Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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I hear you...the situation is kinda like when Marcus Vick was poppin' off at the mouth about his brother. Mike Vick cleared the air in the days following. I don't have any doubts that Rose is 100% committed to the Bulls....but he should put his brother in check. The problem is that this is also his manager.
the finger should be pointed at Derrick Rose and his brother doe. These are the same guys that didn't want to the Bulls to sign to Lebron James.
Dudes in here saying OKC isn't the same team?

I guess that's accurate, they got better from last season :lol:
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I dont think we will ever see the MVP split between two players. People would think it devalues the award especially this season where LeBrons contributions are on an unheard of level, people would say "To think that Tony Parker is on his level is absurd" and things of that nature.
true, but still if the season ended today, my vote goes to TP. Manu and Duncan have been battling injuries and TP is still leading the Spurs to victory.

Greg Popvich doe

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The Knicks suck right now but the world isn't falling an 82 game season and we are still in 2nd place in the conference. They need to hit their stride quick, no denying that but there are a lot of teams that have issues right now that are far worse than ours.\

Trade Melo, you love posting nonsense about the Knicks :lol:
numbers may say differently, but i don't think OKC is better w/o harden. wait until the playoffs
i think they are tbh, Kevin Martin and Westbrook fit much better than Harden and Westbrook, and KD is turning into a better all around player with him having the ball more in his hand. And also the Thunder have the Raptors first round pick

anyhow they get #1

but the team would've been better if they had dealt Westbrook instead of Harden
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Yup gotta wait until the post season is the real test. OKC is struggling a bit right now hopefully they can get over it soon with a W today.
Dudes in here saying OKC isn't the same team?

I guess that's accurate, they got better from last season
numbers may say differently, but i don't think OKC is better w/o harden. wait until the playoffs
This is precisely how I feel. The numbers arent telling the whole story in the case of OKC. There was a lot of advantages lost when Harden left and come playoff time they will become more apparent.
Interesting point, CP.

It may seem unfathomable, but trying to move Melo might be the key to getting this team better and younger pieces to move forward. There is NO ONE who is going to take STATs uninsured contract. The team is flawed beyond belief and the hot start to the season was nothing but a smokescreen. It's an absolute mess. This is not what Donnie Walsh was envisioning a few years back.

Huh their still a top 3 team in the east and have played really well against most of the upper echelon teams in the L. Now dudes are talking about trading Melo & Tyson is too old when he's having one of the better seasons of his career. Kidd & Felton are useless??

the team is going through a slump right now have been getting banged up they will get it together.

The only issue i have with this team is that they take wayyyyyyyyyyyy to many three point shots and Woodson is OK with it. he seems to have the trust of all the players but he needs to do better at controlling that shot selection. Come playoff time they will have a team that excluding any more injuries should be really warming up and gelling all the way. Sheed & Camby's presence and knowledge on defense are def going to have an impact on this team defensively including Kenyon Martin
and as far as OKC goes are they as much of a danger as they were to the heat last year NO. but as far as the rest of the west i still think they our the team to beat. Every important member of that team has improved and i believe that much in Russy & KD.Lebron may win regular season MVP but something is telling me KD is gonna have a historic playoff run this year.
I hear you...the situation is kinda like when Marcus Vick was poppin' off at the mouth about his brother. Mike Vick cleared the air in the days following. I don't have any doubts that Rose is 100% committed to the Bulls....but he should put his brother in check. The problem is that this is also his manager.
the finger should be pointed at Derrick Rose and his brother doe. These are the same guys that didn't want to the Bulls to sign to Lebron James.

Yeah so you're talking out of your ***.

Both him & LeBron went on record as saying Pooh text him to squash any of the rumors of him not wanting him there. Went on to say that he would love to play with him. So again... You're talking out of your ***.

