Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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John Wall > Tyreke > Me > Beasley

He doesnt deserve the max, but him and Beal are two GREAT pieces to build around.
I feel Wall and Tyreke got ****** over getting drafted into horrible situations.

Just another crop of players who are extremely talented but hasn't grown
as far as Kyrie Irving, he's looking like Gilbert Arenas reincarnated with all these injuries :smh:

Where is Agent Zero? I forgot the last team he was with that gave him a chance. Is he officially done now or is he somewhere in the d league or overseas trying to play himself in to a comeback? How old is he now?
I'm amazed at people actually encouraging knight to get out of the way. Don't understand the mockery.

Not trying. Guess its an NBA thing.

Including lebrom on twitter saying he would just give up the two points. Shameful as ****
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I'm amazed at people actually encouraging knight to get out of the way. Don't understand the mockery.

Not trying. Guess its an NBA thing.

Including twitter saying he would just give up the two points. Shameful as ****.

exactly, dude got my respect going up.

David vs Goliath, but like I said before, theres alot of 7 foot guys that wouldn't have jumped.

Brandon Knight is good with me. And I hope his coaches and teammates reiterated the respect
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Why do people hate Lebron so much for flopping but they give Chris Paul a pass? 

LeBron is absolutely villified, but Chris Paul is loved like crazy.
as far as Kyrie Irving, he's looking like Gilbert Arenas reincarnated with all these injuries :smh:

Where is Agent Zero? I forgot the last team he was with that gave him a chance. Is he officially done now or is he somewhere in the d league or overseas trying to play himself in to a comeback? How old is he now?
last team was memphis and he couldnt even dribble the ball passed halfcourt during the playoffs
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'i dont think he has the talent to deserve max money, his jumper leaves a lot to be desired and before this year I would say the same about his decision making and defense. This one up year isnt enough to warrant max money IMO, if he continues to trend up then maybe, but we can look around the league and see how many vastly superior PGs dont have max deals, so what in the world would make John Wall think he deserves one.

This isnt slander, just dont think he deserves max money, neither do Brandon Jennings or Josh Smith.

John Wall has a much better chance of getting max money but these players are severely overvaluing themselves if they think they'll find anyone willing to pay them that much.

Wall has a lot to prove before getting a deal near the max - I doubt his actual number comes close to that.
Why do people hate Lebron so much for flopping but they give Chris Paul a pass? 
LeBron is absolutely villified, but Chris Paul is loved like crazy.

You never heard people make fun of flop city?

The heliflopter cp does?

Just cuz lebron gets hated on more doesn't mean CP and the clippers don't get routinely roasted. The team hasn't been as bad this year to be fair. But cp has always been a known annoying flopper

It doesn't help that lebron is a damn line backer. He supposed to be this mammoth giant but he's flopping all over. At least CP is small
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If we're talking players that deserve, ask, or want a max contract: John Wall deserves it way more than Gordon on defensive effort alone.
Answer me this: How many NBA players deserve every dollar on their contract?

Depends on how much the owner is making off them

Honestly you are worth whatever someone is willing to pay you

I only have a problem if the player doesn't try and gets fat like eddy curry. Never hate on amare for his contract
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Yeah I heard of Flop City, but it's usually Blake Griffin that's the sacrifical lamb. 
CP3 is currently the master flopper in the NBA. Hate to say it cuz he's my fav pg but it's true.

Plenty vids been posted about his flopping prowess.
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My take is that as of right now, this moment, Wall doesn't deserve a max contract. Can he fulfill that burden with his play over the course of the deal? Yes, I believe so. Improve the J and AST/TO ratio. Bring in more pieces to surround Wall and Beal.
My take is that as of right now, this moment, Wall doesn't deserve a max contract. Can he fulfill that burden with his play over the course of the deal? Yes, I believe so. Improve the J and AST/TO ratio. Bring in more pieces to surround Wall and Beal.
I don't think anybody is arguing against that. It's all that Wall slander, saying he is garbage and doesn't have much potential.I think everybody agrees he has to improve a lot. Only like the top 7 or 8 pgs in the league deserve a max deal

Him saying he deserves the max warrants ppl saying he doesn't (same with Josh Smith) but he'll probably get it anyway coming off his current contract.
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