion, & change of direction/pace who just had an injury that seriously hindered that I wouldn't give a **** what anyone else said. It's his body, he knows his body, he's listening to his body. He didn't last year and came back to early, admittedly so, played a couple of games and then hurt himself again, came back... Then tore his acl his 1st game back.

Every last one of us would be overly cautious given that set of circumstances. If you're saying otherwise either you're lying or your mother raised a got damnit fool.
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cake - you know what's interesting about the whole thing?

Adidas has an "All in for Week 1" campaign going w/ RGIII. It's been said over and over that RGIII won't get on the field until he is 100%, but I still think it's interesting considering both men are arguably the face of their respective sport within the company.
cake - you know what's interesting about the whole thing?

Adidas has an "All in for Week 1" campaign going w/ RGIII. It's been said over and over that RGIII won't get on the field until he is 100%, but I still think it's interesting considering both men are arguably the face of their respective sport within the company.

That's adidas marketing tool, have to figure out a way to make money off of them even though they're aren't going to play.

Part of this was caused by #TheReturn and all the hype it generated, part of it is his fault, part is Reggie's, & part is the Organization, but a large part is the unrealistic expectations of fans. What people failed to realized, myself included for a while because I'm a supporter of his & always will be, is that those were not about him playing they were all generated to sell their products.

We get so caught up in wanting to see our favorite athletes perform that we don't put it into proper perspective, we just get hype about them coming back. They did a masterful job because his shoes sell like crazy here, especially among the Hispanic population. They LOVE him.
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If I'm a Bulls fan I would much rather Rose only play when he's mentally and physically ready than to rush things and potentially injure himself more because of his tentative play. I don't understand what's the problem. IMO some of these same people griping about Rose would be the first ones saying he shouldn't have rushed back if he gets re-injured. Besides, does anyone believe Thibbs would protect Rose from himself by resting him and limiting his minutes? I don't.
That's adidas marketing tool, have to figure out a way to make money off of them even though they're aren't going to play.

Part of this was caused by #TheReturn and all the hype it generated, part of it is his fault, part is Reggie's, & part is the Organization, but a large part is the unrealistic expectations of fans. What people failed to realized, myself included for a while because I'm a supporter of his & always will be, is that those were not about him playing they were all generated to sell their products.

We get so caught up in wanting to see our favorite athletes perform that we don't put it into proper perspective, we just get hype about them coming back. They did a masterful job because his shoes sell like crazy here, especially among the Hispanic population. They LOVE him.

Now that you mentioned #TheReturn, I can't tell you the last time I saw an Adidas ad for Rose. The last one I saw was when all of Chicago stood still when he got hurt and it ended with him coming out of the tunnel. It was a great spot...and it's easy to see why there are expectations for him to come back this season. I think there is plenty of blame to go around.
^ yeah about that that... Thibs only coaches one way. If you can play... you play.

He doesn't do well with minute restrictions, Jo was supposed to be on a minute restriction, if a player needs to take it easy they actually have to be declared inactive.

10-20 minutes a game. :lol: That's hilarious.


There are fans & sports jockeys here who have made the statement that with him back we're beating the Heat. No Questions. The level of pressure/expectations placed on this kid's shoulders here are far greater than anyone who resides outside of this city could ever expect.

So please don't compare/mention him with Rubio, who nobody expect to lead his team anywhere seriously, he's Robin to Kevin's Batman. Kobe's situation is not the same, he can still play through his and he's in the twilight of his career if he goes down for good oh well he's still had a better career than 98.7% of players ever. Derrick is 4yr into his career, not counting this one, this is the biggest moment of his professional life. You mess this up you can potentially become Greg Oden.

Stop and think about that for a second.

For a player who relies so much on his quickness, explosion, & change of direction/pace who just had an injury that seriously hindered that I wouldn't give a **** what anyone else said. It's his body, he knows his body, he's listening to his body. He didn't last year and came back to early, admittedly so, played a couple of games and then hurt himself again, came back... Then tore his acl his 1st game back.

Every last one of us would be overly cautious given that set of circumstances. If you're saying otherwise either you're lying or your mother raised a got damnit fool.

thank you CAKE

if hes in uniform Thibs is liable to rock with him all game ...thats just how he coaches....

id love for everyone to peel back & step off the ^%&* cliff especially the closet haters who are JUST showing thier actual hate becuase they had jack **** to ride on before

I thought it was common knowledge Rose was a *****.

I would honestly be shocked if I he didn't sit out next season, too. He's a mental ******. We saw it on full display at Memphis.

you actually beilieve the ignorance you let come off your fingers...if so i feel very sorry for you
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@ this Derrick Rose slander

You guys kill me

Look at John Wall being the real live North Carolinian that he is
once again Derrick Rose gets a pass...

and dudes have the nerve to go at my guy YOLO Bynum :stoneface:

the hypocrisy :smh:
Now I really hope Rose comes back in the playoffs and poo poos all over the Knicks. God, make it happen.

They aren't going to see each other regardless so that won't happen.

Is it time to make a "Is John Wall having the best season ever for a PG who had an underwhelming two years and came back in the season after missing the first two months of a season" thread :nerd:
once again Derrick Rose gets a pass...

and dudes have the nerve to go at my guy YOLO Bynum :stoneface:

the hypocrisy :smh:
Im not giving him a damn pass.
If he was cleared to play you better play.
We got Dwight howard out there with a limp back and torn labrum still gutting it out.
Dwight wasnt supposed to be back until January, and he was ready for the start of the season.
So I dont think rose should get any pass
I think Rose has the right to do whatever he feels is best. It his body and career. If he's not ready, he's not ready. And if he goes out and plays scared or apprehensive in any way, it probably would increase his chances of getting re-injured. That said, he is being the most cautious about returning from an ACL tear of any athlete -- pro or otherwise -- that I can remember. I'm just kind of curious what exactly he's waiting for.
idk whats going on with rose and ive never had a knee injury.  all i know is that as a player if i can play, im gonna play
idk whats going on with rose and ive never had a knee injury.  all i know is that as a player if i can play, im gonna play

I partially tore my ACL back in 2010. My doctor said it was a borderline case, so I opted not to have surgery and just rehabbed instead. I didn't play ball for about 6 months and I really missed it. I probably started playing again before I should have because I was not that diligent about my rehab. When I first played in a game again, I was definitely a little nervous at first. But then the adrenaline got going and I forgot all about my knee and just played. Been playing ever since without incident, though I do wear a brace now. So my point is that I think anyone who goes through that is going to feel a little nerves when resuming full contact play. I don't think its possible to get to the point that you won't feel that. So,IMO, at some point, if you feel physically ready and your docs tell you that you're ok, you just have to get out there and give it a go. But I guess Rose sees it a bit differently and that's fine. That's his right.
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