Pooh has only stated he wants to be healthy, he wants to come back 110%, and that he's working as hard as he can to get back. His best friend & driver have each went on record speaking about how much he talks about wanting to be back. But he understands this is different from anything that he's ever experienced and this isn't high school anymore. He has to be certain.
numbers may say differently, but i don't think OKC is better w/o harden. wait until the playoffs
Kevin Martin and Westbrook fit much better than Harden and Westbrook

I don't see that at all. When Harden was there he could play Point and Westbrook would play more SG which is his natural position. Harden was the best distributor on the team. Their offense flowed a lot better last year. They'll still make the finals cuz Durant is just that good but they were better built to win a ring with Harden. Has Kevin Martin ever been in the playoffs?
Huh their still a top 3 team in the east and have played really well against most of the upper echelon teams in the L. Now dudes are talking about trading Melo & Tyson is too old when he's having one of the better seasons of his career. Kidd & Felton are useless??

the team is going through a slump right now have been getting banged up they will get it together.

The only issue i have with this team is that they take wayyyyyyyyyyyy to many three point shots and Woodson is OK with it. he seems to have the trust of all the players but he needs to do better at controlling that shot selection. Come playoff time they will have a team that excluding any more injuries should be really warming up and gelling all the way. Sheed & Camby's presence and knowledge on defense are def going to have an impact on this team defensively including Kenyon Martin

Thanks for pointing out that they are top-3 in the East. I don't think anyone knew that.

If you can't see the flaws with this team, then I don't know what to tell you. They have 2 months to get their stuff together, or else it's going to be the same song and dance when they eventually get bounced outta the first round. As they stand right now, I don't think anyone is fearing a matchup w/ the Knicks. They are old and it's showing. Also...look at you putting all that faith in 3 guys who's combined age is around 120 years old. C'mon man...this isn't the same Sheed, Camby, or K-Mart from 10 years ago.

Anyways....regarding the bulls, I came across this on Yahoo

I was listening to ESPN 1000 in Chicago yesterday following Reggie's comments and they just couldn't hold back on defending the team. When Lebron had "the decision" the Bulls had asked Derrick to make some calls in their behalf to try and sway some of the bigger named free agents to come to Chicago, which he refused to do stating he could win it all by himself. Now his coat-tail riding brother is mouthing off ignoring the fact that they're in this situation bc Derrick chose to do nothing. And why would they go after anybody this year when Derrick's rehabbing his knee and fear has him staying sidelined? I know everybody heals differently, but I'd bet if he doesn't get back on the court this year, he'll finish out his contract and go play second fiddle to another star and try to win a title somewhere else. I hope I'm proven wrong on that last one though

I'm asking you all because I really don't know...but is there truth to D-Rose refusing to place calls to help him/Bulls out during free agency a few years back?



Just saw Cake posted this:

Yeah so you're talking out of your ***.

Both him & LeBron went on record as saying Pooh text him to squash any of the rumors of him not wanting him there. Went on to say that he would love to play with him. So again... You're talking out of your ***.

Pooh has only stated he wants to be healthy, he wants to come back 110%, and that he's working as hard as he can to get back. His best friend & driver have each went on record speaking about how much he talks about wanting to be back. But he understands this is different from anything that he's ever experienced and this isn't high school anymore. He has to be certain.
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Durant, Westbrook and Ibaka are all better than last season. But their potential peak is much, much lower with no Harden because everyone else on the team doesn't move the needle much (well Perkins moves the needle, just in the direction you don't want). And then there's Brooks.
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[h1]Kevin Garnett Slapped Jordan Crawford In The Head During a Pickup Game Two Years Ago[/h1]
Posted by Brian Robb on Feb 22, 2013

Jordan Crawford should be joining his new Celtic teammates sometime on their Western road trip today or tomorrow once all the paperwork is ironed out. He arrives in town with a lot of “baggage” and some fun stories as well, such as the one from Michael Lee of the Washington Post a couple years ago when Crawford said he wanted to be better than Michael Jordan. Here’s Lee’s report:

“I don’t tell nobody, but I feel like I can be better than Michael Jordan,” Crawford said, without the slightest hint of sarcasm. “When I’m done playing, I don’t want people to say, Michael Jordan is the best player. I want that to be me. That’s how I am. That’s how I was built.”

Um, what? You realize people will look at you sideways and think you’re crazy for saying that, right?

“Yeah, I know that, I definitely know that. But I’m not settling for anything less,” Crawford said. “I feel like I’m better than him, anyway. My mom is going to say I’m better than him.”

