Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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If I'm OKC and the Martin experiment does not work, I'll look to move him at the deadline for Al Jefferson in some kinda package deal. Allow Lamb to work his way into the rotation and roll with that.
If I'm OKC and the Martin experiment does not work, I'll look to move him at the deadline for Al Jefferson in some kinda package deal. Allow Lamb to work his way into the rotation and roll with that.

I do like the Al Jeff for OKC, but they had a better chance to move Harden for Jefferson.
I do like the Al Jeff for OKC, but they had a better chance to move Harden for Jefferson.

I guess they felt like Utah didn't have the better assets outside of the primary player (2 1sts and Lamb). Or should I say, Utah was probably not willing to part with their other assets.

If they wait and make the deal with Utah, they can keep Lamb, but they may have to trade away one of those 1sts, since Jefferson is considered more valuable. Both are expirings at the end of the day. Then, maybe they can find someone to take Perk off their hands, which is unlikely.
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:lol: at thinking that is filling in for James Harden..

Maynor will play 12-13 minutes.. And a P&R with Maynor and Collison is LAUGHABLE..

Kevin Martin does not drive to the basket often.. Which means he will not produce in a similar fashion as Harden..

Also Kevin Martin is not remotely good as Harden is at defense.. And Harden isn't an elite defender.. So that shows you what Martin is.

Not to mention within a few months Kevin will miss a long stretch of games..

The 4th will be a lot of long 2s and 3s..

Kevin Martin shot 594 FT's in 2010-2011 (his last full season)....which was good enough to lead the league in FT's
That was when the league still called that Durant "rip through" move. Now they stopped calling that and only give the "pump fake and jump into the guy" call to superstars.

Point being, he did that under a completely different set of rules
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Kevin Martin shot 594 FT's in 2010-2011 (his last full season)....which was good enough to lead the league in FT's

And Kobe used to be a high flying dunker.. is that how we still scout him.

Look at the stats of last year.... Half the shots.. And even if you double his shot attempts, he would have only shot half the FTs he did the year before..

Injuries matter, injuries change games, and injuries change people.

John Hollinger: "Martin took 259 shots at the rim in 2010-11. Last season he took 63. Yes, he played half as many minutes, but even after adjusting for the playing time this was a staggering decline. After a season in which he outscored every shooting guard in the league on a per-minute basis, Martin spent much of 2011-12 as a spot-up shooter. His prolific free-throw rate cratered too -- from 8.4 a game to just 4.5 -- and as a result Martin's normally phenomenal true shooting percentage was pretty ordinary last season. "

Also look at the type of play he's been known for, one on one.. Not much cutting.. But Kevin Martin has one of the best shot fakes in the league that will get defenders to bite...

How much one on one, is Kevin Martin going to get on a team with Durant, Westbrook and even Ibaka
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So when somebody says that KMart doesnt get to the line, and I PROVE that he does, all of a sudden its because of the rules. Maybe dude just does get to the line. Over his career he averages 348 FTA's per season. You can only play under what the rules at the time are, and over the last 10 years he has been able to get to the line an average of 348 times per season, and got there 669 times in 2011. Even last year, he was injured and still got there 5 times a game (which isnt spectacular, but def isnt terrible)
An exhausted Kevin Garnett asked Celtics head coach Doc Rivers last night during Boston's latest loss if it would be okay if he limits his defensive effort to intimidating glares and screams directed in the general direction of the opponent.

"I honestly don't know how many more times I can run up and down the court," said Garnett. "At least not without a rest in between. It's like, 90-something feet, I think. And they want you to do it over and over and over again."

Garnett, a 17-year NBA veteran, says he is confident he can intimidate the man he is guarding while sitting in the lane, waiting for the Celtics to return on offense.

"I've been perfecting my glare for almost 20 years," he said, going into an elaborate glaring, screaming and flexing routine that lasted nearly five minutes. "My glare can bore a hole right through the back of a man's head. Even from 90-feet away, which is where I will be sitting or, more likely, laying."

While Rivers admits that age and the wear and tear of more than 1,300 NBA games has caught up to his once-athletic and energetic star, he is not quite ready to allow Garnett to sit on the court through half of every game.

"I think he just needs to be smarter with how he uses his energy at his age," says Rivers. "Maybe if he didn't tire himself out so much screaming and flexing and punching his chest, he'd have enough left in the tank to still, you know, contribute as a basketball player."

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH," Garnett said regarding his coach's suggestion, punching his chest, most likely signifying that he did not agree with what Rivers had to say.

So when somebody says that KMart doesnt get to the line, and I PROVE that he does, all of a sudden its because of the rules. Maybe dude just does get to the line. Over his career he averages 348 FTA's per season. You can only play under what the rules at the time are, and over the last 10 years he has been able to get to the line an average of 348 times per season, and got there 669 times in 2011. Even last year, he was injured and still got there 5 times a game (which isnt spectacular, but def isnt terrible)

Kobe used to do 360 windmills getting off the ground well....

We're talking about the past year... Not what he did 2 years ago, 3 years ago, 4 years ago.

You think I didn't double check the stats his entire career...

But now he isn't the 1st option.. The second option.. And maybe not the 3rd option.

He's a one on one player... Which is not going to happen much with the Thunder... When you have two superstars who like one on one play.

His usage percent will go down.. His shots will go down... And he will have to play without the ball as opposed to with it..

But sure he's going to get the ball and dribble for 10 seconds pump fake and draw the foul.. Because that's going to make Durant and Westbrook happy
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So when somebody says that KMart doesnt get to the line, and I PROVE that he does, all of a sudden its because of the rules. Maybe dude just does get to the line. Over his career he averages 348 FTA's per season. You can only play under what the rules at the time are, and over the last 10 years he has been able to get to the line an average of 348 times per season, and got there 669 times in 2011. Even last year, he was injured and still got there 5 times a game (which isnt spectacular, but def isnt terrible)

Kobe used to do 360 windmills getting off the ground well....

We're talking about the past year... Not what he did 2 years ago, 3 years ago, 4 years ago.

You think I didn't double check the stats his entire career...

But now he isn't the 1st option.. The second option.. And maybe not the 3rd option.

He's a one on one player... Which is not going to happen much with the Thunder... When you have two superstars who like one on one play.

His usage percent will go down.. His shots will go down... And he will have to play without the ball as opposed to with it..

But sure he's going to get the ball and dribble for 10 seconds pump fake and draw the foul.. Because that's going to make Durant and Westbrook happy

Ok, so he got to the line 669 times 2 years ago. Then was injured last would it be unrealistic to expect him to get to the line 300 times this year? I mean thats cutting his 2011 stats by more than half. Nobody is expecting him to shoot almost 700 FT's this year, but just to get to the line as his opportunities allow him. And he will be a DANGEROUS shooter on the wing if you put him on the floor with Westbrook and Durant
Some of you PM'ed me saying the group was locked. I fixed the setting. On default it was locked, not sure why they did that. But I fixed it. The group is Public so you don't even have to put in the PW. Enjoy. Get your team in there fellas.

For those of you who aren't big fans of traditional fantasy (like me) I used to play a game that was based on the Efficiency Rating (not PER). It used to be called Virtual GM, then they changed the name to NBA Fastbreak. ESPN axed the game some years ago but now it is back. Basically you set your team each week and you accumulate points (efficiency). Each player has a value and it increases/decreases depending on his performances. - Link to my group. Password is wwf.

There is a rules section for anyone that is interested. It is fun. Glad it is back.
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