Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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What is this about? Does it mean something or he just felt like inventing his own sig dance?

Something off the court has to be going on with KD, I just hope everything is ok. Never seen him this uninspired to play basketball before. Its actually quite troubling.

I was sayin' this about a month ago.

The aggression with which he started the season ain't there.

Julius F. Wrek
EDIT: @ Antidope
It kinda seems like a notion for everyone to calm the **** down, I own this
At least thats how I look at it, i think its kinda cool tho >D
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EDIT: @ Antidope
It kinda seems like a notion for everyone to calm the **** down, I own this
At least thats how I look at it, i think its kinda cool tho
Oh no, its definitely cool as all hell, I just wanted to know what the meaning is behind it. Your theory makes a ton of sense and I'm running with it.
:smh: ESPN and their agenda to build up KD at Westbrook's expense is not cool. I don't like OKC or Westbrook, but showing all the times KD didn't get the ball in that is misleading and glosses over the fact that OKC lacks a reliable third scoring option and a competent coach.
That gif reminds me of this for some reason:


:lol: you can always tell who are the wresting fans by their gifs lol
Oh no, its definitely cool as all hell, I just wanted to know what the meaning is behind it. Your theory makes a ton of sense and I'm running with it.

N yea he only does it when he makes a clutch shot. And we all know how many ppl say he isnt clutch so he does it everytime he makes them big shots almost to tell them that. Now if he was doing after every shot then that would be dumb and arrogant lol
True, it's just ridiculous 3 mins left in overtime, every possession counts, Westbrook has the ball with like 17 left on the shot clock and he pulls another "I think I'm going to get fouled so I'm going to throw up a shot and hit the backboard". I just don't know what he's thinking sometimes. It's just so damn odd.

Durant and Westbrook are becoming way to predictable, Datznasty said it, I've said it. Iso Durant, Iso Westbrook, P&R Westbrook, etc. It's playground basketball down the stretch. So predictable its becoming too easy to stop. Durant is a finesse player but this dude needs to bulk up, he plays way to frail and way to weak. Those mid-range contested shots along with the 30 foot pull ups are not going to work. In the off-season, Durant needs more time in the weight room than he needs on the court.

Brooks absolutely needs to go, whether its his fault or not. He doesn't control the team, he doesn't command respect.

That bit about Durant I agree 100%. His finesse style isn't conducive to championship success in the long run imo and the loss of Harden really hurts them when the game on the line. If I was the Thunder I would trust Westbrook with the game on the line than Durant. The Game is just easier.

Westbrook however really does some things on the floor that are flat out unexplainable man :smh:
Talk about an overreaction. Average margin of victory over 9, best in the league, and they're mediocre.

That is very true though.
Those stats are garbage if you can't win a championship. Do you see them going all the way? As of now, I don't and I'm a huge fan. Doesn't mean I can't see obvious flaws. They have 0 ball movement, 0 play calling ,and a meh bench. The one on one offense that beats bad teams won't work come playoff time. They have obviously downgraded from last year and it'll show when it counts
Cool but all of that may be true and they're still not mediocre.
Plus when KD, Russ, and Martin are having bad night Ibaka only had 4 on 1/4 shooting. They need Ibaka to turn into some type of scorer. If they plan on beating the Heat he needs to match up with Bosh and possibly play better than him. And I'm looking at his game log I see some good games but he needs to step up. I know everyone bashes on how last year they got by w/o a big, but all this iso jumpshots will not help them long term.
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