Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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Yo... Stop it with this Kyrie = Arenas non sense.

He can play. Talks about sitting him came prior to this injury so just end all of this talk now. It just makes sense to shut him down. Get a better pick.
LOL local news here in Houston is reporting how deandre's dunk caused rumors on the net that B knight was dead :smh:
As if I needed more reasons to dislike Woj..
The message is clear to players everywhere, on every level: Run away. Hide. Don't try to take the charge. Don't try to disrupt the play. There's no reward. This is how backward the basketball culture has become, how twisted the value system.

For Brandon Knight, who had the guts to stand in there, there were prominent people writing that he had been raped and assaulted and killed on Sunday night in Los Angeles. Eight inches shorter and 80 pounds lighter, Knight understood the right thing is seldom ever the most popular. Brandon Knight didn't run and hide, didn't spare himself the humiliation.

The culture of this sport has never been so backward, never so twisted. Hell of a dunk out of DeAndre Jordan, but maybe the wrong player gets the ovation.
Give me a break...
I feel him though. He definitely went with alot of dramatics, but dude challenged the dunk, he did the right just didnt turn out well in his favor
I actually agree with Woj 90% of the time. And I do agree with him on that article as well.

It was a nasty dunk, not to take anything away from Jordan - but I respect Knight for willing to take the charge in that situation.
Ummm Woj is right tho. Take away the holier than thou essence of what he said and he is correct.

Athletes and sports commentators were saying he should have got out of the way and not tried to block it

I don't remember people saying Ewing should get out of pippens way for an easy lay up. The **** part of the game is that?

The face of the NBA went on twitter and said he would have gotten out of the way it's just 2 points. Feeds into some stereotypes brought up in white men can't jump. Is it bout looking good or playing rite?

Don't complain the next time someone you roots for doesnt make any attempt to take a charge or block a dunk

"The message is clear to players everywhere, on every level: Run away. Hide. Don't try to take the charge. Don't try to disrupt the play. There's no reward. This is how backward the basketball culture has become, how twisted the value system."

That is 100 percent truth ^.
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If you don't want to be humilatied then stay out the way but if you want to be foolish enough to try go right ahead and be posterized. I commend Knight for contributing how much greater the dunk became because he dared to stay in the way.

However, he gets no praise for doing it. To me it's just him being dumb. Not a big deal.

nothing has changed with the culture of NBA basketball. If you not a fellow big man or at least big enough to contest you probably shouldn't square up with a guy about to dunk. You should be going for the strip. Anybody who thinks Knight had a chance of blocking that shot is stupid. At best he could've fouled him hard enough for him to miss but he didn't even try that.
Also it's bigger than that. Why was a foul called? The league is basically saying, don't go up and make an attempt if the ball is in the air, because we want the highlight.
i got no prob with Woj giving credit for Knight attempting to play defense but miss me with giving the whole back story about the kinda guy Knight is and trying to look down on people for making light of the whole thing on social media, it's nowhere near that serious to be captain save a brandon

where was the article when Lebron jumped clean over John Lucas last season? Or Blake on Mozgov?
Woj has to be the most sanctimonious mainstream journalist working in major sports today. I sure hope the guy lives like a saint because he sure writes like he is one.
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i got no prob with Woj giving credit for Knight attempting to play defense but miss me with giving the whole back story about the kinda guy Knight is and trying to look down on people for making light of the whole thing on social media, it's nowhere near that serious to be captain save a brandon
Correct. Woj trying to stir up drama and clicks by aggrandizing this story to the "sad state of the NBA". Knight didn't have to run and hide... but it's been common knowledge since the first dunk.. if you're a tiny guard, there's a good chance you'll get dominated if you try to stop a big center. Credit to him for stepping up, but Woj's laments are incredibly hollow and exaggerated.
I can't believe what y'all are saying, your glad he tried to play defense it's common sense when you see certain ppl go AirBorn on ya just know to get out the way, not only do you get embarrassed but everyone will remember it for the rest of your career. Imagine how long his teammates gonna clown him for that. It's just certain cats in the league that sky walk and if you 6ft-6"6 chances are you have no shot at blocking!
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I think we can separate who's hooped competitively and who hasn't. You ALWAYS get out of the way when someone is about to take off on you. Especially when you're down by 20 on the road. Can't believe what I'm reading right now.
He fouled Jordan on the arm that's why a foul was called.

Knight attempted to break up the pass that's why he got dunked on not because he was trying to block the shot or because he has heart.

Players don't a make play/give up points for different reasons...not wanting to guest star in a poster,already in foul trouble, not wanting to get in foul trouble, not wanting to give up the 3 pt play, or just not having a reasonable shot at getting the block or wrapping the player up. That's how it's always been and will continue.

Nothing is worse than this.

But since it was KD no one really talked about it.
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