Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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The last 20 posts of this thread has helped determine who we should pay attention to in NBA discussions, and who we should ignore.
I woke up this morning with a smile on my face because I knew that the NBA Is back
That's crazy to think about. Who knows where all the guys that the Clippers signed this offseason would be, CP3 would be a Laker, Nash probably a Raptor, Gasol and I don't remember who else would be Rockets, Kevin Martin, Scola and one of the Rockets 1st rounders this year would be Hornets, and who knows what happens with Dwight if the Lakers didn't end up having the money for him.

Don't forget that the draft would've been vastly different also. Crazy stuff.
The Thunder will NOT keep Kevin Martin for the whole year. Especially if he doesn't play well/gets injured early.

They'll flip his expiring for veteran help off the bench around late December/early January.
Yo far and away the dumbest thing in the history of civilization is race, and racism. We're all the same. Who cares if someone is a different color than you? It doesn't get much pettier than that.

That's literally like saying "Oh I don't like him because he wears red tee's all the time and my favorite color is blue" But I forgot, they do that too...

Anyways, hyped to see O.J. tomorrow night on primetime :pimp: He hasn't had an opportunity like this since he's been in the League.

I literally just copied and pasted this to facebook, repped man...I always love a good rant
Who the **** cares if all that's being asked by them from the Thunder and Sixers is to go in and score the basketball?

Filling the void of James Harden isn't simply scoring the basketball. You can't be that empty in the head.

If anything, it's Lamb, and letting him develop a few years down the line.

So you dont think James Harden HAD to do the ball handling because Eric Maynor was hurt. If Maynor is healthy, then you dont need Martin to make plays for everybody else
:lol: at thinking that is filling in for James Harden..

Maynor will play 12-13 minutes.. And a P&R with Maynor and Collison is LAUGHABLE..

Kevin Martin does not drive to the basket often.. Which means he will not produce in a similar fashion as Harden..

Also Kevin Martin is not remotely good as Harden is at defense.. And Harden isn't an elite defender.. So that shows you what Martin is.

Not to mention within a few months Kevin will miss a long stretch of games..

The 4th will be a lot of long 2s and 3s..

Kevin Martin shot 594 FT's in 2010-2011 (his last full season)....which was good enough to lead the league in FT's
anyone think the knicks can start the season 0-3 with all those injuries?

Kobe, STAT, ginobili, dirk, curry out. guess its better to start now than it being late feb-march
I know I'm late but how is European not "white"? :lol: I'll give you Barea and Rubio but Nash? Dirk is not white?? If you had a starting 5 with a Jamaican, Haitian, Nigerian, Ethiopian , and Ben Gordon would that not be an all black team? I don't agree with that guys article but c'mon man
Isn't that one of Harden's strengths and what made him so valuable to the team? Being able to distribute and hard to stop when attacking the basket? I'm sorry, but its a lot different when Harden has the ball in his hands compared to Maynor and/or Martin.

Imagine you remember how hard it was stopping Harden in the pick and roll because of how versatile he was? Now, imagine Maynor being put in the same role. Do you really think Maynor is going to cause the attention Harden did when he was on the court? Do you think the Thunder needed another guy running off screens to replace Harden or another playmaker that can score as well?

This will really change the dynamics of how OKC plays and there is no way you can deny that. To simply think everything is going to be fine and dandy doesn't make sense. If anything, the ball will be in Russy's hands A LOT more.
So you dont think James Harden HAD to do the ball handling because Eric Maynor was hurt. If Maynor is healthy, then you dont need Martin to make plays for everybody else

Shhhh....don't tell anybody this. They still don't seem to get it. Had Maynor not gotten injured and they actually had a backup point guard, Harden would have been mostly a spot up shooter the way he was in his first two years and on the Olympic team.
good luck with martin and his prone to injury status :smh: Lamb is the only one imo that's gonna develop well for OKC down the bout an easier trip to the finals for the lakers :rofl:
So you dont think James Harden HAD to do the ball handling because Eric Maynor was hurt. If Maynor is healthy, then you dont need Martin to make plays for everybody else

Shhhh....don't tell anybody this. They still don't seem to get it. Had Maynor not gotten injured and they actually had a backup point guard, Harden would have been mostly a spot up shooter the way he was in his first two years and on the Olympic team.

And they also dont get that KevMart led the league in FTA's 2 years ago....
Who the **** cares if all that's being asked by them from the Thunder and Sixers is to go in and score the basketball?

Filling the void of James Harden isn't simply scoring the basketball. You can't be that empty in the head.

If anything, it's Lamb, and letting him develop a few years down the line.

So you dont think James Harden HAD to do the ball handling because Eric Maynor was hurt. If Maynor is healthy, then you dont need Martin to make plays for everybody else
He's also bigger, more athletic, and thusly finishes and gets to the lane (and ft line) better. Maynor runs the pick and roll better than average don't get me wrong, but 2 man game with Collison or whomever is vastly different. There was a stat, James Harden scored on 52% of his pick and roll possessions which lead the NBA. And yes, even when Maynor was healthy and in this short preseason, it wasn't uncommon for James to still run the point and Maynor to play off the ball, which would have been valuable for us since he is a great spot up 3pt shooter. I did like Maynor's chemistry with Pj3 though in the preseason

Speaking of Harden's pick and roll brilliance and 2 man game with Collison, it'll be interesting to see how much of that is utilized in Houston. I don't think Asik has the hands of a Collison or Ibaka, nor is as athletic or even clever. He just screens, then loafs back towards the basket. I think as a result, James will be trying to score those more often, Parsons and Jones will learn how to play with him though. Start in the corner and when James takes that screen, cut late and you get a lob or a dropoff pass for a dunk.

Best video I can find, mastery
So, When is League Pass Broadband going to stop being a white screen? Or is this just my problem?
I love Harden's game, but damn homey. Hope he has funny wearing the WNBA unis & winning about 30-35 games with no first round picks...He got some dough though...Losing sucks...He took his talents to H-Town...:wink:
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Celtics forward Kevin Garnett said today that he will refuse to take the court with Jason Terry for Boston's regular season opener because "Terry is a goddam traitor."

Boston signed Terry in mid-July to replace Ray Allen who left to join the Miami Heat.

"I am nothing if not consistent with my hatreds and grudges," snarled Garnett. "I already made it clear how I felt about Ray. How is Jason any different, any better? He won a championship in Dallas, and then two years later he leaves because he thinks he has a better opportunity elsewhere? Nah, f—k that. And f—k him. I can't play with a man I can't trust."

Garnett's declaration on the day of Boston's season opener leaves head coach Doc Rivers with some lineup problems.

"I guess I'll only be able to put Jason on the floor when Kevin is out of the game and vice versa," said Rivers. "At least until KG calms down. It will pass. I'm used to this sort of thing. He once told me he wouldn't step on the court because he had gotten a splinter earlier that day and didn't respect wood anymore. By the second quarter, we had tranquilized him and got him into the game."

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