Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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Ok first off I have no problem with a player wrapping up another. I'm just saying if pulling him with him to the ground was excessive. That play to me is a playoff foul and a regular season flagrant. I still don't see how you can say lebron is wrong though. He has been getting fouled harder than other players all year.

pulling him to the ground is excessive, but lebron lowering his shoulder into his chest isn't? Hinrich was about to look like william gay going for AP on that play if he didnt wrap him up.
I think I remember hearing some Warrior fans even saying they really liked what they saw from Jeremy Tyler in his minutes.

He is a beast in pregames with the dunks. Him and Chris Wright (no longer on the roster) used to be doing between the legs dunks an windmills in layup lines

What a joke.
Look I'm not bashing Bron hes my 2nd Fav ball player but as big as he is he should expect that as far as flagrants they not even, the thing that its worse now everyone in the league is looking like ok I can flagrant Bron now and get him frustrated or get in his head as a sign of weakness you think that bulls game was something wait till the PLAYOFFS, folks gonna be hackingggg the hunger for the chip is at an all time high 8)

i didnt see any hard fouls against Lebron in that bulls game.

he complained about the Kirk Hinrich move? are you serious? he wrapped him up and of course with a 275lb freak of nature your gonna fall down.

tell him to shut up

I was surprised he even said something about it
Smh y'all remind me of high school all over again. Still have yet to answer my initial question.

Son, no1 in the league comes out in a post game interview to try and lobby for another player to be fined or get harsher punishment because of a routine foul. But if you want a name. Melo obviously comes to mind. The guy never comes out to the media to complain about his lack of calls and it is pretty widely known if you watch games that Melo gets no love from the refs. And I also dont think ive ever seen Durant do that either since we're supposed to name names. He'll say teams were physical with him. But to come out and blatently accuse a specific player of fouling him too hard and hes tired of it? NAH

Obviously you will bring up Kobe. But A. He was injured on that play. And B. That was actually a dirty play by Bell. None of what happened to Bron in that game was a dirty play.

But im done entertaining this convo. If your still on this 2 days later then obviously nothing will change your mind. Your just blindly gonna go to bat for Heat players/Bron. I just hate that I actually like Bron and respect his game. But gotta argue with people about how much of a ***** move that interview was as well as some of the things he resorts to on the court. I dont see how you can watch that interview and not see how much a female that made him look like considering the preferential treatment he gets on a nightly basis.

And for the record. Hes got 6 Techs and 1 Flagrant for the season. The Flagrant was Boozer. And the techs arent from "retaliation". So im not quite sure what the **** he was talking about on that part of his tangent either. The whole thing just came of as a whiny kid who was mad they lost.
The Heat might sit out Lebron due to the streak being over, needing some rest, and it's the Hornets.

in other news though Juice was sent for an MRI on his left shoulder.

OJ will be fine. His injuries might hinder his play, but unless he has a limb hanging off his body by a thread, he's going to play.

He may not be the greatest player, but the guy sure is durable.
i still dont understand why kirk hinrich didnt just try to take the charge lol

am i the only one that thinks if he didnt wrap him up lebron would have been called for a charge?

lol @ the video on youtube titled kirk hinrich tackles lebron
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OJ will be fine. His injuries might hinder his play, but unless he has a limb hanging off his body by a thread, he's going to play.

He may not be the greatest player, but the guy sure is durable.

Yup, other than that 10 game suspension in memphis, dude hasn't missed a game in his career.
The Heat might sit out Lebron due to the streak being over, needing some rest, and it's the Hornets.

in other news though Juice was sent for an MRI on his left shoulder.

OJ will be fine. His injuries might hinder his play, but unless he has a limb hanging off his body by a thread, he's going to play.

He may not be the greatest player, but the guy sure is durable.

you know VC is salivating at the chance to start. :lol:
The amount of estrogen that comes into play in NBA threads kills me.

Like Jimmies aren't nearly Rustled as much in NFL threads.
you know VC is salivating at the chance to start. :lol:

25 FGA. :smh:

Carlisle did come out and say today that they're going to, "Lean on Dirk," more towards the end of this season. Like they should've been doing the second he was back to full strength.
All bad ty lawson has to undergo surgery now and will be out for good :smh:

They had a chance to get to the WCF's. I doubt it now
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