As Doc Rivers said yesterday to reporters, “the good and bad thing is his confidence.” However, when it comes to Crawford stories, that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Remember that time KG slapped Crawford in the back of the head back in 2011 during a pickup game? Yes, that really happened.

As Boston Herald sports reporter and all-around good guy Dan Duggan pointed out today on Twitter, back in 2011 during the lockout KG and Crawford had a bit of a run-in on the court in which Adrian Wojnarowski of Yahoo! Sports covered during a feature focused on Ricky Rubio in November 2011.

On this day, everyone was still buzzing over Washington Wizards guard Jordan Crawford’s mistake of talking too much to Garnett a day earlier. When Boston Celtics teammate Paul Pierce tried to do Crawford a favor and push him away, Crawford urged Pierce to let K.G. go.

“I thought they were just kidding,” Rubio says, and maybe Crawford did too.

There are hard lessons to be learned in this league, lockout or not lockout. Eventually, Garnett reminded Crawford about that with a smack upside his head, a reminder to Crawford, Rubio and the rest of them: Elders will be respected.

Garnett has a history of initiating European players in the NBA, and one witness in the gym had recently watched him respond to a Rubio move with the ball by barking, “That’s a travel here. We don’t do that [expletive] here.” And on and on.

God bless KG. In all seriousness though, the fact he’s familiar with him as well as Pierce in these pickup games, means they were undoubtedly consulted about such a move at the deadline. They think Crawford can help them. We’ll find out soon if they are right on that.
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I hope Crawford is out of the league in the next 2 years. Son dunks on Lebron while he's in college and all of a sudden the kid thinks he's God's gift to the world. Child please.
Dudes in here saying OKC isn't the same team?

I guess that's accurate, they got better from last season :lol:

Kevin Durant and Russell Westbrook are better, the Thunder as a whole are not. Shut down one of these dudes in the playoffs, Thunder are in trouble, big trouble.

Spurs are a regular season team? They were two games away from the finals last year, if it wasn't for the added pressure of trying to defend James Harden, the Spurs go to the finals. James Harden saved that series.

I don't want to see the Thunder in the finals anyways, they can't match up with the Heat. They got punked last year, embarrassed this year. The Heat own them, and that's not changing anytime soon. Spurs are the only team that would challenge the Heat, especially if they move the ball like they did last night.

Who are we kidding tho, might as well give Miami the trophy.
Durant, Westbrook and Ibaka are all better than last season. But their potential peak is much, much lower with no Harden because everyone else on the team doesn't move the needle much (well Perkins moves the needle, just in the direction you don't want). And then there's Brooks.
this.. durant, westbrook and ibaka all improved..

obviously the ceiling is higher with harden than without him.. he allowed the thunder to do a number of things, mainly as was mentioned above, because of his passing ability westbrook could play off the ball.. and the fact that the thunder had very little drop off when KD and westbrook would go to the bench (essentially we always had an all-star in the game with 1 of those 3 out there).. and the magic harden and collison had in the pick n roll..

but i still think what the thunder truly need is a klay thompson like player (or in a perfect world a ray allen), someone who can help with the spacing issues the thunder sometimes experience... martin obviously is good with this, but he cant defend for his life and can go missing for large stretches of the game.. and thabo can hit 3s, but i think he lacks confidence in actually taking the shot most of the time

hopefully lamb can give us the best blend of everything.. being that primary guy off the bench and someone defenses have to account for when playing with KD and russ
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If before the season started someone would tell me the Knicks would be the 2nd best team in the East and the leader in the Atlantic division i wouldnt believe them.

We're just in a pretty bad slump right now. We'll get out of it. As long as we're hot going into the playoffs.
Crawford said he's going to be better than MJ :lol:
They should have made him pee in a cup right after that statement.

It's hilarious how everyone is jumping ship on the Knicks after a stretch of 500 and that loss to the Pacers. They are no different than they were at the beginning of the season, they are just in a slump. It's not like anybody thought they were making it out of the east to begin with besides their hopefuls.
Knicks prob gonna finish 3-5 seed, second half of the season is gonna be brutal on them.
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