Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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Bosh is a good shooter but yall in here acting as if he's Larry Bird in the flesh.... K.Love, Dirk, LA, Gallo ?? none of those guys are spacing the floor like Bosh.... ?

how can you say that when i watch dudes like zbo,dirk,KG,klove,aldrige knock down jumpers ALL DAY LONG..the EXACT same way bosh does...

I'm referring to ppl who are realistic for the Heat to land. Kevin Love, Lamarcus Aldrige, Kevin Garnett and Dirk aren't going to the Heat barring something totally out of this world. The theme of the convo was ppl who could replace Bosh, no?

I, for one, am not acting as if Bosh is Larry Bird but I do recognize the versatility that Bosh gives them and know that it's not something that's just going to be replaced
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Does your definition of "magic" mean will, determination, pride, etc? If so then that is what will "magically" happen. Otherwise I don't follow you.

Clearly, experienced teams like the lakers have the wherewithal to turn it up in the playoffs which is why a lot of their fans are so cocky during the reg season as if it doesn't matter. Lakers have had the spurs number for a while now. I'm not going back n forth over this but we will see since you apparently think the spurs will handle a guy who is fighting tooth n nail to try n prove to everyone that he can win 6 rings too and that he is better. It won't end well bruh..

The Spurs hold the advantage 6-4 in the last 10 meetings

And Kawhi Leonard will keep Kobe from catching on fire
Everyone just needs to chill with all this "LeBron is Leaving next summer, The Heat will be dismantled Next Summer, The CBA, Blah, Blah"

Hey geniuses, The Miami Heat have been losing money ever since the Big-Three signed, management doesn't care about paying an obscene luxury tax for another 4 years. They care about making history and winning championships (Thank Pat Riley).

Not to mention the three amigos came together, all took pay-cuts to do exactly what they're doing right now - make history and win championships. (Thank Pat Riley)

Do you guys get it yet? They're trying to make history and win championships?

Next Summer they're most likely going to be fresh off a 3-Peat and then all of sudden Lebron is going to leave? I do think the dude will leave one day, when his official contract is over in like 2016 and he's 31, thats when he may go back to Cleveland. But next summer? A year from now? - No way, they're too invested in a dynasty. Wouldn't surprise me if they opt-out next summer to take even less.:lol:
LeBron, D.Wade, and Bosh will all be members of the Miami Heat in 2014 and beyond. So this discussion is all for naught. *shrugs*
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you're thinking of chris anderson

ryan anderson from the NO Pelicans averaging 16.7 points and 6.5 rebounds a game with almost 3 3's a game. in 31 minutes a game, often times off the bench,

Yes the Ryan Anderson, who has weak on the ball defense and gives you no blocks or steals
Tell me more about how the post season magically alters the match ups, I am very interested.

Does your definition of "magic" mean will, determination, pride, etc? If so then that is what will "magically" happen. Otherwise I don't follow you.

Clearly, experienced teams like the lakers have the wherewithal to turn it up in the playoffs which is why a lot of their fans are so cocky during the reg season as if it doesn't matter. Lakers have had the spurs number for a while now. I'm not going back n forth over this but we will see since you apparently think the spurs will handle a guy who is fighting tooth n nail to try n prove to everyone that he can win 6 rings too and that he is better. It won't end well bruh. Okc slides into 1st spot n yall live while okc murders the lakers. Pray for the latter.

You dont say.....

-Experienced teams like the Lakers you say? How many players on that roster have rings right now? Three? Coupled with the player with the most playoffs games and never reaching the finals, the 3rd worst bench in basketball. That screams championship pedigree

-Lakers had the Spurs number for a while now. Guess we're bringing up teams that existed over a decade ago as means to fuel our arguement. Just for arugments sake lets go look at the games. Over the last 10 regular season games, Kobe has lost 7 of those, the last time the Spurs and the Lakers met in the playoffs was in 2008 so those are hardly relevant even though the Lakers have "had their number for a while now" aka back in 2001.

-How will the Spurs handle a guy whos fighting tooth and nail to prove things? The same guy who had mutliple defenive laspes against the all mighty Klay Thompson ( I'm a fan of the guy for the record). Also I wasnt aware that Kobe Bryant was the entire Lakers roster.

But dont worry I'm sure a team filled with only 2 proven champions (Metta World Peace and co are not proven championships) an inept coach, and a horrendous supporting cast will somehow find a way to play at a level they have not done once this season and become a championship calibur team. I have no concern how the seeding falls and if they have to play the Lakers or not, and thats not a slight to the Lakers. Unlike everyone else whos been praying that the Lakers will play the Spurs because they just know they'll win cause the Spurs are old, fools gold, etc etc. I have no need for baseless slander. The Lakers just arent good this year and no amount of intangibles will change that. This isnt a movie.

I really hate internet explorer.
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Hopefully you are right. Just hope they don't gain chemistry with all 4 playing together n catch fire. That's what they are banking on n what I'm worried about.
You dont say.....

-Experienced teams like the Lakers you say? How many players on that roster have rings right now? Three? Coupled with the player with the most playoffs games and never reaching the finals, the 3rd worst bench in basketball. That screams championship pedigree

-Lakers had the Spurs number for a while now. Guess we're bringing up teams that existed over a decade ago as means to fuel our arguement. Just for arugments sake lets go look at the games. Over the last 10 regular season games, Kobe has lost 7 of those, the last time the Spurs and the Lakers met in the playoffs was in 2008 so those are hardly relevant even though the Lakers have "had their number for a while now" aka back in 2001.

-How will the Spurs handle a guy whos fighting tooth and nail to prove things? The same guy who had mutliple defenive laspes against the all mighty Klay Thompson ( I'm a fan of the guy for the record). Also I wasnt aware that Kobe Bryant was the entire Lakers roster.

