Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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Looks like Sacramento will be digging up the plans from 2010 and start from there for designing the new arena.

I hope they keep the retractable roof 


I didn't know you guys were trying to have a retractable roof. Is it just other events that the arena would be for or would other teams be in the plans for moving in?
I have no clue 
 but I know Sacramento is hoping for an expansion MLS team down the road so I could definitely see that since most MLS stadiums only sit 15-20k, and also (pls don't laugh) but its been mentioned before that if this thing gets built they want to maybe throw in a winter Olympics bid with Tahoe in 2022 or 2026.

Also Sacramento has no outdoor concert/entertainment venue, the nearest one is about 30-40 minutes north of Sac, so maybe having the option to take the roof off is a plus for that as well... actually this seems like the most likely answer 

regardless the arena term sheet will be submitted tomorrow and be voted upon by city council (should pass 7-2) and then sent of to the NBA the following day.

I'm honestly shocked that KJ has been able to get all this done so amazingly quickly. 
Rck is it official now? The Kings are gone? Didn't Kevin Johnson get some investors? We're way past the march deadline
Damn Chris Paul complains alot. Dudes team is up by 15 and hes complaining about how he got scratched :smh:
Srs question was cp3 dad in his life? Cuz dude act like a straight female. The crying n complaining then the flopping over exaggerated faling. Straight reminds me of when me n my sister argue n fought as kids
D-Will been balling the past month or 2, you can tell he's so much more healthier now. most people dug his grave way too soon. still a top 5 PG
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I hate that I like it.
I could almost hear you gritting your teeth when you typed that.

Damn Chris Paul complains alot. Dudes team is up by 15 and hes complaining about how he got scratched
I think sometime last month he was begging a ref to give someone on the other team a tech. I'm not exaggerating either, dude was LITERALLY begging the ref to T _'s up. Can't remember what team/player it was but **** was pathetic as hell for someone of his stature.
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I don't know were my mental state would be if we had Lin/Kmart/Parsons/Patterson/Asik.. prolly good enough for 12th seed..

Once again, Thanks Oklahoma for giving us beard..
Rck is it official now? The Kings are gone? Didn't Kevin Johnson get some investors? We're way past the march deadline
Kings staying or leaving is not official. KJ got investors (Mark Mastrov and Ron Burkle), it was announced a few weeks ago on the date he and Stern set as the deadline.

As I wrote a few posts up, the arena term sheet will be submitted to Sacramento City Council for them to vet and review, then on Tuesday 3/26 the city council will vote on it (expected to pass 7-2), then the following day the approve arena proposal will be sent off to the NBA for them to review in time for the April 3rd meeting. All in the meantime Mastrov/Burkle raise their bid, otherwise Sacramento has no shot

Here are some more renderings
Srs question was cp3 dad in his life? Cuz dude act like a straight female. The crying n complaining then the flopping over exaggerated faling. Straight reminds me of when me n my sister argue n fought as kids

Man idk but I really want someone on my team to check him. But I know its not gon happen since we got a bunch of softees and nice guys who are content with losing on this squad :smh:. I know YOLO woulda elbowed him outta the sky if he was playing right now tho lol
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The local rumor with KD is that it's a family issue, I don't know if I already posted it but allegedly his brother, Tony, is bleeding him dry ($) and he finally had to cut him off and there's a rift. And that's on top of the whole "his mom doesn't come to games anymore" thing, which rumor there was again that there was a family rift because she and his Grandma don't approve of his behavior (like the rapping) which is leading to the technicals (he is leading the NBA). All rumor, all gossip, other than that KD has admitted his Grandma texts him and tells him stop cussing.

I don't know, don't care. He just needs to play better and stop turning the ball over so much.

But his brother, Tony, who was never popular among Thunder fans is probably even less so now :lol:

He could be just tired and burnt out by the regular season and the number of minutes he is playing. He has played basketball for the last like 42 months straight with long playoff runs, olympic camps, olympics, lockout exhibition tour, and the NBA season.
any more info on the fan storming the court?

i read earlier in this thread (can't seem to find the post) about the fan tweeting about doing it and a football player is going to pay his fine? any more info?
The local rumor with KD is that it's a family issue, I don't know if I already posted it but allegedly his brother, Tony, is bleeding him dry ($) and he finally had to cut him off and there's a rift. And that's on top of the whole "his mom doesn't come to games anymore" thing, which rumor there was again that there was a family rift because she and his Grandma don't approve of his behavior (like the rapping) which is leading to the technicals (he is leading the NBA). All rumor, all gossip, other than that KD has admitted his Grandma texts him and tells him stop cussing.

I don't know, don't care. He just needs to play better and stop turning the ball over so much.

But his brother, Tony, who was never popular among Thunder fans is probably even less so now

He could be just tired and burnt out by the regular season and the number of minutes he is playing. He has played basketball for the last like 42 months straight with long playoff runs, olympic camps, olympics, lockout exhibition tour, and the NBA season.
Damn..KD been handing Lebron the MVP/Championship trophy with ease
[quote name="DatZNasty"]The local rumor with KD is that it's a family issue, I don't know if I already posted it but allegedly his brother, Tony, is bleeding him dry ($) and he finally had to cut him off and there's a rift. And that's on top of the whole "his mom doesn't come to games anymore" thing, which rumor there was again that there was a family rift because she and his Grandma don't approve of his behavior (like the rapping) which is leading to the technicals (he is leading the NBA). All rumor, all gossip, other than that KD has admitted his Grandma texts him and tells him stop cussing.

I don't know, don't care. He just needs to play better and stop turning the ball over so much.[/quote]Thanks for posting this. Had no idea. Makes me a little bit more of a KD fan now, because that sounds like a though situation.
His brother definitely comes off as a jackass (not as much as Westbrook's) but like I said, this is 100% gossip. BUt it's circulating the blogosphere.

Also, KD trying to be LeBron and seeming to be really into his stats as far as the 50-40-90 thing is an issue. Him passing isn't bad, it's just when he predecides he is going to pass, he attacks with a whole different posture that is obvious and he usually throws some terrible pass at Perkins or Collison's feet. Even if those dudes are open, 9 times out of 10 I'll take KD contested over 2 defenders than anybody else wide open, our bigs anyways.

Another great stat reference Brooks and the everlasting complaints about his lineups. Tonight,
In 20 minutes in when they (Thabo Sefolosha and Kendrick Perkins) were in the game together tonight, we shot 6-30 and 0-7 from 3. We were outscored in those 20 minutes by 18 points. Our offensive rating in those 20 minutes was a awful 63 points per 100 possessions, easily the lowest out of any 2 man lineup that played double digit minutes together tonight.

The Gasol's and last second tip ins against the Thunder

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