Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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What exactly makes Kawhi Leonard a future star?

He's a good defender and he can shoot. Son is like Shane Battier 2.0.


A Star? No. Luol Dang maybe. That implies that he'll be an All Star which is still up for debate. I tend to think he won't be an All Star.
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For the record, when I mentioned NY trading Melo, I did not mean this year or even this offseason, I meant as his option was coming up.

I was speaking in terms of how to improve/fix NY going forward, not just this year. I should have worded that a little better.
Crawford said he's going to be better than MJ :lol:
They should have made him pee in a cup right after that statement.

It's hilarious how everyone is jumping ship on the Knicks after a stretch of 500 and that loss to the Pacers. They are no different than they were at the beginning of the season, they are just in a slump. It's not like anybody thought they were making it out of the east to begin with besides their hopefuls.

two months of .500 basketball and one month of great basketball to this point it's not a slump, the Knicks have a lot of issues esp from their PG play, lack of pick and rolls, and perimeter defense. Fans have every right to feel cautiously optimistic. Everyone outside of Melo and Tyson (who doesn't shoot) shoots a low percentage from the field and they have their ugly moments vs good perimeter defensive teams.
Dudes in here saying OKC isn't the same team?

I guess that's accurate, they got better from last season :lol:

Kevin Durant and Russell Westbrook are better, the Thunder as a whole are not. Shut down one of these dudes in the playoffs, Thunder are in trouble, big trouble.

Spurs are a regular season team? They were two games away from the finals last year, if it wasn't for the added pressure of trying to defend James Harden, the Spurs go to the finals. James Harden saved that series.

I don't want to see the Thunder in the finals anyways, they can't match up with the Heat. They got punked last year, embarrassed this year. The Heat own them, and that's not changing anytime soon. Spurs are the only team that would challenge the Heat, especially if they move the ball like they did last night.

Who are we kidding tho, might as well give Miami the trophy.

Yup. Look what happen in last years finals. Harden pulled a houdini. :smh:

Funny seeing some of the comments are from Lakers and Bulls fans. :lol:
^Word that statement wasn't saying much. OJ aint even an all star. I can see Kiwi being an all star. I can tell his system with TP, Manu, and Timmy around though and when they don't play it's all Pop's system with Neal and Green producing as well. So we shall see the next 4 years. I like his game but not sure he'll be headlining Spurs games.
The Knicks suck right now but the world isn't falling an 82 game season and we are still in 2nd place in the conference. They need to hit their stride quick, no denying that but there are a lot of teams that have issues right now that are far worse than ours.\

Trade Melo, you love posting nonsense about the Knicks :lol:
I'm sayin' I'm actually very happy he kept this out of the Knicks thread. Still dwelling on Donnie Walsh's plan :lol: 2nd seed in the East, hovering around top 5 best record in the league and son is talking about how to fix this team. As if every playoff team doesn't have major flaws. Talking about trading Melo for young pieces so we can move forward. Forward to what? Definitely not championship contention.

Donnie Walsh failed, that was the end of his chapter. He aint get LeBron here and he overpaid STAT. So I don't really want to hear about w/e his plan was. Dolan had to force him to make the Melo deal apparently and looking at the team now I would not go back in time and change that. This team as is has a 3 year window for contending, it's all on them now, coaching changes won't work, nor will minor bench player roster changes and there isn't a trade deal out there even for Melo that'll keep us where we are now in hopes of getting where we want to be. After Melo, Tyson, and Amar'e's contracts are up then you can talk about fixing this team. Right now we working with Glen Grunwald's plan, get with the program.

Mitch aint the Knicks GM so there's no plausible way to "fix" the team after this season. So unless you didn't know the contract situation for our players I don't even know what you was trying to discover with that question

@CP I'd agree with you about the big man glut but that is far from the case. Woodson still has yet to really reach that problem of who to play big man wise. Sheed and Camby haven't played since December and at this point I'd say keep resting them until April and then go with who is most productive in the playoffs. We've seen problems with who should play more with the back court but we just got rid of Brewer so Shump will most likely get more minutes unquestioned and maybe Woody will stop running Kidd in to the ground.
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See I think healthy Stat woulda worked nice, Stat at the 5, Melo at the 4, JR at the 3, Kidd 2, Felton boom. Today's spread the floor and play game.

But when you go Chandler, Stat, Melo, JR and then either/or Kidd/Felton Stat sticks out like a sore thumb to me. For whatever reason, this lineup just doesn't sit right with me. I can't tell if it's Stat, or JR or the PG's, I don't know.


Like ya'll said, still the 2 seed with time to get right, that ain't bad at all.
Knicks are not going to trade Melo. Lets get real.

James Dolan doesn't care about winning championships, he cares about having the Knicks in the playoffs, and having a "star" face behind that. Melo was our rebound, after we sacrificed 3 years of basketball to sign LeBron James. He's going nowhere. Stats not going anywhere because no one wants that contract. This is the team the Knicks are going to have for the next 3-4 years.

They're not winning a championship anytime between that window but realistically who can besides the Heat and Thunder within the next 4 years?

Knicks have to ride with what we have and get the best from them. Hope that Carmelo doesn't shoot 30 shots to get 20 points, play inspired, play our heart out, and play some defense. But lately that's exactly what we have been doing, and that must change.
Kawaii is good but I don't see the offensive talent in him. I know hes young but hes not quite the shooter or slasher imo.
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For the record, when I mentioned NY trading Melo, I did not mean this year or even this offseason, I meant as his option was coming up.

I was speaking in terms of how to improve/fix NY going forward, not just this year. I should have worded that a little better.

You're never allowed to complain about the trolls again for that.
Thanks bro. I'm partial to 82 games and Basketball reference but ever since you put me on Vorped I go there first. I love the shot chart feature, I use those nonstop in discussions.

Just saw this on twitter they wont let my man Bostrich live, I feel like this is shopped though.
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That's not a bad peak at all

Maybe he will be what Prince was supposed to be
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