Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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Honestly, OKC has fallen to the ranks of mediocre. A huge change needs to go down. They need an all star to join forces....

Or a more robust playbook than KD or Russ iso, RD AND Russ pick and roll iso, KD off pin downs then gets pushed to damn near half court to recieve the ball with 6 seconds left on the clock.

Westbrook had 2tos, KD had 4. Your boy Randolph was 6 for 23 and he and Gasol combined for 10 turnovers. I don't see how a 1pt OT victory would really make you so confident.
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Looks like Sacramento will be digging up the plans from 2010 and start from there for designing the new arena.

I hope they keep the retractable roof 



I didn't know you guys were trying to have a retractable roof. Is it just other events that the arena would be for or would other teams be in the plans for moving in?
Talk about an overreaction. Average margin of victory over 9, best in the league, and they're mediocre.

That is very true though.
Those stats are garbage if you can't win a championship. Do you see them going all the way? As of now, I don't and I'm a huge fan. Doesn't mean I can't see obvious flaws. They have 0 ball movement, 0 play calling ,and a meh bench. The one on one offense that beats bad teams won't work come playoff time. They have obviously downgraded from last year and it'll show when it counts
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Or a more robust playbook than KD or Russ iso, RD AND Russ pick and roll iso, KD off pin downs then gets pushed to damn near half court to recieve the ball with 6 seconds left on the clock.

Exactly. This is why I mess with you. You're a thunder fan, but you're 100% with them.

KD has been in the strangest funk since the break.

Its like LeBron Thunderstuck his perimeter jump shot or something.

Scott Brooks has to go though.

He doesn't manage the game, match ups, offensive sets, momentum...

He just manages minutes,

that's all.

KD deserves better.

Julius F. Wrek

KD has been in the strangest funk since the break.

Its like LeBron Thunderstuck his perimeter jump shot or something.

Scott Brooks has to go though.

He doesn't manage the game, match ups, offensive sets, momentum...

He just manages minutes,

that's all.

KD deserves better.

Julius F. Wrek

and poorly at that

oh yeah, Derek Fisher went 0-4 tonight
The addition of fisher will remain a mystery here in OKC for years to come...... Why? What purpose? And don't me that "guidance, experience" garbage. He is walking worthlessness on the court.
God damn harden is missed. I had them coming out the west b4 the season started but I can see them struggling against most of the west teams in the playoffs. I hope they can get it together I really like the boy kd but russy is the gift n curse. Kd had a pretty bad game too also
Martin has scored in single digits in almost a quarter of the games played thus far.

When your 2nd option is as erratic as Westbrook, you need a REALLY good third option. I don't think Martin is that guy.
Is there no pressure from management to play Lamb, Brewer or Reggie Jackson?

No and our media is soft as ****. He got asked about why he wasn't playing Brewer once by Darnell Mayberry, who is the Thunder beat reporter who always trolls Westbrook (he hates him) and isn't scared to ask prodding questions but he is the only one, and his answer was, "There's not enough minutes, it's hard to play 10 guys, we just want to keep him ready," then we signed Fisher the next day and Brooks somehow has carved out like 15-20 SG minutes (most with Kevin Martin at the 3 which is just atrocious defensively) every game since for FIsher. Lamb or Brewer get extreme mop up duty, last night they checked it with 35 seconds left.

And no, I don't think there is any pressure from above on Brooks to do anything. Reggie Jackson is getting really good really fast too, shame he is losing minutes to a guy almost twice his age. Ditto Lamb, who is just sleepwalking in the NBDL dropping 30 with game winners.

DarnellMayberry: Scott Brooks on not calling the final 20-second timeout "We probably should have. There's no question. It was a bang-bang play."

And I am going to check on it (someone feel free to help me out), but I think Fisher is literally 0fer in games he played in that we lost
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This is why I need an OKC-MEM 2nd round. OKC plays to our strengths of forcing turnovers because Westbrook is so damn stupid lol. I'm really impressed with what Prince did with KD in the 4th quarter. Some great defense.

Not having Harden really helps us out a lot in a series.
I'll say this again. GMs across the league were dumb for letting my boy Prince rot for year in Detroit. Son is really one of those players you call a key piece in winning a chip like Tyson for the Mavs and I was saying they should've traded for dude when they had the chance. Can't even fully give MEM props for getting him cuz they were just looking to dump Rudy's contract.

Prince about to shine now though. Grizz gonna make it pretty ugly in the playoffs especially if Zach goes on a tear like last time.
To be fair, the franchise player was just as bad

True, it's just ridiculous 3 mins left in overtime, every possession counts, Westbrook has the ball with like 17 left on the shot clock and he pulls another "I think I'm going to get fouled so I'm going to throw up a shot and hit the backboard". I just don't know what he's thinking sometimes. It's just so damn odd.

Durant and Westbrook are becoming way to predictable, Datznasty said it, I've said it. Iso Durant, Iso Westbrook, P&R Westbrook, etc. It's playground basketball down the stretch. So predictable its becoming too easy to stop. Durant is a finesse player but this dude needs to bulk up, he plays way to frail and way to weak. Those mid-range contested shots along with the 30 foot pull ups are not going to work. In the off-season, Durant needs more time in the weight room than he needs on the court.

Brooks absolutely needs to go, whether its his fault or not. He doesn't control the team, he doesn't command respect.
No and our media is soft as ****. He got asked about why he wasn't playing Brewer once by Darnell Mayberry, who is the Thunder beat reporter who always trolls Westbrook (he hates him) and isn't scared to ask prodding questions but he is the only one, and his answer was, "There's not enough minutes, it's hard to play 10 guys, we just want to keep him ready," then we signed Fisher the next day and Brooks somehow has carved out like 15-20 SG minutes (most with Kevin Martin at the 3)

DarnellMayberry: Scott Brooks on not calling the final 20-second timeout "We probably should have. There's no question. It was a bang-bang play."
:rofl: this guy is a buffoon
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Something off the court has to be going on with KD, I just hope everything is ok. Never seen him this uninspired to play basketball before. Its actually quite troubling.
This guy is a legend, he tweeted he was going to do it, the cops saw the tweet, and still couldnt stop him. A Cleveland Browns player is paying his fine and bail
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