But dont worry I'm sure a team filled with only 2 proven champions (Metta World Peace and co are not proven championships) an inept coach, and a horrendous supporting cast will somehow find a way to play at a level they have not done once this season and become a championship calibur team. I have no concern how the seeding falls and if they have to play the Lakers or not, and thats not a slight to the Lakers. Unlike everyone else whos been praying that the Lakers will play the Spurs because they just know they'll win cause the Spurs are old, fools gold, etc etc. I have no need for baseless slander. The Lakers just arent good this year and no amount of intangibles will change that. This isnt a movie.

I really hate internet explorer.

Ryan Anderson?

Oh the Ryan Anderson who doesn't play....ok gotcha
you're thinking of chris anderson

ryan anderson from the NO Pelicans averaging 16.7 points and 6.5 rebounds a game with almost 3 3's a game. in 31 minutes a game, often times off the bench,
And dude was had for the low, $36m/4 yrs.
That boy lit my hs team up in summer league.... dropped 40+ with a Brad Miller-like skill set, almost every game during that tournament 
Hopefully you are right. Just hope they don't gain chemistry with all 4 playing together n catch fire. That's what they are banking on n what I'm worried about.
At the end of the day I dont want them to gain any steam going into the playoffs. No Chemistry, no winstreak, no full roster (not anything serious) anything. Do I think it would make a difference if any of those things happened? I dont think so. I am fully prepared to eat my words however as I have done every year they havent won the chip, because I do predict them to win every year.
Everyone just needs to chill with all this "LeBron is Leaving next summer, The Heat will be dismantled Next Summer, The CBA, Blah, Blah"

Hey geniuses, The Miami Heat have been losing money ever since the Big-Three signed, management doesn't care about paying an obscene luxury tax for another 4 years. They care about making history and winning championships (Thank Pat Riley).

Not to mention the three amigos came together, all took pay-cuts to do exactly what they're doing right now - make history and win championships. (Thank Pat Riley)

Do you guys get it yet? They're trying to make history and win championships?

Next Summer they're most likely going to be fresh off a 3-Peat and then all of sudden Lebron is going to leave? I do think the dude will leave one day, when his official contract is over in like 2016 and he's 31, thats when he may go back to Cleveland. But next summer? A year from now? - No way, they're too invested in a dynasty. Wouldn't surprise me if they opt-out next summer to take even less.:lol:

SO you mean to tell me that The owner of the heat is okay with losing Triple that amount of money a year... Are you ******g kidding me. These guys aren't billionaires because they knowingly take losses on investments....

Bottom line is Lebron is probably going to stay and D-Wade, Bosh will not be signed back unless he's willing to play for 9-10 a year. He is in no way shape or form getting paid 17-20 a year to hit open jumpers and grab 6 boards a game. He will also have more trade value than Wade at that time, he's going to be the guy too go.
doesn't play what? Ryan Anderson is putting up starter numbers coming off the bench. Dude plays plenty and is incredibly productive.

You might know such things if you got off the internet and watched some basketball

Dude!.....He plays for the Hornets.

And like I said he gives you NOTHING defensively. At least he doesn't when I see him play but I'm not gonna pretend like I'm zealously watching Hornets games
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If Ryan Anderson went to the Heat, this would be the 5 worst defenders on the team (In order of terribleness):

1. Ryan Anderson
2. Pat Riley
3. Eric Spolestra
4. Bob McAdoo
5. Keith Askins
If Ryan Anderson went to the Heat, this would be the 5 worst defenders on the team (In order of terribleness):

1. Ryan Anderson
2. Pat Riley
3. Eric Spolestra
4. Bob McAdoo
5. Keith Askins


Thank you Dre

Thats what dudes dont understand.

Defense is half the game!

Guys that dont understand this, you're the guys I hate playing pick up with :lol:
Bosh isn't a great defender either. He's not even the best rim protector on the team. He struggles playing extended minutes at C. His value defensively comes form being a 7 footer that can step out on the perimeter, disrupt and rotate. Hell even his pick and roll defense has been incredible shaky this season. Watch any of the Knicks games and son looks lost out there.

Offensively he's been relegated to pretty much a safety valve for Wade and Lebron. And he plays that role very well.
doesn't play defense :lol:

That's funny because i never remember ANYONE calling bosh a good defender until he got to a team with other great defenders and a coach who inforced it. Bosh is not a player who's going to shut anyone down.

He plays good team defense which i feel anyone on that list (Outside of Z-bo & maybe anderson due to physical limitations) Would be able to do RIGHT now.

I initially made the list based off players who if we switched right now could easily do what Chris Bosh does for the HEAT. Even if we were to go into who could realistically play for the heat you still have.

David Lee,

Who would all come much cheaper than Bosh would and would all keep the heat as contenders. If Miami got to summer 2014 and felt that bosh needed to be traded due to cap problems they can call any of these teams grab said player and a draft pick or two and not miss a beat.

None of those guys are great defenders but can absolutely be adequate enough on the defensive end for the heat to win ball games.

I don't totally disagree with your post, but I don't think bringing stats from the 2nd round sweep is as relevant as the others. Kobe was pretty much playing on one knee at that point and had very few proficient scoring outputs for most of that season. Granted he had a terrible series and the Mavs clearly were doing something right on defense since they won the title that year, but I'm pretty sure if Kobe was healthy he would have posted better #'s.

Then you missed my entire point. :lol:

Prior to that Playoff series, Kobe averaged far worse numbers against the Mavs than he did in that Playoff series. If he was hurt to an extent, fine, but he still played well.
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