Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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They haven't released much info on Bynum but I heard he could probably play right now if they really needed him, but they "don't want to risk anything in their investment". He's doing light conditioning now and will probably be held out for another couple weeks til he's in game shape.

Drew at the disco
Cuban will sign anyone who is good enough to be in the league not good enough to demand more than a minimum, 1 yr deal. Complete reversal from about a decade ago.

James and Sam (Presti) both said they had been negotiating for months. It just seems like they picked Ibaka first, because Ibaka agreed first (and left some on the table off full max which is assumed to be his market value). They didn't value him first IMO either, they offered James more. You're talking about 1mil less a yr over the max 4 year term OKC could offer. He just flat out didn't want to be here IMO and was just giving company talk lip service with all the "sacrifice...dynasty... brothers" stuff. Get that money though, obviously Sam already had spoken to Morey and had a deal in mind that could give us some picks, an expiring in KMart as a stopgap + potential future asset, and we got Lamb out of it and even cared enough to make sure it was somewhere who could give James the designated player 5 yr max. Basically, we got 2 guys who would have been top 6 last yr had there not been fear of a lockout forcing them back to school. Again, my dream deal would have gotten us Thompson and Rush, 2 40% 3pt shooters who aren't shy and both big and can play D. But this is probably the next best deal out there, don't know if Presti talked to Utah about AlJeffs.

Presti gave James the ultimatum, we were'nt going to have a Dwightmare situation hanging over our head all season, nor let him just walk in the offseason and get nothing.

The real mistake was extended Perkins right away before he ever even played a game. He has regresssed in every way since and been injured the entire time. He is living off his reputation. He turns the ball over on a record 25%+ of possessions. I won't deny his impact though, we don't beat the Lakers without him pushing Bynum out, I just wish he was doing it for 6=7mil instead of 9
:lol: Troy Murphy

I think those jerseys look better in real time than they do in pics. Good lord they are ugly in pics :lol:
I fully expect KD and Russ to lead the league in turnovers. Harden calmed that down for them last year, but without him there, turnover city.
wow, Thabeet sighting
Foul out in 9 minutes.

He's hot and cold, I like him though. Plus it's hilarious, he posts in all caps on Twitter and people stay roasting him for it and he won't stop.

By the way, Brooks NEVER makes any adjustments or considers that something he came up with might not be working, but I would have started Kevin Martin. With 3 scorers, you can stagger their rests so that at least 1 is always in the game.
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Dwight Howard and Chris Paul tried to play on the same team when they were on the Orlando Magic and New Orleans Hornets, but neither wanted to go to their former respective teams.

"We were trying to play together, but it didn't work out," Howard told Yahoo! Sports.

Paul and Howard began talking about playing together in 2009.

Howard wanted Paul to join him with the Magic.

"What will you be giving up?" asked Paul, according to a source.

Paul's preference was for Howard to join him with the Hornets.

"I tried to get him to come to New Orleans," Paul told Yahoo! Sports. "It was back and forth, here and there."

Sources close to both players say that Paul and Howard eventually decided that the Dallas Mavericks would be the ideal team to play for. The Mavericks pursued trades for both players, but didn't have enough pieces to make a deal work.

Both Howard and Paul opted into their contracts for 12-13, which eliminated the option of unrestricted free agency.

Paul was all in for joining the Mavericks as a free agent in 2012, but he wanted a commitment from Howard, according to sources. Howard remained indecisive about his future and wasn't ready to commit.

Paul grew impatient waiting for Howard and requested a trade.

"We always wanted to play together," Howard said of Paul. "It didn't happen that way."

Howard and Paul are both strongly leaning toward re-signing with the Lakers and Clippers, respectively.

But the Mavericks and Hawks are both expected to have enough cap space to sign both Howard and Paul.

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